
Corey Cordell AP World History 2020 Final Exam Timeline

  • 618

    Tang and Song dynasties

    Tang and Song dynasties
    The Tang dynasty started in roughly 618 and lasted through 906, and the Song dynasty started in 960 and lasted until 1279. These dynasties were known as the Golden Ages in Chinese history. During this time period China became one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world. Also during this time period the Chinese population increased greatly.
  • 750

    Abbasid Caliphate

    The Abbasid Caliphate lasted from 750 to 1258 which made it one of the longest and most influential Islamic dynasties. This was the golden age of Islamic culture. The major accomplishments of this time period was that they gained lot's of knowledge. For example, many libraries and scholarly buildings were established such as the house of wisdom. Also they learned a lot about astronomy, and scientific understanding.
  • 1200

    Mongol Empire

    Mongol Empire
    The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries. They were ruled by Genghis Khan, who was a power hungry leader who invaded nearby colonies for land. What was important during this time period was that they recognized the importance of trade. Also they acquired more technical knowledge in Mongolia from Chinese engineers, and they also learned about taxes. Also they were important because they protected the silk road, which was the biggest trade route throughout Asia.
  • 1206

    Delhi Sultanate

    The Delhi Sultanate was where 5 dynasties ruled over India. They were the Mamluk dynasty (1206–1290), the Khilji dynasty (1290–1320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414), the Sayyid dynasty (1414–1451), and the Lodi dynasty (1451–1526). It was an Islamic based dynasty that took control over large areas of India. This also brought lots of cultural diversity to India, and also spread different religions around.
  • 1235

    Mali Empire

    Mali Empire
    The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa that lasted from 1235 to 1670. The Empire was formed by Sundiata Keita. The Mali Empire quickly became the largest empire in West Africa. The Mali Empire acted as a middle trader between North Africa through the Sahara desert. They traded a lot of gold, salt, copper, ivory, and slaves. Because their empire was a center of trade in West Africa, they gained lots of money off of taxing trades.
  • 1279

    Yuan Dynasty

    The Yuan Dynasty lasted from 1279 to 1368. The Yuan Dynasty was the time period where China was under the rule of the Mongol Empire. This fell between the Song and Ming dynasties. This dynasty was established by Kublai Khan, and this was the shortest of the major Chinese dynasties. The reason that it fell was because after the death of Kublai Khan, the dynasty began to weaken, and Chinese rebel groups began to form to overthrow the Mongol rule.
  • 1299

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire started in 1299 and ended in 1922. The Ottoman Empire spanned over 600 years, and came to an end only when it was replaced by the Turkish Republic. The Ottomans lasted so long because Great Britain was waiting to fight them, because they were acting as a buffer to Russian expansion. The Ottomans were also known for their achievements in art, science and medicine.
  • 1300

    Mesoamerican Empires

    Mesoamerican Empires
    The Aztecs were discovered in South America roughly around the 1300's-1500's, and the Incas were discovered roughly around the 1400's-1500's. The Aztecs were known for their exceptional skills in agriculture, irrigation, cultivating of land, and their architecture, and their smarts in these subjects. For example they created chinampas which were floating pieces of land that were used to farm over the water. The Incas were also known for their road systems, farming, and calendars.
  • 1300

    European Renaissance

    The European Renaissance lasted from the 1300's to the 1600's. The Renaissance was a time for rebirth of culture, art, political, and economics. During this time period people began to spend more time doing things that they enjoyed such as art, or literature. Some major causes of the European Renaissance was the Bubonic Plague, because it made people realize that they wanted to spend their time doing something they enjoyed.
  • 1346

    Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    The Bubonic Plague lasted from 1346-1353. The Bubonic Plague is also knowns as the Black Death, and is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history. It occured in Eurasia and North Africa, and it killed up to 75-200 million people. It is said that it was created and spread due to fleas and rats that had it, that got onto travelling merchant ships.
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    The Ming Dynasty was in power from 1368 to 1644. This took place after the Yuan dynasty fell. During this time period, China's population doubled. This time period is known for their trade expansion into the West. Zhu Yuanzhang ruled the Ming dynasty, and he demanded many voyages. The voyages were the main thing they accomplished during this time period, as the ships were looking for new trade routes. The Ming dynasty was eventually overthrown.
  • 1400

    Age of Exploration

    Age of Exploration
    Lasted from the early 15th century to the early 17th century. During this time European ships began traveling around the world to search for new trading routes. This was one of the most important times in our history, because it lead to the discovery of the Americas, and many faster trade routes.Many portions of the unknown map were mapped out during this time.
  • 1492

    Spanish Colonial Empire

    Spanish Colonial Empire
    The Spanish Colonial Empire was founded in 1492. This empire was one of the largest in history, it expanded over the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America, and some of North America, including New Mexico, and Florida. This empire was also known as the Hispanic Monarchy. They became so powerful because they used all of their new resources from the newly colonized territories. South America was rich in timber and precious metals, which was used for lot's of money.
  • 1500

    Feudalism in Europe

    Feudalism in Europe
    Lasted from the 1500's to the 1850's. Feudalism was a system of class, where there was each individual rank, such as a social class. It involved legal, economic, military, and cultural customs. It was often used as a way to distribute land in exchange for service or labor. Feudalism was created because they had no form of social class.
  • 1500

    Mughal Empire

    The Mughal Empire lasted from the early 16th century to the mid 18th century. The Mughals had control over much of South Asia. The Empire was founded by Babur, who was from Central Asia. Before the Mughals, it was ruled by the Turks.
  • 1500

    Portuguese Trading Post Empire

    Portuguese Trading Post Empire
    The Portuguese Trading Post Empires lasted from the early 16th century to the early 17th centuries. These empires were built by the Portuguese. They were not used to control territory, they were used to control the trade routes. Because the Portuguese had control over these, and control over the trading routes, they forced merchant vessels to pay taxes at their trading sites.
  • 1500

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave Trade was were slave traders traded African slaves to the Americas. They often used the triangular trade route and the Middle Passage. This existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The main country doing this was Portugal, who was kidnapping Africans off of the West coast of Africa, and then they enslaved them and brought them back to Europe, then often times traded them to the Americas.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    The Reformation lasted from 1517 to 1648. The Reformation was a movement within Western Christianity that created a challenge for the churches. During this time period Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses, which got people to follow him and they challenged the church. People began believing that the church had to much power against the citizens.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    Tokugawa Shogunate
    Also known as the edo period, lasted from 1603 to 1867. This was a time of peace within Japan, and a time of economic growth. This was the final period of traditional Japanese government. The primary goal of this shogunate was to keep Christianity away from Japan. Due to this economic growth, it lead to a rise of the merchant class in Japan.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    The Qing Dynasty was the final imperial dynasty in China, lasting from 1644 to 1912. This was only the second time that China was not ruled by the Han people. Overall, the Qing dynasty had a well maintained military, and they used that strength to overthrow the Ming dynasty that succeeded them. This Dynasty thrived until the Opium wars in Britain. What lead to the fall of the Qing dynasty was the insane population growth, which lead to a shortage of food.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a European movement where they focused on science and thinking. During this time the most important person was Martin Luther, because he stood up against the protestant churches with his 95 theses. This was also known as the age of reason, and it was an intellectual and cultural movement. The Enlightenment took place from 1715 to 1789.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution started in 1760. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to the new manufacturing process in Europe and the United States. They began creating large factories to help speed up the creation of items. Agriculture became more industrialized and urban, railroads were created, and new machines such as the cotton gin were created to help speed up the creation of goods. This time period was so important in our history because it forever helped us increase our speed ofwork
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was from 1775 to 1783.The American Revolution was were the American patriots in the thirteen colonies defeated the British in the American Revolutionary war. With the assistance of France, the colonies of America won independence from Great Britain and established the United States of America. One of the main reasons the colonies got made at the British rule, was because they heavily taxed them because they needed money that they lost from the French and Indian war.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was from 1789 to 1799. The French Revolution was when the French citizens overthrew the monarchy and took control of the government. Napoleon Bonaparte was the person who lead the French Revolution. The French Revolution ended up failing because they failed to establish a stable government system.
  • Haitian Revolutions

    Haitian Revolutions
    The Haitian Revolutions were from 1791 to 1804. The Haitian Revolutions are often known as the most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. They rebelled, and not only ended slavery in Haiti, but also ended the French rule. Jean-Jacques lead the revolution.
  • Tanzimat Reforms

    Tanzimat Reforms
    The Tanzimat Reforms were from 1839 to 1876. The Tanzimat Reforms were carried out by the Ottoman Empire. They were educational, political, and economic reforms. They were an attempt to stop the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The Opium Wars were from 1839 to 1860. They were two wars that were fought between the Qing dynasty, and the British government around the mid 19th century. The war was triggered because of the British government's imposition of the opium trade upon China.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    The Taiping Rebellion was from 1850 to 1871. The Taiping Rebellion was a revolt against the Qing dynasty in China. It was fought due to religious differences. The main goal of the Taiping Rebellion was to combine Christianity in with the Golden Age of Chinese culture. The Taiping Rebellion was unsuccessful, because the Qing dynasty won the battle.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The Sepoy Mutiny was from 1857 to 1858. The Sepoy Mutiny was an uprising against the British rule in India in 1857. The Indian mutiny was an unsuccessful rebellion against the British rule. A major reason it was unsuccessful was because their cartridges had animal fats in them, and their culture did not like that. This lead to an increase of power in Britains East India Company.
  • Meiji Revolution

    Meiji Revolution
    The Meiji Revolution was in 1868. The Meiji Revolution was were the Tokugawa Shogun ruler lost his power, but he then regained his position. The emperor then took the name Meiji and created a powerful army and navy. The main cause of the Meiji Revolution was internal conflict in Japan at the time which created high tensions. Reuniting the emperor caused everyone to unify again in Japan.
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    The Scramble for Africa was from 1881 to 1914. The Scramble for Africa was a race for African colonization between many different European countries. During this time, there was an economical depression happening in Europe, and the most powerful countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain were losing money, so they looked for land in Africa. The countries involved were Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and Germany.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference was from 1884 to 1885. The Berlin Conference was a conference that regulated European colonization and trade in Africa. The Berlin Conference was important because it was used to talk about the colonization of Africa, and they set up guidelines in order to block out any conflict between the big European powers. Some of the countries that were involved in the conference were, The US, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Norway.