
Russia Timeline

  • Archduke Ferdinand Assasination

    Archduke Ferdinand Assasination
    The assasination had ultimately been the start of WWI. The Archduke and his wife Sophie were assasinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1914
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    4 days after Austria had declared war on Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia.
  • Russian Forms the CWIC

    Russian Forms the CWIC
  • Russians Begin to Retreat

    Russians Begin to Retreat
    On July 9th, 1915, the Russians began to retreat in large numbers from Poland and Galicia.
  • Russia is forced to abandon the Polish capital Warsaw

    Russia is forced to abandon the Polish capital Warsaw
    This was the Battle of Warsaw, mostly taking place in August of 1915, but began in late July of that year.
  • Russia's Capture of Austrian Soldiers

    Russia's Capture of Austrian Soldiers
    The Battle of Galicia took place during the early stages of World War 1 and was one of it's most dreadful battles. This battle went from August 5th to September 8th 1915
  • Czar departs the Petrograd for the Army Headquarters

    Czar departs the Petrograd for the Army Headquarters
    Russian tsar Nicholas II left the newly renamed city of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) in 1915 to assume personal command of the armies at the front. He did so against the urgent advice of his ministers, who argued that an already disrupted administration would be strained to the collapsing point if the autocrat ultimately responsible for decision making was five hundred miles out of touch.
  • Duma Reconvenes in Petrograd

    Duma Reconvenes in Petrograd
    The Duma had met in Petrograd in the face of increasing strike numbers.
  • Nicholas II Ordered Dissolution of the Duma

    Nicholas II Ordered Dissolution of the Duma
    The First Duma met for the first time on May 10th, 1906 in the Tauris Palace. The First Duma was dominated by the Kadets who wanted Russia to have a parliament based very much on the British model with legislative powers. Those who held the reins of power wanted it to be no more than a discussion chamber – one in which the government could easily identify its critics as speeches in the Duma were made in public.
  • Rasputin is Dead

    Rasputin is Dead
    Rasputin, a peasant who thought he was holy and gave advice to the czarina who had an ill son, was killed by beaten over the head with clubs and then drowned in the river.
  • The Czar's Advisors Give the Warning

    The Czar's Advisors Give the Warning
    The czar's advisors tell him that if there was a revolution, the army would not be able to support it.
  • Russian Workers Go On Strike

    Russian Workers Go On Strike
    140,000 workers go on strike in rememberance of Bloody Sunday that had happened 12 years earlier.
  • Duma Strikes

    Duma Strikes
    The Duma attacks in revolt of the food shortages that they had been going off of.
  • Dual Revolution

    Dual Revolution
    The Russian Revolution is the collective term for a series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 (March in the Gregorian calendar; the older Julian calendar was in use in Russia at the time).
  • The Czar and his family are put under house arrest

    The Czar and his family are put under house arrest
    Because of the Czar trying to leave to go to Petrograd and because of all the strikes and the revolutions from his food rationings, the people now will not let him leave.
  • Lenin Comes Back

    Lenin Comes Back
    He comes back after Germany helped him in hopes of weakening Russia. On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Lenin, leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party, returns to Petrograd after a decade of exile to take the reins of the Russian Revolution.