Russian Revolution Timeline

By Hamannc
  • Tsar Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia

    Tsar Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia
    Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia after his father Alexander III died in 1894. This is import because his rule is an important part of how the Russian Revolution played out.
  • Revolutionary movements begin in Russia

    Revolutionary movements begin in Russia
    Two groups were formed in Russia including the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were very powerful and were willing to do anything for a change.
  • Russia loses war with Japan

    Russia loses war with Japan
    On this date, Russia lost to Japan in the Russo-Japanese War. This played an important role in Russia because angry Russian citizens began to fight back against the autocracy. This event led to the revolution.
  • Dissatisfied workers organize strike.

    Dissatisfied workers organize strike.
    At the beginning of 1905 many workers went on strike to rise against the autocracy. This was one of the first incidents that sparked the revolution. Many workers were not satisfied with the drop in their wage and that is what made them want to go on strike.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Workers and peasants stormed into St. Petersburg asking people to sign a petition for better working conditions. Russian Soldiers ended up firing into the crowd of protesters killing over a hundred people and injuring many more.
  • Russia enters WWI

    Russia enters WWI
    On this date Russia enters WWI because of the alliance system. They were protecting Serbia and began to declare war on other countries. Entering the war caused many peasants to have to fight and go into war.
  • March revolution

    March revolution
    Women and workers led a strike for five days in Petrograd. There were many workers on the streets rioting and fighting back. This helped end autocratic rule in Russia.
  • Provisional Government was formed in russia

    Provisional Government was formed in russia
    The Provisional Government was formed right after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. The Provisional Government failed to end food and energy shortages in Russia during the time. This government collapsed after the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace and took over all government offices.
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia
    After Lenin left Russia avoiding arrest he was sent back to Petrograd and arrived in April. Lenin's return brought a rise in Bolshevik power as they began to fight back against the government
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    After the revolution began to heat up, Nicholas II was forced to step down and abdicate the throne. This brought an end to autocratic rule in Russia and an end to the czars.
  • Centuries of Autocratic Rule came to an End

    Centuries of Autocratic Rule came to an End
    After many centuries of an autocratic rule in Russia when Nicholas II abdicated the throne in 1917, autocratic rule ended in Russia. Later on the Bolsheviks rise to power after the Civil War and Lenin takes over.
  • Bolshevik Revolution topples the Provisional Government in Russia

    Bolshevik Revolution topples the Provisional Government in Russia
    Many angry workers broke into the Winter palace. They took over the government offices and this event gave power over to the soviets.
  • Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party

    Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party
    The Bolsheviks decided to change their name to the Communist Party after 1917. Karl Marx, talked about communism when describing the society and this impacted the Bolsheviks to change their name.
  • Red and White's Civil War

    Red and White's Civil War
    The Reds and Whites both stood for opposite sides which led to them declaring war. The Reds came out victorious over the Whites after many casualties occurred. The reds defended the Bolsheviks power and they continued to rule.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia’s involvement in WWI

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia’s involvement in WWI
    With the signing of the Brest-Litovsk, Russia was forced to give up their land to Germany. This ended Russia's envolvment in WWI. Also with the signing of the treaty, many Russian were angered and formed their own side and called themselves the "Whites."
  • Vladimir Lenin created New Economic Policy (NEP)

    Vladimir Lenin created New Economic Policy (NEP)
    Lenin created this new policy which allowed peasants to freely sell their crops. This was basically a version of capitalism. This new policy also allowed many workers work under a private ownership
  • Russia is organized into their own several self-governing republics

    Russia is organized into their own several self-governing republics
    Lenin put Russia into many self governing Republics. His idea was to show people that one class of people was no better than another. This led to no nationalism in Russia. Lenin later called Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Lenin suffers a stroke

    Lenin suffers a stroke
    On this day, Vladimir Lenin suffered a stroke but it didn't kill him. After this happened it raised concern about who would lead the communist party. The two main candidates were Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin would later die in 1924 and Joesph Stalin would lead the Soviet Union.
  • Joseph Stalin becomes Dictator over Russia

    Joseph Stalin becomes Dictator over Russia
    After the fall of Lenin, Joesph Stalin over through Leon Trotsky and became a dictator over the Soviet Union until 1952. Lenin warned the people about Stalin and said he doesn't know what to do with his power and Lenin was right. Stalin controlled the people as the Soviet Union began to rise.