
seven phases of slave trade

  • travel from european country to africa

    travel from european country to africa
    trading goods in exchange for provisions, people .
  • Period: to

    travel to africa time elapsed 2-4 months

    travel to africa and traded people for goods and stuff.
  • initial capture

    initial capture
    africans betrayed other aafricans so they wont get capture and european plan the whole thing about tricking them .
  • africsns prisoners 1-4month

    africsns prisoners 1-4month
    africans were captureand hold prisoners by african , afro eurpean and/ or eurpeqn supervisors .
  • getting ready to sail back 4-6 months

    getting ready to sail back 4-6 months
    prisoners got in to small groups 2-8 groups , loading on to ships travel down the african coast to accumulate prisoners , provisions, trade items .
  • atlantic passege 1-3 months

    atlantic passege  1-3 months
    african had to try survival in tough conditions and had try to resistance beating and stuff .
  • intial landing and enslavement . up to 3 years

    intial landing and enslavement . up to 3 years
    process , resistance ( exchaning country marks, including military tactics ) .
  • moving to the other west altantic sites

    moving to the other west altantic sites
    orientation to labor or redistribution to other colonies . it was by the european country and the colonies .