Scottish History and Education 1872 to 2013

By oodley
  • Period: to

    Scottish History 1880 to 2013

  • Elementary schooling made statutory

  • WWI Begins

  • Period: to

    Education -between the wars

  • The Great Depression - Wall St Crash

  • Mass Emigration from Scotland

    From 1921 total of 400,000 Scots left for other countries to find jobs
  • WWII Begins

  • Period: to


  • WWII Ends

  • Rise in Socialism - irradicate social ills

    Get rid of Squalour, Ignorance, Want, Disease and Idleness
    New Towns in Scotland
    Plans for new industries
  • 1960's - Industries start to decline

  • 1960's Major Building projects planned

  • Willie Ross - Secretary of State for Scotland demands more money for Scotland

  • Socialist State Planning

    masterplan for Scotland
    Jobs, houses, power supplies, roads
    but it never emerged
  • £ was devalued-all government spending frozen

  • Emigration to Australia and Canada £10

  • First SNP seat won - Winnie Ewing

    First SNP seat won - Winnie Ewing
  • Decline of Shipyard industry

  • Scotland has poorest housing in Britain

  • Home Rule bill forced through by Harold Wilson

  • Scottish devolution referendum

    The Scottish referendum of 1979 was a post-legislative referendum to decide whether there was sufficient support for a Scottish Assembly proposed in the Scotland Act 1978 among the Scottish electorate. This was an act to create a devolved deliberative assembly for Scotland. The Act provided for special conditions on the referendum stipulating that for the Act not to be repealed at least 40% of the electorate would have to vote Yes in the referendum.
    The referendum resulted in a 51.6% support for
  • Conservative UK Gov - Margaret Thatcher

    Free market
    De-nationalisation of industries and business
  • Unemployment rose to 1920's levels

  • 1980's - decline of coalmining, steelworks, shipyards

  • 3rd consecutive Conservative Government elected

    No majority in Scotland
  • Self Determination principle

    Scottish Constitutional Convention - Assembly/Parliament
    Clarm of Right signed by Donald Dewar and pages of other signatories.
  • Scottish Parliament

    The Scotland Act 1998 (an Act of the UK Parliament) created a Scottish Parliament and passed to it the powers to make laws on a range of issues
  • 2000 - first time Scottish people were not emigrating in masses