
Significant Events in Biology History

  • 160 BCE

    Galen of Pergamon describes the human body

    Galen of Pergamon describes the human body
    He was a prominent Greek physician, surgeon, and philosopher in the Roman Empire and was the first performing anatomy on Barbary apes. Link text
  • Lamarck Develops Hypothesis of Evolution by Means of Acquired Characteristics

    Lamarck Develops Hypothesis of Evolution by Means of Acquired Characteristics
    Jean Babtiste Lamarck was a french scientist who is mostly known for his hypothesis on evolution. In 1801 he proposed a full theory on natural evolution through out time.
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  • The Voyage of the HMS Beagle

    The Voyage of the HMS Beagle
    The name HMS Beagle is the name of the ship that Charles Darwin used on his trip sailing around the world to study the coasts and collect data.
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  • Alfred Russel Wallace Published Ideas of Evolutionary Process

    Alfred Russel Wallace Published Ideas of Evolutionary Process
    Alfred Russel Wallace was a scientist who helped discover a lot of what we know about evolution in our planet. He worked with Charles Darwin, and even though he isn't as known as Charles Darwin, he made many discoveries and took many trips of discoveries
  • Louis Pasteur refutes spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur refutes spontaneous generation
    Louis Pasteur did this experiment in 1859 to test if sterile nutrient broth could generate microbial life.
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  • The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection is published

    The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection is published
    "The Origin of species of Natural Selection" is a famous book written by the famous scientist Charles Darwin. This book is about different organisms and evolution based on his studies. By the year 1872 this book had five different versions and was considered one of the most influential books at its time.
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  • The Germ Theory of Disease is published

    The Germ Theory of Disease is published
    This theory said that diseases were caused by small micro organisms (bacteria and viruses). This theory was written and discovered by Louis Pasteur.
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  • Gregor Mendel publishes works on inheritance of traits in pea plants

    Gregor Mendel publishes works on inheritance of traits in pea plants
    Gregor Mendel was an Austrian scientist who studied biology. Gregor studied pea plants and with his research he discovered the laws of inheritance. The first law is the law independent, then law of dominance, and finally law of segregation. Link text
  • Hardy and Weinberg independently develop the Hardy-Weinberg equation for determining

    Hardy and Weinberg independently develop the Hardy-Weinberg equation for determining
    Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg discovered a mathematical equation that's used to calculate the genetic variation of a population at equilibrium. Link
  • Neils Bohr develops the Bohr model of atom structure

    Neils Bohr develops the Bohr model of atom structure
    Neils Bohr discovers how atoms become stable and in the bohr model he showed how the properties of atoms such as electrons, protons, neutrons, and shells take place to keep in balance.
  • T. Hunt Morgan discovers sex-linkage

    T. Hunt Morgan discovers sex-linkage
    T. Hunt Morgan gave us "The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity.” and also discovered more on sex linkage and how it determines gender. Link text
  • Frederick Griffith describes the process of transformation

    Frederick Griffith describes the process of transformation
    Fredrick Griffith designed an experiment and mixed heat-killed S with live R and injected the combination into mice: the mouse died. He realized that some bacteria in S bacteria was the killer.
  • Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes Genetics and the Origin of Species

    Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes Genetics and the Origin of Species
    Theodosius Dobzhansky was a scientist who studied lots of biology, a bit part of his studies was Charles Dawrins evolution theory. Theodosius Dobzhansky was able to get his book "Genetics and the Origin of Species" published in 1937. Link text
  • Beadle and Tatum publish the 1 gene-1 enzyme hypothesis

    Beadle and Tatum publish the 1 gene-1 enzyme hypothesis
    Scientist Beadle and Tatum discovered that each gene directly produces a single enzyme. Link text
  • Ernst Mayr develops the Biological Species Concept

    Ernst Mayr develops the Biological Species Concept
    Ernst Mayr added to what Charles Darwins said in his book “Systematics and the Origin of Species” and said "a group that can breed only among themselves, excluding others." Link text.
  • Jacques Cousteau devolpes SCUBA

    Jacques Cousteau devolpes SCUBA
    Jacques Cousteau was a french explorer who was the first to invent an instrument to allow humans to see and breathe underwater. He is known as the "Father of Scuba" and created their first instrument in 1943 and called it the "Aqua-Lung"
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  • Avery, MacLoed and McCarty determine that DNA is the molecule that carries the genetic code

    Avery, MacLoed and McCarty determine that DNA is the molecule that carries the genetic code
    Avery, MacLoed and McCarty were three scientist who discovered that the genetic code that makes us who we are and look like is found inside the DNA. Link text
  • Barbara McClintock describes transposons

    Barbara McClintock describes transposons
    Barbara McClintock studied cells and discovered that genes are responsible for turning physical characteristics on and off.Link text
  • • Rosalind Franklin works with DNA and X-Ray crystallography and develops “Image 51”

    •	Rosalind Franklin works with DNA and X-Ray crystallography and develops “Image 51”
    Rosalind Franklin was a British Scientiest who made a great discovery by taking an x ray picture. Rosalind took a microscopic picture in 1951 nicknamed (Image 51) that showed us that DNA was a double helix. Link text
  • Hershey Chase- Experiments are Published

    Hershey Chase- Experiments are Published
    The Hershey- Chase Experiments were done by A.D. Hershey and Martha Chase. This experiment involves a DNA virus called T2. This Experiment involved radioactivity, and how some viruses affect bacterium.
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  • Miller-Urey Experiments Published

    Miller-Urey Experiments Published
    The Miller-Urey Experiment is an experiment that was done by biochemist Stanley Miller and the planetary chemist Harold Urey in 1952. This experiment tested if life can be made through chemical reactions. Link text
  • Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure

    Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure
    James Watson and Francis Crick were scientist who made one of the greatest discoveries in molecular science. They discovered that the shape of deoxyribonucleic acid was a double helix. Link text
  • Meselson and Stahl work with DNA replication

    Meselson and Stahl work with DNA replication
    Meselson and Stahl discovered more about DNA replication by finding out that when DNA replicates it uses both strands and gives them each a new one. Link text
  • Nirenberg cracks the genetic code

    Nirenberg cracks the genetic code
    Scientist Nirenberg discovered more about DNA than what was already known and found out more about RNA and how DNA went from using ATGC to AUGC. Link text
  • Endosymbiosis is described by Lynn Margulis

    Endosymbiosis is described by Lynn Margulis
    Lynn Margulis wrote the first article on endosymbiotic theory in 1967 that talked about confusion in cellular evolution. Link text
  • Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes “Nothing in Science Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.”

    Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes “Nothing in Science Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.”
    Theodosius Dobzhansky was an Ukrainian-American geneticist and evolutionist who had a great influence in the 1900s. He published "Nothing in Science Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.” in 1973. Link text
  • Australopithecus Afarensis is Discovered

    Australopithecus Afarensis is Discovered
    Australopithecus Afarensis is a species that lived between 2.95 and 3.85 million years. This species survived and lived for approximately 900,000 years in Eastern Africa. Males we're approximately 4'11'' and weighed 95 pounds and females were approximately 3'5'' and weighed about 64 pounds. This fossil is nicknamed "Lucy".
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  • Spliceosomes were discovered and described

    Spliceosomes were discovered and described
    The discovery of splicesomes is also known as the discovery of "Split Genes". This great discovery took place in 1977. Link text
  • The Sanger Technique is developed

    The Sanger Technique is developed
    Frederick Sanger created a DNA sequencing technique that helps determine the bases of a strand of DNA. It is also known as the "chain termination method"Link text
  • Kary Mullis develops Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Kary Mullis develops Polymerase Chain Reaction
    Kary Mullis was a great scientinst who had the idea to use a pair of primers to bracket the desired DNA sequence and copy it using DNA polymerase. Link text
  • Tommie Lee Andrews is convicted of rape

    Tommie Lee Andrews is convicted of rape
    This case is very important in science history because Tommie was being convicted for rape, and it turns out he was a rapist. To know that scientist did a DNA test, and was the first american to go to jail because of a DNA test.Link text
  • Richard L Bible is executed

    Richard L Bible is executed
    Richard L Bible is was an Arizona resident who was found guilty in the court for molesting a 9 year old due to DNA testing on a hair sample. Link text
  • The Innocence Project is founded

    The Innocence Project is founded
    The innocence Project was created to help people who have suffered legal consequence for no reason. With DNA they were able to see who was the real criminal and hoped to never incarcerate wrongly convicted people. [Link text](
  • CRISPr/CAS 9 is identified and described

    CRISPr/CAS 9 is identified and described
    CRISPr/CAS 9 is a tool used to edit genomes and "fix" DNA by adding or removing different sections of DNA. Link text
  • Dolly the sheep is cloned

    Dolly the sheep is cloned
    Dolly the first animal cloned using the process of nuclear transfer. Link text
  • Sahelanthropus Tchadensis Fossil is Discovered

    Sahelanthropus Tchadensis Fossil is Discovered
    The Sahelanthropus Tchadensis lived between 6 to 7 billion years ago, and is known to be one of the oldest known species in the human family tree. Scientiest believe that this species walked the lands of West-Central Africa in it's times. This fossil shows great resemblance in humans and apes, and studying the fossils let us know that the Saelanthropus Tchadensis walked upright.
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  • Human Genome is Fully Sequenced

    Human Genome is Fully Sequenced
    A genome is an organisms complete set of of DNA in an organism, Human genomes contain approximately 3 billion base pairs, and are located in the main 46 chromosomes. On this date the exact order of the base pairs inside a segment of DNA was discovered which is 50,000,000 pairs to 300,000,000 pairs, also known as The Human Genome Project. Link text
  • Homo Denisova fossil discovered

    Homo Denisova fossil discovered
    This fossil was discovered in the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia. This fossil shows scientist that this species lived more than 50,000 years ago.
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  • • Deep sea hydrothermal vents and associated life around them are discovered

    •	Deep sea hydrothermal vents and associated life around them are discovered
    scientists exploring the Galápagos Rift along the mid-ocean ridge in the eastern Pacific noticed a series of temperature spikes in their data. They wondered how deep-ocean temperatures could change so drastically—from near freezing to 400 °C (750 °F)—(