Spanish restoration imagen 1


  • The Sandhurst manifesto

    The Sandhurst manifesto
    Manifesto wrote by Canovas, made to archive political stability after the Queen Isabel's abdication, where he promised a constitutional goverment.
  • Period: to

    The Bourbon Restoration

    Period of time where monarchy was restored under the control of Alfonso XII of Bourbon. This restoration was made by 2 processes:
    - Thanks to the political manoeuvring of Cánovas, leader of the future Conservative Party, and writer of the Manifiesto of Sandhurst.
    -Thanks to the pronunciamiento (military revolution) by General Martínez Cmapos, where Alfonso XII was proclaimed king.
    After Alfonso XII's death the Restoration was maiteinned under the regency of Maria Christina.
  • Constitution of 1876

    Constitution of 1876
    Moderate constitution that established a broad range of rigths which could be restricted depending on the governing party. It shared soveraignty between the Cortes & the king, and established suffrage that depending on the party in power it could be universal or limited.
  • Foundation of the PSOE

    Foundation of the PSOE
    The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), wich didn't accept the electorial system of the Constitution of 1876, was founded in 1879 by Pablo Iglesias and was consodilated by the huge surge in the labor movement. That movement gained momentum thanks to the recognition of the rights to assembly and association by the Constitution of 1876 and the law on associations in 1887.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    Place where Catalan nationalism proposals; demandation for the Catalan language, the establishment of Catalan political parties and courts and Catalan automony, written by Prat de la Riba where declared. This declaration was known as one of the 2 tendencias that arose out of the centralist system of the Restoration
  • Foundation of PNV

    Foundation of PNV
    The Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) was founded in 1897, it was based by the Basque nationalism, made by Sabino Arana, that was Catholic and conservative, and defended regional charters and traditions. That nationalism was considered as one of the 2 tendencias that arose out of the centralist system of the Restoration.
  • The war between Spain and USA

    The war between Spain and USA
    The last lost colonies from Spain, Cuba and Philippines, get support of the US. After the sinking of the US Navy battleship Maine in 1898, Usa declered war to Spain. The war started in the Pacific ocean and Atlantic, finally Spain was defeated and obligated to sign the Treaty of Paris, where they declared the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines. The war caused a great crisis in Spain, leading to regenerationism; and intellectual movement that sought to solve the conunty's problems.
  • Period: to

    The reign of Alfonso XIII

    Alfonso XII became king in 1902, in a political environment full of
    the crisis of Cánovas del Castillo's political system, the influence of regenerationism and the death of Cánovas and Sagasta. This reiang is usally divided by 2 stages:
    -The contunued practice of party rotation (1902-1917); which tried,
    unsuccessfully, to end the despotism of the time and make social improvmentes
    -The crisis of the Cánovas system (1917-1923); crisis thet affected the militay, politics and society areas.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    During the continued practice of the party rotation (1902-1917), the main problem was the war against Morocco. The treaty signed at the Algeria Conference divided Morocco into 2 protectorates:
    - The north Morocco, under French control
    - The south Morocco, under Spain control
    The spanish occupation led to a war with the Rif inhabitants; in 1909 required reservists to be called. This set off violent protests in Barcelona, known as Tragic Week of 1909. Finally, pact of rotation was broken.
  • The Tragic Week of 1909

    The Tragic Week of 1909
    After the treaty signed in Algeria Conference, there was a war between Spain and the inhabitants of Rif; a war that caused the reservists to be called up, the majority of them were fathers. This caused a violent protests in Barcelona, known as The Tragic Week of 1909; that led the government to declare a stage of war in Barcelona.
  • Disaster at Annual

    Disaster at Annual
    After the crisis of 1917, during 1919-1923, Spain had a peiod of political decline and was foced to form unity governments made up of all parties. This govenment did last and faced foreing and domestic challenges :
    Abroad, Spain suffered a defeat against Morroco in the Rif War, disaster known as Disaster at Annual, causing 10000 deaths and widespread public opinion.
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    Primo de Rivera's dictatorship has 2 stages:
    - The Military Directory (1923-1925); Primo de Rivera suspended the Constitution, dissolved the Cortes, prohibited political parties, suppressed the labour movement and defeated the Moroccans after Alhucemas landing.
    - The Civil Directory (1925-1930); the victory in Marocco and the ecomonic boom of 1920s allow Primo de Rivera maintain power until 1930.
    In 1930, he was forced to resing besause of economic crisis and social and political pressure.
  • Municipal elections of 1931

    Municipal elections of 1931
    After Primo de Rivera resign, Alfonso XII tried to go back to the parliamentary system through different governments. However, citizens' disapproval of the king's support led to Republican victories in the municipal elections of 1931 for several major cities. Finally, on April of 1931 the king was exiled and the Second Republic was declared.
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    The Second Republic

    After the exile of Alfonso XII the Second Republic was declared. A provisional government, made up of Republicans, socialists and nationalists who held elections for the Constituent Cortes in June 1931. The winning parties made the Constitution of 1931:
    It established range of rights, popular sovereignty, separation of power, universal male & female suffrage and separation of state and church.
    Republic will have 3 stages; Reformist Biennum, Conservative Biennium and Popular front.
  • Period: to

    Reformist Biennium

    Once constitution was approved, Azaña led a government that made political reforms to solve societal problems:
    Polical reforms; Made political decentralisation
    Military reforms; reduce of militar officials, and made officials swear loyalty to Republicans
    Economic reforms; agrarian reform (1932), provate landholding were confiscated and gave to peasants and cooperatives
    Social reforms; improvemnet of labour conditions and reduction of church influence
    Cultural reforms; push for public education
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    Conservative Biennium

    The elections in 1933 were won by Radical Republican Party, who gained the support of CEDA. They halted the reforms, CEDA demanded position in the government. This led to October Revolution of 1934:
    In Asturias miners led a social revolution that government quashed by the help of Spanish army of Aflica.
    In Barcelona the autonomuos government done a Catalan State. After the movement the government dissolved the statues of autonomy and the Generalitat.
    In February 1936 a new election was formed.
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    The Spanish Civil War

    It was a military conflict, that would have repercussions in an economic crisis, that was unleashed in Spain after the partial failure of the coup d'état of July 17 and 18. After the blockade of the Strait and the subsequent airlift that transferred the rebel troops to mainland Spain in the last weeks of July, began a civil war that would end on April 1. In 1939 with the last part of the war signed by Francisco Franco, declaring his victory and establishing a dictatorship.
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    The Popular Front

    The new government established back the reforms that had been halted. This actions led to a growing political radicalism between left and right parties. Political violence increase in the Tragic Spring of 1936, consisting on attacks and street violence between falangist, communist & activists. The conservative army decided to end Republic through a coup d'état, led by General Emilio Mola.
    The assassination of José Calvo Sotelo in Madrid on 13 July 1936 started a military insurrection.
  • The bombing of Guernika

    The bombing of Guernika
    After the defeats at battles of Jarama and Guadalajara the war moved to the Cantabrian coast and involved harsh battles, as reflected by the bombing of Guernika by the German air force's Condor Legion on 26 April 1937. The German air force enabled the insurgents to control key industrial and mining areas.