Doctor who background  1  by indiegrl d3394f6

history through the T.A.R.D.I.S (revolutions)

  • Apr 24, 1523


    people started to turn from the church because of a rise in humanism belief this took with it power from the church and started a non-stop growth in revolutions
  • Apr 24, 1530

    scientific revolution

    scientific revolution
    an increase in greek ideas of how the universe works by using new advances in

    technology, theories that go against what the church teaches
    and lead on until the current day with computers and highly
    advanced weapons and equipment
  • Feb 19, 1568

    eighty years war

    eighty years war
    the war of netherlands independence from spain, which led to separation of the northern and southern netherlands and to the formation of the united provinces of the netherlands.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    after britain just came out of a war they
    became in debt and started to put higher taxes on tea shipped
    to the american colonies in rage that britain was taxing them for a war
    they did not play role in the american colonists took thousands of pounds
    of tea and tossed in to the ocean
  • american revolution

    american revolution
    The war was against Britain and it influenced political ideas and revolutions around the globe. The American Revolution won its freedom from the greatest military force.
  • declaration of indapendence

    declaration of indapendence
    Created by Thomas Jefferson, and The Declaration of Independence is at once the most cherished symbol of liberty. It talks about all men are created equally and free, and poses the same inherent and natural rights.
  • french revolution

    french revolution
    it began in 1789 and ended in 1799. Louis XVI was the first king to come into power at the start of the revolution. he was a weak ruler, which was terrible for the country at that point. He and his wife put the country into debt with over 2 billion dollars.
  • industrail revolution

    industrail revolution
    The transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation. With the help from inventors and their inventions. for example the cotton gin, steamboat, service. steam engine, telephone, first airplane, diesel engine, telegraph.
  • digital revolution

    digital revolution
    the digital revolution is still going on today it started when
    highly advanced machines were made to do calculations and they
    have been improved and are still being improved.