
Rise of Civilization_Jimenez

By 160022
  • Period: 100 to

    Rise of Civilizations

  • 550

    King Darius of Persia develops acommon set of weights measureements, and coins

    King Darius of Persia develops acommon set of weights measureements, and coins
    King Darius of Persia created a coinage system of two different types. The coins were called Darics, and the two different types were of gold and silver.
  • Jan 1, 605

    Babylon flourishes under King Nebuchadnezzar

    Babylon flourishes under King Nebuchadnezzar
    King Nebuchadnezzar II reigned from 605 to 562 B.C. He is credited with the construstion of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and with the destruction of the First Temple.
  • Jan 1, 1020

    Kingdom of Israel established

    Kingdom of Israel established
    The kingdom of Israel was founded around 1020 B.C., the kingdom was founded as a monarchy under King Saul
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Phoenician cities started urbanized in 1500 B.C. in the Late Bronze Age. They occupied the coast of the Mediterranean, with meritime trade as a natural development. in the 1200s B.C., their Egyptian influence ceased, and were freed from foreign domination. Known for their purple dye.
  • First written laws, Code of Hammurabi, completed

    First written laws, Code of Hammurabi, completed
    The Code of Hammurabi was the earliest known form of written laws. The code was written by King Hammurabi of Babylon.
  • Babylon

    Babylon was founded in 1894 B.C. as a city-state, not an official state. It became a state when it was appropriated from the Mesopotamian city-state of Kazallu, where it was initially a territory. Its ruler was Sumuabum who was never given the title of king, and reigned as cheiftan instead of being an absolute ruler.
  • Hittites develop iron

    Hittites develop iron
    The Hittites developed iron as early as 2000 B.C. in northern Asia minor, a land rich in iron. Around 1200 B.C., their kingdom collapsed, causing them to migrate to serve customers elsewhere.
  • (A.D.) Printing invented

    (A.D.) Printing invented
    Printing is first made in China, using ink on carved wood to make multiple transfers of an image to paper.
  • Persian armies commanded by Cyrus the Great capture Babylon

    Persian armies commanded by Cyrus the Great capture Babylon
    Cyrus the Great leads Persian armies in the battle of Opis in 540 B.C. to capture Babylon.
  • First intermediate period of Egypt

    First intermediate period of Egypt
    After the government collapsed, they could no longer stabilize the country's economy, causing a 140-year fammine in the country. Now, everyone was free from the pharaoh's rule, allowing them to gain conrol of their resources, actually making the provinces even richer than before, bringing about two rival dynasties, starting the economic and cultural renaissance known as the Middle Kingdom, which restored the country's stability over time.
  • Sargon of Akkad builds first known empire

    Sargon of Akkad builds first known empire
    Sargon of Akkad built his Akkadian empire and his own dynasty in 2270. There, he reigned until 2215, although all of the declared years are inaccurate as no one truly knows for sure when his reign started or ended.
  • Egyptians build first pyramids

    Egyptians build first pyramids
    The first pyramids were built as early as 2630 B.C. The oldest pyramid known is the Pyramid of Djoser.
  • Upper and lower Egypt united by King Menes

    Upper and lower Egypt united by King Menes
    King Menes was a pharaoh who united upper and lower Egypt and even founded the first dynasty, which started in 3000 B.C.
  • Early use of bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia

    Early use of bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia
    Bronze was used in Egypt and Mesopotamia for a number of reasons, most involving craftwork. But during that time, it was their main source of economic activity.
  • Cuneiform begins

    Cuneiform begins
    Cuneiform is one of the earliest forms of writing. It is based on pictographs, or picture-writing. The symbols used in Cuneifom had evolved intensely since it began. The language started with around 1500 signs, but was reduced to 600 as some signs lost their use.
  • Sumerian cities begin to emerge in southern Mesopotamia

    Sumerian cities begin to emerge in southern Mesopotamia
    In about 5300 B.C., the first Sumerian city of Eridu is settled on the coast of the Persian Sea.
  • Early Period of Egypt

    Early Period of Egypt
    Around this time, Egyptian tribes had started to settle down and control their agriculture and animals. they are mostly indentifiable by their pottery and personal possessions. Major advances in agriculture and art were made around 3000 years later, following the development of pharoahs, the kings of Egypt. At the end of the period, the government collapsed, bringing a new period of famine and strife.
  • Old Stone Age Begins

    Old Stone Age Begins
    2.6 million years ago, the Paleolithic era began, alsom known as the Old Stone Age. It was the start of all minkind and its inventions in the prehistoric period.
  • New Stone Age begins

    New Stone Age begins
    In about 10,000 B.C., the New Stone Age began, also known as the Neolithic Era. This time was when humans started using metal tools instead of just stone.