Social Media Disruptions

  • Women's March

    The day after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, many women organized walks to protest the sexist things that he had said. Many women used social media to organize marches both within the United States and internationally.
  • March For Science

    Just a few months after the women's march, Donald Trump is at it again. Despite research done by experts, Trump lets everybody know that global warming is fake. The march was started due to a reddit thread where users discussed the removal of global warming information from the White House website. One user suggested that there was a need for a march on science in Washington and it snowballed from there.
  • DACA Protests

    You'll never guess who was the catalyst in starting this protest. Thats right, Donald Trump. Trump decides to do away with some of the Obama era policy helping out children of immigrants. #DACA trends on twitter and calls many to action in protests across the country.
  • March For Our Lives

    After several school shootings and plenty of gun violence have plagued the nation, one of the largest protests in the country's history erupts. Protesters used social media to spread the message of gun regulation and control to an enormous audience.
  • Telegramgate

    Online conversations between Puerto Rico's Governor Ricardo Rosello and his staff are leaked. This wouldn't be a problem if the messages weren't racist and vulgar. Puerto Ricans take to the streets as well as social media with the hashtag "RickyRenuncia" telling the governor to resign. After over a million people participate in the protest, Rosello resigns.