Ship log 1500s

  • Aug 5, 1525

    Day 4: The Beggining

    It has been about 4 days since we have left Le Harve France. Me and the rest of the crew are excited to be this far on our journey to the west. Captain says we are making grerat time. Ive already made some friends on the ship. I mean if i didn't I'd be stuck with them anyway. I just hope that the rest of trip runs this smoothly.
  • Aug 14, 1525

    Day 13: Ireland?

    Day 13: Ireland?
    Our ship got thrown off course so now we are in Ireland. We landed at the port of Sligo. Captain allows us to leave the ship but says we must stay close. We are able to get more food which is good because the storm washed most of it up. It's kind of nice to see land again.
  • Aug 23, 1525

    Day 22: The 2nd Storm

    We have another big storm hitting our ship. The crew members are in complete panic. I fear the food will be gone as the strom fills the deck with water. Captain trys to tell everyone to remain calm but his voice fades away in the storm. Men are falling overboard and the crew grows shorter. Are we going to make this trip?
  • Aug 27, 1525

    Day 26: Road to Recovery

    We have little food and little water. We need to find land as soon as possible. I have had little sleep as captain has us working day and night to try and find land. John isn't looking quite right. He hasn't been able to keep his lunch, as little as there is. If we make this out alive we will have quite a story to tell. Is there a chance of survival?
  • Sep 4, 1525

    Day 34: Finally Relief

    Day 34: Finally Relief
    We were finally able to find land. We were able to make a stop at what the natives call Ammassalik in Greenland. The name doesn't make sence to me because there is nothing but ice. We were able to get enough food and water to last us a couple days as we head east to Iceland. There are people waiting there that will be willing to give us more supples for our journey. At least that is what the captain says.
  • Sep 14, 1525

    Day 44: No Where to Go

    We made it to Iceland but the captain was wrong. No one is hear to give us supplies. I should have known not to trust him. He is the only crew member with a round belly. Now we have no chance to survive. At least I'll be able to see John again. Captain decided we are going on anyway. I'm not sure how much longer I am going to call him captain. The seas rage on and our time ticks away.
  • Sep 16, 1525

    Day 46: Goodbye Cruel World

    Everyone is down. No food, no water, no nothing. Everyone is sick All except for our no good captain. How is it he is just fine? We are still doing all of the work while he sits back and yells at us. We are down to about a forth of the original crew. we need to find land soon. Goodbye world.
  • Sep 26, 1525

    Day 56: New Hope

    Day 56: New Hope
    We finally found land as we arive in St. Peters. We discover captain has a secret stash of food water and medicine. We are also able to collect some food. The crew gets together and we decide to show pity on captain and let him live. We decide we are going to leave him here with minimal supplies. We then set sail With Captain James Berk.
  • Oct 1, 1525

    Day 62: The New Land

    Day 62: The New Land
    We have arived at port Hampton. The natives have been very kind to us. we have made many trades. Captain Berk was able to get us a lot of foodd and water for just a couple of beeds. I can't beleive how far we have come to see all of this. I can't beleive i've made it this far. Although we have found the new land our destination is farther south. We can do this.
  • Oct 9, 1525

    Day 70: The Final Destination

    Day 70: The Final Destination
    We have finally landed in Cancun. we only have about an eighth of the original crew. But we have made it to the west. We have met some natives, some are willing to trade, others sent us running for our life. Although this trip has had it's suffering and hardships I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. I can't beleive how big this world really is.