Sing With the Ming Dynasty

  • Jan 1, 1100


    Temujin Kahn Began to unite Mongal clans and conquer his rivals to gain power.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Nomatic Mongals

    Nomatic Mongals
    In Asia the Nomatic Mongals apeared as one of the most efficent military forces that created the largest asian empire in history.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Tenujin Becomes Gengish Kahn

    Tenujin Becomes Gengish Kahn
    After being succeesful in his conquests Temugin becomes the Gengish Kahn of Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1207

    Gengish Kahn

    Gengish Kahn
    Gengish Kahn, Gengish being the name Kahn being the title of a leader, led an army of mongals in conquering most of Asia soon hoping to conquer the world. Siege Warfare: War thats goal is to be able to conquer the other by force.
  • Jan 1, 1227

    The end of Gengish Kahn

    The end of Gengish Kahn
    Gengis Kahn died in asia.
  • Jan 1, 1235

    Kublai Kahn Conquest

    Kublai Kahn Conquest
    Kublai Kahn started a conquest on China which he was determined to finish and gain controll over China.
  • Jan 1, 1236

    The Golden Horde

    The Golden Horde
    The Golden Horde,a invading Mongal army, that conquered Russia, Poland Hungry And eastern Europe under the ruler batu, the grandson of Gengish Kahn.
  • Jan 1, 1260

    Kublai Kahn

    Kublai Kahn
    Kublai Kahn Became the emporer of the Mongal Empire after the death of the Emporer Batu.
  • Jan 1, 1260

    Mongals rule China

    Mongals rule China
    Mongals began to rule over china after Kublai Kahn's conquest was completed and had gaind complete control.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    The last Ruler of a Song Dynasty, A Dynasty that ruled from 960 to 1279, was defeated by Kublai Kahn who then founded the Yaun Dynasty and declared himself Emporer.
  • Jan 1, 1294

    Death of Kublai Kahn after power struggle

    Death of Kublai Kahn after power struggle
    Kublai Kahn died after the mongals left the empire to rebell against the falling economy and the power struggle it was causing in the empire.
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Morco Polo and his father returned home to venic from the journy to china and were captured during battle the same year.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black death,a devastating plague that wiped out most of Europe, Spred into asia and the middle east as well.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Yaun Dynasty Rebellion

    Yaun Dynasty Rebellion
    The Yaun Dynasty was rebelled by the chines factons because of the rais of taxes due to the falling economy that angered the people.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Defeat of the Mongals

    Defeat of the Mongals
    The Mongals were Defeated by a rebelle Chines army causing the Mongals to flee to Monchuria ending their reing in china which ended the Yaun Dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Ming China

    Ming China
    A power struggle occurs in the Ming Dynasty after the death of their founding emperor,Hongwo, died.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Forbiden City

    Forbiden City
    The Forbiden City was constructed for the Empoer,his family and the royal servents for protection from the outside world.
  • Dec 13, 1402


    The son of Hongwo,Yonglo, ruled Ming china for 22 years after the death of his father.
  • Jan 1, 1405

    Chinese Muslim Admril

    Chinese Muslim Admril
    A Muslim Chinese admril led 7 voyages around the Indian Ocean
    as far as 300 ships of 2 kinds treasure ships and trading ships to show chinas power to the world.
  • Jan 1, 1412

    Forbiden City constructed

    Forbiden City constructed
    Yonglo has the Forbiden city built in the new capital Beijing for the protection of his family and servants.
  • Jan 1, 1433

    New Ming Emperor

    New Ming Emperor
    A nw emperor of the Ming Dynasty the Muslim Chinese Adriml's,Zheng He, over sea voyages due to the cost and the need of protection on China's borders.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Sies of forieng trades

    Sies of forieng trades
    Ming police siesed all forieng trade into china trying to stop the over sea voyages out of china and succeeding.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Arival of Europeans

    Arival of Europeans
    The Europeans and Missionaries arive in china causing the decision to issolate the contry.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    American ceops

    American ceops
    American crops were brought over to China by forieng traders increasing the farming economy in China.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Decline of the Ming Dynasty

    Decline of the Ming Dynasty
    The Ming Dynasty began to decline after a few weak rulers took the thrown causing corruption in the dynasty to spread.
  • Matteo Ricci

    Matteo Ricci
    Matteo Ricci an Italian Jesuit Priest arrived inCHina to try and presurve the countrues by learning their ways and traditions.
  • Ming ruler taxes rais

    Ming ruler taxes rais
    Do to Ming rulers taxes rais and failure in farming famine and rebellion spread through the empire.
  • Ming China

    Ming China
    Ming China/Ming Dynasty was created by a peasnt Zhu Yuanzhang who defeated the mongals.
  • Manchu

    The Manchu attacked the Ming dynasty after sings of weakness began to show. Do to the invasion the Emperor killed himself to avoid being captured.
  • Begining of the end

    Begining of the end
    The begining of the last empire in China
  • The End

    The End
    The last Chinese empire ever seen.