
  • Wednesday- There's A Hair In My Dirt!

    Today we read the book, There's A Hair In My Dirt. I learned from this book that even though humans try and help nature, we aren't really helping. We should just let nature run its course and only help when we know what we can do and we know that we can do will actually help, not destroy.
  • Biotic & Abiotic

    We learned out Biotic things, which are living things, and Abiotic things, which are things that are not alive. We did a venn diagram of this.
  • Venn Diagram 2

    We worked on our own Venn Diagrams today. We picked 3 different things and found out how they are all connected with each other.
  • Thursday

    We did a resources thing where we went and typed in all our resources and saw how much we use in a year.
  • Physical Properties

    Today we sorted out different things into groups. One of our groups was things that float.
  • Physcial/Chemical Properties

    I chose a chair, the chemical properties are flamability? There are not many chemical properties. Acidity?
  • Physical and Chemical Changes

    Windiness is a Physical property.
  • Timetoast

    How can you tell what Chemical Properties a substance has?
    If it's a gas or somethings. If it's flamable and reactivity.
  • Phase Changes

    Physical changes are Color, Size, Shape.
    You can change the size of something, you can change the shape of it, and you can change the color. Those are physcial changes.
  • Physical/Chemical Change

    How do you tell the difference Gaseous Physical and Chemical change? Chemical changes cannot be reversed and physical changes can.
  • Physical and Chemical Changes

    I learned that some things dissolve when mixed with Iodine.
    I learned that with vinegar, baking soda bubbles.
    I learned that somethings don't change when mixed with Vinegar.
  • Atoms

    I learned that electrons with the highest energy are found on the outermost engery levels.
  • Atomic Structure

    you have to have less negative ions so it will be positive. You have to have more protons.
  • Ions & Isotope

    Ion: An atom, proton and an electron.
    Isotope: Protons and Electrons
  • Periodic Table

    The Columns and Rows represent the groups that the things are in and what they belong to.