• The Sandhurst manifiesto

    Through the political manoeuvring of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, the leader of the future Conservative Party, wich helped achieve Queen Isabella abdication in favour of her son Alfonso XII, the support of the bourgeoisie an the army, anxious for political stability. On Dicember 1874 a manifiesto , signed in Sandhurst , where he promised a constitutional government.
  • Period: to

    The Bourbon restoration

    In 1875 the monarchy was restores under Alfonso XII of Bourbon, son of Isabela II. The political system during the Restoration rested on two fundamental pillars: The constitution of 1876 and the practise of rotation in power of the political powers
  • Constitution of 1876

    The constitution of 1876 was a moderate constitution, flexble enough to allow any party to govern without the need to change it. It established a broad range of rights, wich could be restricted depending on the governing party. It also shared sovereignty between the Cortes and the king, and established suffrage, wich could either be universal or limited depending on the party in power.
  • Foundation of the PSOE

    Foundation of the PSOE
    The spanish workers party was founded by Pablo Iglesias in 1879 and was consolidated by the huge surge in the labour movement during this period.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    Catalan nacionalism demanded official status for the catalan language, the establishment of Catalan political parties and courts, and Catalan autonomy. In 1892, its proporsals were declared in the Bases de manresa, written by Prat de la Riba.
  • Foundation of PNV

    Foundation of PNV
    Basque nacionalism, driven by Sabino Arana, was Catholic and conservative, and defended regional characters and traditions. In 1897, the Basque Nacionalist Party(PNV) was founded.
  • The War between Spain and USA

    The War between Spain and USA
    The rebels of the Spanish colonies had the support of the United states. The US declared the war on Spain after the sinking of the US Navy battleship Marine in the Havana Harbour in April of 1898, accusing Spain of having caused the blast. War erupted in the Pacific and the Atlantic. In both conflicts, Spanish fleets were destroyed by the US. Spain was forced to sign the 1898 Treaty of Paris, where they recognised the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
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    The reign of Alfonso XIII

    Alfonso XIII acceded to the throne in 1902 in a political environment characterised by the crisis of Cánovas del Castillos political system, the influence of regenerationism and the deaths of Cánovas and Sagasta.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    The main problem of this period was the War against Marocco. The treaty signed at Algeciras Conference divided Marocco into two protectorates: one in the north of Marocco under French control and the other un the south under the Spanish control.
  • The tragic Week of 1909

    The tragic Week of 1909
    Spanish occupation of its protectorate led to a war with the inhabitants of the Rif; a war that in 1909 required reservists to be called up, the majority of the whom were fathers. This set off violence protests in Barcelona, wich became known as the Tragic Week of 1909. The harsh repression by Maura´s conservative government caused the liberals to break their pact of rotation with him.
  • Disaster of Annual

    Disaster of Annual
    Abroad, Spain suffered a brutal defeat in th Rif War against Morocco in what was known as the Disaster at Annual, resulting in 10000 deaths and widespread public commotion, negatively influencing public opinion.
  • Period: to

    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera went through two stages, wich had two different goverments. DUring the military Directory, he suspended the constitution, dissolved the Cortes and prohibited political parties. During the Civil DIrectory, the military victory in Morocco and th economic boom of the 1920s helped him maintain power until 1930
  • Municipal elections of 1931

    Municipal elections of 1931
    After the Second Republic was proclaimed, a provisional government was formed, made up of Republicans, socialist and nacionalists who held elections for the Constituent Cortes in June 1931. The left-wing parties won a majority and drafted a new constitution.
  • Period: to

    The Second Republic

    After the Second Republic was proclaimed, a provisional government was formed, made up by Republicans, socialist, and nacionalist who held elections for the Constituent Cortes in June 1931. The new constitution established a wide range of rights and popular sovereignty, separation of powers,universal male and female suffrage.
  • Period: to

    Reformist Biennium

    Once the constitution was approved, Nieto Alcalá-Zamora was elected president of the Republic, and Manuel Azaña led a coalition goverment made up of left-wing Republicans and socialist. During that new period there were some political reforms, military reforms such as reducing the number of military officials, economic reforms in wich the Cortes enacted an agrarian reform programme, social reforms in wich the labour conditions for workers improved, and cultural reforms creating 10000 schools.
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    Conservative Biennium

    The elctions in 1933 led to a victory of the political right and centre. The government was formed by the centrist Radical Repubican Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux, who gained the parliamentary support of the Spanish Confederation of The Autonomous Right. The new goverment halted the majority of the previous reforms, wich led to an increase in strikes and more actions by left-wing parties. Dissatisfaction among the left, led to yet another election in February 1936. The Popular Front won it.
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    The Spanish Civil War

    The country was divided intontwo zones, the Republican zone and the Nacionalist zone, and the military coup turned into a long Civil War. In Spain, the uprising was supported by conservative soldiers, landowners, high bourgeoisie, monarchists, Carlist and many Catholics. On the other hand, the legal authority of the Republic was supported by soldiers with a progressive mentality, landless peasants, Republicans, and left-wing parties.This war ended on 1 April 1939.
  • The bombing of Guernika

    The bombing of Guernika
    During the Civil War, the war moved to the Cantabrian coast and involved harsh battles, as reflected by the bombing of Gernika by the German air force´s Condor Legion on 26 April 1937.