Snapshot of Abby's Life

By aatonal
  • Open Your Eyes

    Open Your Eyes
    I was born on March 6th 1999. I had two brothers and two parents along with other family waiting for me when I traveled home.
  • Hey There

    Hey There
    My sister and I are very close. It was on this day that I met my best friend and the most annoying person ever.
  • Mom, Don't Leave Me

    Mom, Don't Leave Me
    This was my first day of kindergaden. I remember having to decorate my boot before the first day of school. I won the Most Gilttered Boot of my class
  • Don't Let Go!!!!

    Don't Let Go!!!!
    I would beg my parents not to let go of the back of my bike when I first started learning. I was terrified but eventually got the hang of it. Of course, after a few times the concret made contact with my face.
  • Hello, You're Tall

    Hello, You're Tall
    My first day of high school was terrifying seeing as I was new to the district. All I could think was how tall and confident the seniors were in comparison to me.
  • Pretty (K)Neat

    Pretty (K)Neat
    I absolutley love knitting and am grateful for the day that my friend asked me to go to club with her. I love being able to loose myself in my knitting and reciving my work after a while.