Abbasids dynasty 750   1258 (ad)

Cometti Period 3 Timeline

  • Period: 300 to

    Period 3

  • 570


    He was the founder of Islam, and started a major movement in Europe and Asia. He started a large empire that conquered most of Eatsern Europe and Asia. He founded one of the universal religions of the world.
  • Dec 4, 661

    Umayyad Dynasty Begins

    Umayyad Dynasty Begins
    It was the second of the four caliphates. It was the great Muslim dynasty to rule the Islamic Empire. It helped expand the Islamiz empire even more.
  • Dec 4, 710

    Nara Period

    Nara Period
    This was when japan was more of a peaceful time, and everybody usually lived in small villages that practiced the same religion called Kami. This was when Japan was being influenced by Tang China.
  • Dec 3, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty Begins

    Abbasid Dynasty Begins
    The dynasty was formed from Islam. It's capital was Baghdad and they helped spread Islam throughout Africa and Europe. They adopted many technological innovations and they spread those innovations throughout their empire.
  • Dec 4, 1035

    Saljuq Control Over Abbasid Dynasty

    Saljuq Control Over Abbasid Dynasty
    They started invading the Abbasid Dynasty and they originated from the Turks. They took over the Abbasid Dynasty and ruled completely over Baghdad. They expanded and conquered a large amount of land in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East.
  • Dec 4, 1054

    Schism Between Eastern and Western Christian Church

    Schism Between Eastern and Western Christian Church
    It was divided into two churches, Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. This caused many poeple to convert and led to conflict between these two churches. It also was more difficult for the Roman Empire to be revived.
  • Dec 4, 1066

    Norman Invasion of England

    Norman Invasion of England
    It was a battle for the person to be the king of England. This is important because it linked England closer to Europe, and it help create one of the most powerful monarchies durring that time.
  • Dec 3, 1096

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    This was an attack from the Christians trying to tke back major religous sites from the Arabs. This also was very successful to the Christians, and that led to many more Crusades to come.
  • Dec 4, 1125

    Kingdom of Angkor

    Kingdom of Angkor
    It was a major Hindu temple that helped spread Hinduism throughout that area. It helped make Hinduism more popular and helped make more Hindu texts to be written down in larger numbers.
  • Dec 4, 1176

    Reign of Chinggis Khan

    Reign of Chinggis Khan
    This was when he started to form a small tribe. He was the founder of the Mongol Empire, and that is the largest empire in world history. He formed and created the basis of the empire, and he expanded the empire when he ruled greatly.
  • Dec 4, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    This Crusade attempted to capture the Muslim controlled Jerusalem. This was one of the major attacks towards the Muslims.
  • Dec 4, 1206

    Sultanate of Delhi

    Sultanate of Delhi
    It was a series of Muslim rulers in India. This is important because it helped spread Islam throughout India.
  • Dec 4, 1220

    Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe

    Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe
    The kingdom was a large kingdom and well-known because of its large amount of elegant resources, like gold and slaves. They were a major export in the African region, and they exported goods to the Swahili civilization and they traded the goods with China, India, etc.
  • Dec 4, 1230

    Mali Empire Begins

    Mali Empire Begins
    It was located along the Niger River, and it was a very wealthy civilization. Its most know ruler was Mansa Musa. Their empire spread its culture and ideas all along the Niger River, including Islam.
  • Dec 4, 1264

    Reign of Kublai Khan

    Reign of Kublai Khan
    He established the Yuan Dynasty and became the emperor of China. He became the first non-Chinese emperor.
  • Dec 4, 1271

    Marco Polo's Trip to China

    Marco Polo's Trip to China
    He visited China and told about the experiences he had while staying there. This was important because he opened everybody's eyes to China, and he made many people want to go and explore China and trade with China.
  • Dec 4, 1271

    Yuan Dynasty Begins

    Yuan Dynasty Begins
    The dynasty was founded by Kublai Khan, and it ruled over China. It used Chinese cultures, but it was a dynasty under the Mongol Empire. It was the first dynasty ruled by an outside empire.
  • Dec 4, 1279

    Mongol Conquest of all of China

    Mongol Conquest of all of China
    it was the first major civilization conquered by a pastoral or nomadic group. It also made China not a powerful nation since they were under the rule of another empire.
  • Dec 4, 1304

    Ibn Battuta

    Ibn Battuta
    He was very famous Islamic traveler. He traveled throughout most of the Islamic world and parts of the non-Muslim world. He helped make many civilizations want to trade with other civilizations further away.
  • Dec 4, 1312

    Reign of Mansa Musa

    Reign of Mansa Musa
    He was the ruler of Mali, and was most famous for his trip to Mecca. His civlization was full of gold, and he brought a lot of gold with him on his trip, but he spent most of it along the way and had to borrow some from lenders with high rates.
  • Dec 4, 1336


    He was a Mongol ruler and conquered West, South, and Central Asia. He revisioned on reviving the Mongol Empire.
  • Dec 4, 1337

    Hundred Year's War

    Hundred Year's War
    It was a war between a kingdom of France and a kingdom of England. Enlgand lost most of their territory to the French.
  • Dec 3, 1348

    First Bubonic Plague Pandemic

    First Bubonic Plague Pandemic
    This was a major factor for the fall of the Roman Empire. It killed a lot of the population, killed thousands a day.
  • Dec 4, 1368

    Ming Dynasty Begins

    Ming Dynasty Begins
    It was comsidered another Golden Age in China, and this was because of China using a stable currency of silver. Also, its economy was very good and urbanization was very popular durring this time. They also built the Great Wall of China.
  • Dec 4, 1405

    Zheng He's Expedition

    Zheng He's Expedition
    He traveled and learned about many other culteres. Hebrought back stories from the places he visited, and he was the first major traveler to come from China in that time.
  • Dec 4, 1438

    Inca Empire

    Inca Empire
    They were the largest empire in the Americas. They controlled a large area of the Andes, and they influenced many empires and other civilizations in that region or to come in the future.
  • Dec 3, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    This marked the fall of the Byzantine Empire. It was named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine. It was heavily fortified.
  • Kingdom of Ghana

    Kingdom of Ghana
    A kingdom that was converted to Islam. They had a an abundance of ivory, salt, gold, etc. They traded these goods with civlizations in the north by camel. This helped spread the Islamic culture.
  • Reign of Charlemagne

    Reign of Charlemagne
    He tried to reconquer the Eastern part to rebuild the Roman Empire completely. This shows how important to the Byzantine Empire on rebuilding the Roman Empire completely was to them.
  • Tang Dynasty Begins

    Tang Dynasty Begins
    This was the beginning of the Golden Age of China. It help make the Song Dynasty to have the best economy durring that time, and make it flourish.
  • Silla Dynasty Begins

    Silla Dynasty Begins
    it was a dynastyn in Korea, and it occurred during the Tang Dynasty in China. It unified Korea for the first time, and it helped make Korea spread their culture through China.
  • Heian Period

    Heian Period
    This was the Golden Age of Japan. Japanese culture and influences were at the height, and they were spreading very quickly.
  • Song Dynasty Begins

    Song Dynasty Begins
    The Song Dynasty was the main Golden Age in China. Chinese culture and ideas flourished greatly durring this time.
  • Sui Dynasty Begins

    Sui Dynasty Begins
    Sui Dynasty reunified China after the collapse of the Han Dynasty. It helped prepare the next dynasties, and after the collapse of the Sui the Tang Dynasty appeared right after it and it used the same ideas and guidelines and the Sui.