Rise Of the Nation-State

  • Congress of Vienna

    Helped recognize Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain and France as the European Powers
  • Period: to

    Rise Of A Nation-State

  • Universal Male Suffrage

    In France after yet another revolution, a new constitution would need to be made. The people who made this were voted in by Universal male suffrage giving men of any wealth to vote. It's important because this is one of the first times in history when this happens.
  • French Revolution 1848

    As liberalism and nationalism grew in France, the people began opposing changes made by Louis-Phillipe and when the national workshops were closed, they became upset and revolted. This is important because this shows what the outcomes of the incline of nationalism.
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    An all German Parliament that was used to attempt to unite Germany with liberal and nationalist compromises. A constitution was created but there was no way of forcing German rulers to accept killing their dreams of unification in Germany which is the reason this is important.
  • New German Constitution

    With the news of revolts going on throughout Europe, the german people also cried for change. Many German rulers promised constitutions, a free press and jury trials. This was important because it was part of the attempt to unify Germany.
  • France's Second Republic

    This was the outcome of the French Revolution of 1848. n this republican form of government a single legislature and president was elected by universal male suffrage. This represents how new found ideas were being put into action to benefit the people.
  • Camillo di Cavour declared PM

    As the prime minister, Cmaillo di Cavour would pursue his policy of economic expansion that benefited Italy well. He also provoked the Austrians into invading Piedmont in 1859. As a result, Lombardy was given to Piedmont. His actions influenced other nationalists to overthrow their governments and join Piedmont. This helped unify Italy.
  • Crimean War

    A result of a long struggle between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. With the Ottoman empire in decline, Russians saw a good opportunity to attack and aquire Dardanelles and the Mediterranean Sea. Russia invaded the Turkish Balkan provinces of Moldavia and Walachia. In response, war was declared by the Ottomans. Great Britain and France would also join in against Russia. It was a poorly planned war and the Russians suffered heavy losses. Austria and Russia became enemies soon after.
  • Treaty of Paris

    A peace treaty to the Crimean War signed between Russia, the Ottoman Empire, France and Great Britain allowing Moldavia and Walachia to be placed under the protection of all the great powers.
  • Kingdom of Italy Proclaimed

    The New Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed under King Vicor Emmanuel II in order to become a step closer to unification.
  • Compromise of 1867

    A compromise that created a dual monarchy within Austria-Hungary. Each country had it's own constitution, legislature, government beaucracy and own capital. Still both countries shared a common army, foreign policy and system of finances (currency).
  • Italian Unification

    Italians finally became unified after gaining control of Venetia and from the Prussian- Austro war and Room from the Franco-Prussian war. This is how Italy states became unified.
  • William I of Prussia proclaimed kaiser

    With William I being kaiser (emperor) he was able to get Germany alot closer to unification.
  • Alexander II Assassinated

    Alexander II was killed because even though he attempted to reform, he found out he could please no one. Reformers just wanted too much too soon. This is important because his son Alexander III returned things back to the old methods of repression.
  • William II of Germany reign

    Under his reign, Germany became the strongest military and industrial power in Europe.