Spain restoration and Civil War

  • Sandhurst Pronunciamiento

    Sandhurst Pronunciamiento
    Antonio Canovas del Castillo wrote a manifiesto, signed in Sandhurst, where promised a constitutional goverment
  • Period: to

    The period of Restoration by Alfonso XII

    This period was made posibible by two processes:
    -The political manoeuvering of Antonio Canovasde Castillo, the
    leader of the conservative party, that helped achive the queen

    Isabella ll´s abdication in favor of her son Alfonso Xll
    -Through a pronunciamiento (military revolution) by general Martinez
  • PSOE was founded

    PSOE was founded
    The Spanish Socialist Workers´ Party (PSOE) was founded by Pablo Iglesias in 1879 and was consolidated by the huge surge in the labour movement during this period.
  • Period: to

    THe regency of Maria Chirstina

    After the death of Alfonso XII in 1885, the Restoration was mantained by the Regency of Maria Chistina (1885-1902) while her son , Alphonso XIII , was still a child
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    Catalan nacionalism demanded official status for the Catalan languaje, the establishment of Catalan political parties and courts, and Catalan autonomy.
    In1892, its proporsal were declared in the Bases de Maresa, written by Prat de Riba
    Some of these bases are:
    Base 3. The Catalan languaje shall be the only official languaje used in Catalonia and in the relations of this region with the central goverment
    Base 7. Legislative power shall be held by Catalan Cortes.
  • Trety of Paris (1898)

    Trety of Paris (1898)
    The US declarated the war on Spain after the sinking of US battleship in the Havana Habour in April of 1898, acussing Spain of having caused blast.
    War erupter in the Pacific ( the filipines) and the Atlantic (Cuba and Puerto Rico). In both Conflicts, Spanis fleet were destroyed. Spanish was forces to sing the 1898 treaty of Paris were they reconised the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philipines.
  • Period: to

    Alfonso XII

    Alfonso XII acceded to the throne in 1902 in a political envorioment characterised by the crisis of Cánovas de Castillo´s political system, the influence of regenerationism and the death of Cánovas (1897) and Sagasta (1903). When studying, historians usually look at two stages, divivided by the crisis of 1917
  • Tragic week of 1909

    Tragic week of 1909
    In this period was a main proble was the war against Moroco. The treaty signed at the Algeciras Conference (1906) divided Moroco into two protectorates: Ones in the north of Moroco under French control and the other in the south under Spanish control.
    Spanish ocupation of its protectorates led to a war with the inhabitans of the Rif, a war in 1909 This set off a violent protest in Barcelona , wich became know as the tragic week of 1909. T
  • Disater of Annual

    Disater of Annual
    Abroad, Spain suffered a brutal defeat in the Rif war against Moroco in what was know as the Disaster at Annual, resulting in10000 death and widespread plublic commotion, negatively influencing public opinion.
    This was followede by a coup déta by General Primo Rivera on 13 September 1923, who imposed a dictatorship supported by the king.
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo Rivera

    The dictatorship of primo rivera went though two stages:
    The military Directory (1923-1925). In this stage, Primo de Rivera suspended the constitution, disolved the Cortes, prohibited political parties, suppressed the labour movement and defeated the Moroccans after the Ahucemas landing(1925)
    The civil Directory(1925-1930). The military in Moroco and the economic boom of the1920s helped Primo de Rivera maintain power until 1930
    In january of 1930, Primo de Rivera was foced to resing
  • Period: to

    The Second Republic

    After the second republic was proclaimed a provisional govermment was formed, made up of republicans, socialist and nacionalist who had elecctions for the Constituent Cortes in June 1931.
    The constituion of 1931, establised a wide of range rights a popular soveranity, separation of powers , universal male suffrage, regional autonomy and separations of church and state. It also defined spain as a "Republic of workers".
    The republic was divided in:
    Reformist Biennium
    Conservative Biennium
  • Period: to

    Reformist Biennium

    Once the constitution was approved, NIceto Alcala-Zamora was elected prsident of the republic, and Manuel Azaña led a coalition govermment made up of left-wing Republicans and socialist
    Azaña´s govermment was ambitus in this push for political reforms wich was designed to solve the societal problems of the period.
    The reforms were:
    Political reforms, military reforms, economy reforms, social reforms and cultural reforms
  • Proclamation of the Second Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Republic
    Alfonso XIII tried to go back to the parlamentary system, first with the Government of General Dámaso Berenguer and later with Admiral Aznar. However, the citiciens´ disapprobal of the king´s support for the dictatorship led to a significant Republicans victories in the 1931 municipal elections for several major cities. The king went to exile om 14 April 1931 an the second republic was proclaimed.
  • Period: to

    Conservative Biennium (1933-1936)

    The elections in1933 led a victori of the political right and centre.
    Rhe govermmetn was formed by the radical Republican Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux, who gained the parlamentary supprot of the Spamish acronomy Confederation of the autonomus rigth, a coalition of right parties.
    In this period occurred the Octuber Revolution of 1934
  • October revolution 1934

    October revolution 1934
    The govermment healted the majotity of the previus reforms, which led to an increase in strikes and more action by left-wing parties. This sparked in a revolution wich was, mot intense in Barcelona and Asturias.
    In Asturias, miners led a social revolution and besigned the city of Oviedo for two weeks.
    In Barcelona, the autonomus govermment proclaimed a Catalan State within the Spanish federal Republic. After the movemrnt was healted, the govermment disolve the Generalitat
  • Tragic Spiring of 1936

    Tragic Spiring of 1936
    The government, led by Manuel Azaña and later by Santiago Casare Quiroga, garanted amnesty for all political prisoners of the 1934 revolution and brought back the reforms thet had been halted during the conservative bienniun, in particular agrarian reform.
    Political violence reached its peak in what was know of the tragic spring of 1936, consisting of a wave of attacks and street violence betwwen staunch falagist, communist and anrchist activists.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    It spread througout Spain rural areas, yet failing the most indutralices urban areas. The cuontry was divided in Republicans and Nacionalist.
    In Spain the uprising was suported by Nacionalist, the church and the consevative people. The Republic was supported by the republicas, people with progresive mentality, and left parties.
    Abroad, countried decided dont participated in the war for no provocated another world war. In this moment, was created the

    Non-intevetion Committee was foremes
  • The bombing of Gernica

    The bombing of Gernica
    The objetive of the insurgents was to take Madrid. The resistance they encountered at the outkirts of Madrid, along with the defeats at the battles of Jarama(1936) and Guadalajara(1937), forced them to change their plans.
    The war moved to the Cantabrian coast and involved hars battles, as reflected by the bombing of Gernica by the Germany air foce´s Condor Legion on 26 april 1937. The German air force enable the insurgets to control key industrial and mining areas
  • Te end of the war

    Te end of the war
    After the bombing of Gernica, the war was moved to the Mediterranian, where the insurgents intended to divide the republicans zone in two. To prevent this form happening, the Republicans launched an offensive know as "The Battle of Ebro" in 1938 that led to many casualities on both sides.
    The insurgents advance, took Catalonia in1939 and entered Madrid with no resistance. The Civil War was ended on 1 April 1939