600 1450

That one timeline of 600C.E.-1450C.E.

  • 500

    -1000, W. Europe: Church Rises

    The church rises as a unifying institusion. It also had great religous, politcial, and economic power
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 1450

    Events of History

    Many events occurred and many important things existed over these year that were quite important, such as diseases, old civiliizations, people and trading systems. This Timeline should provide an overview of such things to help the common person understand the history throughout this timeline.
  • Jan 1, 627

    Tang Empire, "Flourishing Age"

    This Age was a peaceful and creative period in China. People in the empire would make different types of arts and crafts, such as bowls and rugs and on the writing aspect, citizens of China would write poems.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Islam: Muhammad Dies

    Muhammad died without leaving a successor or leadership guidelines. The Islamic civilisation is thrown into turmoil.
  • Jan 1, 700

    African Empires: Ghana Economy Change

    Ghana stopped raising cattle, sheep, and dates. Instead they began to trade Ivory, gold, and slaves.
  • Jan 1, 711

    Islam: Conquers Spain

    General Turiq Ibn Ziyad crosses over and conquers Spain. Islamic forces are soon stopped near France.
  • Apr 14, 726

    Byzantine: Destruction of Icons

    Byzantine Emperor Leo III orders all religious icons in the Byzantine Empire destroyed
  • Jan 1, 750

    Islam: Abbassid Religious Revolution

    They took control of the empire with a more religious base. The Arabs no longer controlled Islam.
  • Jan 1, 750

    -800, W. Europe: Charlemagne

    Reunited most of the Western Roman Empire in 800. Also helped set up a good government, and he also helped spread Chrirstianity througout Europe. He helped improve education which in turn helped other, future, empires to set themselves up.
  • Jan 1, 765

    Islam: Islam Splits

    The two major sects: Shi'ites and Sunni, go seperate ways. This is because of their disagreement with eachother's religious leadership.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    W. Europe: Feudalism

    A System where the local lords are given land and power by the king, under the lords were Knights and under the knights were Serfs, or peasants. In otherwords everyone in turn works for the King in one way or another.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    W. Europe: Vikings

    Scandinavian warriors that raided multiple European villages. Also they colonized Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland.
  • Apr 14, 1018

    Byzantine: Bulgaria joins

    The Byzantine Empire invades Bulgaria. Bulgaria becomes part of the Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    W. Europe: Great Schism

    The church breaks into differetn branched. This is because of different doctorines.
  • Jul 4, 1054

    Song Dynasty, Explosion in the Crab Nebula

    Song Dynasty, Explosion in the Crab Nebula
    The Crab Nebula or the "Guest star" was found by Chinese scientists. The star was reported to be seen for a few days in the sky. Now it is almost close to invisible to the naked eye.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    - 1 Jan 1065. Islam: The Turks Conquer Bagdad

    The Political and Religious seperation results in weakness and eventually decline.
  • Jan 1, 1076

    Song Empire, Wang Anshi resigned

    Song Empire, Wang Anshi resigned
    The Song Emperor tried to find a way to govern his people, so he made Wang Angshi to become the Prime Minister. Wang Anshi achieved great success with his reforms, but the people of the empire felt as if the reform happened to quickly. After that, Wang Anshi resigned from his job as Prime Minister.
  • Jan 1, 1076

    African Empires: Ghana Capture

    Ghana was captured by Muslims. Soon after they began to collapse.
  • Jan 1, 1088

    Song Dynasty, The Invention of the celestial clock

    Song Dynasty, The Invention of the celestial clock
    Su Song was famous for making clocks. He has even made a clock that was 40ft high, told time and showed the date, phase of the moon and the position of the stars!
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Islam/Middle Ages: Crusades

    Pope Urban's response to th Muslim's expansion and theri occupation of Jerusalem. Christian Knights took over cities lost ot the muslims. These crusades severly weaken the Islamic empire. European interest in foreign goods increase, stimulating trade growth.
  • Jan 1, 1127

    Song Dynasty, The Fall of the Song Dynasty

    The Jin army invaded the Northen Song Empire. The Northern Song Empire's army was weak and defenseless, so that part of the empire collapse. Then the Southern Song Empire fell down with it after they sought help from the Mongols, but were only taken over by the Mongols.
  • Apr 14, 1190

    Mongol: Gengis Khan rises

    Mongol: Gengis Khan rises
    Temujin becomes king of the Mongols. He is known as Gengis Khan.
  • Apr 14, 1192

    Feudal Japan: Yoritomo becomes Shogun

    Feudal Japan: Yoritomo becomes Shogun
    Minamoto Yoritomo is appointed Shogun. Kamakura becomes political capital.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Song Dynasty, Foot Binding

    Song Dynasty, Foot Binding
    During this time, Women in China binded their foot, because it was tradition. Men would not marry a woman that didn't have feet that were binded. Women had a hard time working around the house being in this condition and the "tradition" made life for women harder.
  • Apr 14, 1204

    Byzantine: Constantinople Taken

    The Fourth Crusade leads to a Latin occupation of Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire is reduced to several contending states in outlying regions of its territories.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Delhi Sultanate, Qutubuddin Aibak is Governer

    Qutubuddin Aibak was the governer of Mohummad of Ghur. His son in law, Itutmish, took control of nobility right after Aibak's term.
  • Apr 14, 1206

    Mongol: Unification

    Gengis Khan unites all Mongol and Tatar tribes. Mongolia is united.
  • Apr 14, 1210

    Mongol: Xi Xia

    Gengis Khan takes over Xi Xia, adding it to Mongolia.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    W. Europe: Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta granted a number of civil, economic and legal rights to English lords and limited the power of te king. Also, it later influenced Western government documents such as England's Habeas Corpus Act and US Constitution.
  • Apr 14, 1215

    Mongol: Jin/Jurchen

    Gengis Khan conquers the kingdom of the Jin/Jurchen , adding it to Mongolia.
  • Apr 15, 1218

    Mongol: Kara-Khitai

    the Mongols conquer the kingdom of Kara-Khitai (Kitan/Liao)
  • Apr 15, 1219

    Mongol: Kwarizm/Khwarezmian

    The Mongol army conquers the Khwarizm/Khwarezmian empire
  • Apr 15, 1220

    Mongol: Merv

    the Mongols conquer Merv (Turkmenistan)
  • Apr 15, 1221

    Mongol: Herat

    the Mongols conquer Herat (Afghanistan), while an expedition led by Jebe and Subedei venture west into the Caucasus and Russia, signing a peace treaty with Venice
  • Apr 15, 1224

    Mongol: Khan's heirlooms

    Genghis Khan splits his empire into khanates ruled by his four sons Jochi (western part), Ogedei (southern Siberia and western Mongolia), Chaghatay (Transoxania and Kara-Khitai), Tolui (the traditional Mongol lands)
  • Apr 15, 1227

    Mongol: Khan's death

    Genghis Khan dies and is succeeded by Ogedei who rules over Chaghatay's khanate in West Turkestan, Tolui's Eastern Mongolia, Batu's Blue Horde in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, and Orda's White Horde in Kazakhstan
  • Apr 15, 1236

    Delhi Sultanate, Razia Begum

    During the Slave Dynasty, she took her father's role as Sultanate. She was the only woman to ever rule as Sultanate. Her father was Itutmish.
  • Jan 1, 1240

    African Empires: Mali Destroyed Ghana Capitol

    Sudiata destroyed the capitol of Ghana. They then took over Ghana's gold and salt trade.
  • Apr 14, 1247

    Feudal Japan: Mongols attempt invasion

    The Mongols attempt to invade Japan. They are unsuccessful.
  • Jan 1, 1248

    Muslim Lose Land

    The Mulsims lose most of Spain. All but the kingdom of Granada is lost.
  • Apr 12, 1253

    -1324, W. Europe: Marco Polo

    He and his family were the first europeans to travel to china. Then after living in China for 17 years became an important diplomat.
  • Apr 14, 1261

    Byzantine: Constantinople recovered

    Constantinople is recaptured by the Byzantine emperor Michael Palaeologus. It is again part of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Apr 14, 1281

    Feudal Japan: Mongols attempt invasion again

    The Mongols attempt again to invade Japan. They are again unsuccessful.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1290 to Dec 31, 1311

    Delhi Sultanate, Kahalji Dynasty

    Allaudin Khalji killed his uncle to get in the position of Sultanate. Khalji had a great army and was very powerful with the help from Malik Kafur.
  • Jan 1, 1320

    Delhi Sultanate, the rule of Mohammad bin Tughlaq

    Mohammad was nortoriously known for his innovations. He experimented with coins or a new currency and he moved the capital of Delhi, but both experiements failed,
  • Apr 14, 1333

    Feudal Japan: Emperor Go-Daigo restores imperial civil authority

    Emperor Go-Daigo defeats the Kamakura shogunate, restores imperial power, and moves the capital to Muromachi
  • Apr 14, 1336

    Feudal Japan: Ashika Takauji takes over

    Ashikaga Takauji captures Kyoto, and forces Go-Daigo to move to a southern court
  • Jan 1, 1340

    W. Europe: Bubonic Plague

    Pandemic disease brought from China to Europe on trade ships. 25 million people taken vistim to the plague, this caused labor shortages and helped bring an end to the feudal system.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Islam: Ibn Battuta

    Muslim scholor who traveled through West Africa, Middle Eats and India. His writing show there to be a muslim influence in those areas he explored.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1451 to Dec 31, 1526

    Delhi Sultanate, Lodi Dynasty

    Bahlul Lodi became Sultanate and his was the first Sultanate during this Dynasty. Towards the end of the dynasty, Rana Sangha, ruler of Mewar, opposed of the Lodis and asked Babur to help me defeat the Lodis.
  • Apr 14, 1453

    Byzantine: Ottomans take Byzantine

    Byzantine: Ottomans take Byzantine
    The Ottoman Empire takes over Constantinople, and rename it Istanbul. The Byzantine Empire has lost all of its land.
  • Jan 1, 1464

    African Empires: Sunni Ali

    Sunni Ali, a muslim leader, defeated Mali. He then became the leader of the West African Empire, otherwise known as Songhai.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Muslims Lose all Control of Spain

    Ferdinan and Isabella take back political control of Spain from Muslims.
  • African Empires: Endd of Great African Empires

    Morracco and Spain came and destroyed the last Great African Empires.
  • Tang Dynasty, Wu Zhao: The woman ruler

    Tang Dynasty, Wu Zhao: The woman ruler
    Wu Zhao delceared herslef a holy being and ruled China. She was described as an evil woman only because of her gender, During that time men in China thought of themselves having a higher status and so it was normal for men to think of women as less important people.
  • Byzantine: Muslims take territory

    Muslim armies conquer the southern territories of the Byzantine Empire (Syria, the Holy Land, Egypt, and Jordan)
  • Byzantine: Restoration of Icons

    Icons are restored to Orthodox worship; this is a triumph of the Byzantine church over the emperor
  • Tang Dynasty, Warlords take over

    The Tang dynasty collapsed by the hands of the warlords. The warlords caused centrilized control to vanish from China's government, because the regional commanders slipt of the control of land.
  • Byzantine: Constantine encourages recorded history

    Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos encourages the creation of encyclopedic works. He also encourages the compilation of historical writings.
  • Tang Dynasty, Han Yu wrote "Memorial on the Bone of Buddha"

    Han Yu was a famous writer during the Tang Dynasty. He wrote the "Memorial on the Bone of The Buddha." He wrote the memorial, because he was trying to suppress Budhism.
  • Islam: Muhammad returns to Mecca

    Muhammad returns to Mecca with his 10,000 followers. He takes control of Mecca to be the new center of the Muslim faith.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1270

    Song Dynasty, Development of the "Junk"

    Junks were made China during the Song Dynasty. These junks were ships that carried many people, foods, and goods. This was a great development during the time that the Song Empire lived in, because the junks made it easier for the citizens to move a large amount of items from one place to another.