Republic, Empire, and Pax Romana

  • 264


    Violence broke out between Rome and Carthage beginning the First Punic War
  • 265


    Romans defeated etrucans and Greeks cities in Italy
  • Oct 23, 753


    Romulus and Remus raised by she-wolf founded city of Roma
  • Pax Romana

    Disciples spread Christianity
  • Pax Romana

    Augustus died
  • Pax Romana

    Senate gave Octavian a title of honor
  • Empire

    Octavian defeated Antony and his ally Cleopatra at the naval battle of Actium
  • Empire

    Second Triumvirate composed of Lepidus, Mark Antony, and Octavian
  • Empire

    Senate declared Caesar dictator for life
  • Empire

    Three men took over the Roman Republic as the First Triumvirate
  • Pax Romana

    Julius C comits suicide
  • Pax Romana

    Vitel invades Italy
  • Pax Romana

    Titus destroys Jerusalem and many other countries
  • Empire

    Lucius Cornelleus Sulla became consul
  • Republic

    Rome destroys Carthage
  • Republic

    Etruscans ruled Rome
  • Republic

    Carthagian general Hanninbal led an army to invade Italy