Stagg Supranationalism and Devolution

By jcstagg
  • U.S./Great Britain Devoution

    U.S./Great Britain Devoution
    Original Region- British Empire
    Type- The British let go of the colonies for economic reasons.
    Countries Created- U.S. and U.K.
    History/ Explanation- Britian willingly withdrew because they could not afford the cost of supporting the colonies. Also, they wanted to gain the U.S. as a trading partner.
  • Triple Entente (T.E.)

    Triple Entente (T.E.)
    Countries- Great Britain, France, and Russia
    Type- Political/Military
    Purpose- Their main goal was to keep Germany and the Triple Alliance from taking over Europe during WWI.They also made a peace agreement so they would not attack each other.
  • Ireland/Great Britain Devolution

    Ireland/Great Britain Devolution
    Type- They split because of cultural reasons.
    Countries Created- Ierland and U.K.
    History/Explanation- The Irish broke away from Great Britain because they were Catholic and Britain were Protestant. The Irish did not want to be ruled by Protestants so they broke away from Great Britain.
  • United Nations (UN)

    United Nations (UN)
    Countries- 191 States total, including major powers U.S., U.K., and France.
    Type- They were formed for Political and Military reasons
    Purpose- To foster international security and cooperation by uniting all of the worlds states and their militaries. The UN's goal is to prevent major conflicts like World War II.
  • European Union (EU)

    European Union (EU)
    Countries- Most European countries including U.K., Germany, Italy, and France.
    Type- The EU was formed for economic reasons.
    Purpose- To unify European states and introduce the Euro, a common currancy used throughout Europe. This makes trade easier between members. Also they removed tariffs which allows them to trade with each other without being taxed. This helps them save money and make more money off their products.
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
    Countries- Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Qatar, U.A.E., Suadia Arabia, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Venezuela, and Indonesia.
    Type- Formed for economic reasons.
    Purpose- To unify major oil exporting countries to control supply and price.
  • Islamic Conference Organization (ICO)

    Islamic Conference Organization (ICO)
    Countries- 33 states including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia.
    Type- Formed for cultural reasons.
    Purpose- Aims at promoting Islamic solidarity by coordinating social, economic, scientific, and cultural activities. Their goal is to unite Islamic states by creating events for them to attend in harmony.
  • Soviet Union Devolution

    Soviet Union Devolution
    Type- Political/Economic
    Explaination- As communism was failing in the Soviet Union, countries in Eastern Europe begin to realize that they want independence. The reason these countries want to split from the Soviet Union is because because of communism their econom is bad and their people are starving. Since communism is failing and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev wants Russia to change, he lets these countries leave willingly.
  • Hawaii and Puerto Rico/U.S. Devolution

    Hawaii and Puerto Rico/U.S. Devolution
    Type- Military
    History/Explanation- The U.S, wants to hold on to Hawaii and Puerto Rico for economic and military purposes. The U.S. wants these areas for military bases and money from tourism. These regions make enough money to survive as their own state. The reason Hawaii and Puerto Rico don't leave the U.S. is because the U.S. has a strong military and can protect these regions from invaders who would attack if the U.S.gave the up. For this reason they are only granted autonomy.
  • U.K./Scotland Devolution

    U.K./Scotland Devolution
    Type- Economic
    History/Explaination- Scotland wants independence from the U.K. because with the money they make from oil and natural gas they could survive on their own. The U.K. does not want to give up Scotland because they occupy the North Sea region. This is where all of the U.K.'s oil and natural gas reserves are located. Because of this Scotland is only granted autonomy.