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Romantic Era Timeline

By Moosecg
  • Beethoven Dies

    Beethoven Dies
    One of the most famous composers of all time, heavily influenced the early romantic period during the end of the classical era.
  • First Railway Opens in America

    First Railway Opens in America
    Baltimore and Ohio railway opens, designed to bring farmers products from the interior of the country to the port of Baltimore for international export.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Texan Rebels fight Mexican forces at Alamo, suffer defeat but rallies Texas into a massive insurrection against Mexican oppression.
  • Georges Bizet Born

    Georges Bizet Born
    Famous French composer, influenced operate greatly with his famous “Carmen”
  • Tchaikovsky Born

    Tchaikovsky Born
    One of the most famous Russians of all time, first composer from Russia to internationally have an impact. Most famous for his 1812 Overture.
  • Andrew Jackson Dies

    Andrew Jackson Dies
    Considered first modern American politician, served as president and heavily reformed the national government.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Southern half of United States secedes and forms Confederacy, Civil War between North and South begin and lasts 4 years. Ends with the defeat of the Confederacy and reunion of seceded states.
  • Claude Debussy Born

    Claude Debussy Born
    One of the most influential composers of the era, considered first ever impressionist composers.
  • Phonograph Invented

    Phonograph Invented
    Thomas Edison invents the phonograph, changes the way people listen to music forever
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    In 1877, Union military occupation of the war-torn South ends. Former Confederate states reconcile with North.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    American forces overrun Spanish colonies in the pacific and Caribbean in response to the sinking of USS Maine, ending Spanish reign over fledgling empire.
  • Scott Joplin writes Maple Leaf Rag

    Scott Joplin writes Maple Leaf Rag
    Foundation of the ragtime genre, believed by many to have created the modern phenomenon of pop music.