Significant days

  • Birth

    The day Ibadho Ali was born by the parents Abdinassir and Fatuma Ali
  • Mohamed Ali's Birth

    Mohamed Ali's Birth
    This marked the day I was not the only child. This was the day Mohamed Ali was born.
  • First day of School

    First day of School
    This was the day I was first in a classroom It was my first day of kindergarten. Also first time learning from a teacher.
  • First Time travelling

    First Time travelling
    This was the first time leaving Canada and going on an airplane. The airline was KLM. I was excited to leave Canada and visit a new country.
  • Meeting Grandparents

    Meeting Grandparents
    This was the first time | met my grandparents from my mom side. Their names are Khadijha and Mohammed Ali Koore. They live in Nanyuki, Kenya.
  • School in Kenya

    School in Kenya
    First time starting school Kenya. This was a new school in a new country. There were many different rules in that school than I'm use to, the school taught differently but the same material was learnt .
  • Graduation

    Graduating elementary school and was first time graduating. This was my grade 5 graduation, I was 11 and i was excited to finally graduate and be ready for middle school. This was also when I won my first award for math.
  • Middle school

    Middle school
    First day of middle school. I was in a new and bigger school. I also had more opportunities to make new friends and had to look up for a great next 3 years.
  • Ipod

    First time being trusted with a device to myself. It was my first Ipod. I felt responsible and I thought it was the coolest thing to have an Ipod.
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    The time my parents trusted me with my own phone. I felt more responsible with my own phone. I felt trusted with my parents. Also I knew that this was the step of being an adult and I felt excited about that.
  • High School

    High School
    First day of High school at Northview Height S.S. I was scared but excited. Also This first day helped me realize who were my friends and who were not. Also that I was 4 years closer to going to university.