
Renaissance and Reformation

  • Mar 12, 1268

    Inventions (eye glasses)

    Inventions (eye glasses)
    Eyeglasses were one of the most important inventions of the renaissance. Glasses not only help with eye vision but they increase peoples day to day life's making things like looking at foods or reading.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    Life/Culture During the Renaissance

    Fashion was an important part of the culture in the Renaissance as many people were looked at and kind of judged around what they wore. For example, wealthier people would wear more proper, colorful clothing with more layers. Also, the material of the clothing was looked at as well. You would see wealthier people wearing satin and velvet. while the middle and lower class would wear more cotton and wool clothing.
    Notes "Life During the Renaissance"
  • Period: 1300 to

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance (Food)

    Peasants would often not eat the same as higher class citizens. Peasants would eat cheap bread, a soup made from leftover food, and almost never had the chance to eat meat. Merchants and Nobles would have huge feasts that had soups with exotic spices, and many other dishes. No one had forks until later on, so they used only their hands to eat their food.
    Notes "Life During the Renaissance"
  • Period: 1300 to

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance (education)

    Education during the Renaissance was not as it is today. The main things taught during this time period were reading, writing, and mathematics. All 3 of these different branches of education were based around religion as that is what was trying to be taught more than anything. Boy would go to schools with other boys around the same social class. As they got older boys would be able to become apprentices or go to a university. Girls didn't get an education.
    Notes "Life during the Renaissance"
  • Period: Apr 12, 1300 to

    Daily life/culture of the renaissance (music and dance)

    Choirs became extremely popular. They usually consisted of 3-6 people per choir group. They sung poetry or romantic music, New instruments came out during the renaissance used in choirs and musicals as well such as the harpsichord, hearty Gerty,
  • Feb 13, 1301

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (Papal Schism)

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (Papal Schism)
    The Papal Schism was the split within the catholic church. This split occurred when the Pope tried to Excommunicate the king for taxing the clergy. In the process of trying to excommunicate the king, the Pope was put in prison. Clement V the new Pope moved the headquarters to France. People felt France controlled the church which brought along the split as there were 2 Popes when there is only supposed to be 1.
    Notes "Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation)
  • Jun 12, 1330

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (Calls For Reform)

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (Calls For Reform)
    The Call For Reform was started in 1330 when John Wycliffe questioned the authority of the Pope, the reason being is because the pope was supposed to be 1 person chosen by God to lead the people of Christianity but there were 3 Popes during this time and it made the importance of the Pope drop significantly. Then in 1370 Jan Hus came along and endangered the wealth of the church. Finally, in 1469 Desiderius Erasmus Fought back and attacked corruption throughout the church.
  • Feb 23, 1386

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Donatello)

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Donatello)
    Donatello was born in 1386 and died in 1466. He was known for his extremely realistic statues. He studied statues from the Greeks and the Romans. After studying them and learning how to sculpt realistic statues, he created Saint George.
    Notes "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance"
  • Sep 20, 1440

    Inventions (printing press)

    Inventions (printing press)
    The printing press was designed to make mass amounts of copies. These could be copies of important documents, books, rules, menus, or flyers. Whatever it was the printing press could efficiently and quickly make multiple copies.
  • Jul 16, 1443

    Patrons of the Arts (Pope Julius II)

    Patrons of the Arts (Pope Julius II)
    Pope Julius II supported many artists, especially Michelangelo. They were very good friends along with Bramante and Raphael. Julius II even gave artists and architects some creative ideas that helped inspire buildings and art pieces.
  • Dec 12, 1452

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Leonardo da Vinci)

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Leonardo da Vinci)
    Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. He was a painter who created very realistic paintings of people. He would even dissect human bodies to better understand their body so he could create realistic paintings. Leonardo was an artist who set very high standards for what beauty was considered.
    Notes "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance"
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Renesonce art/artist (Michelangelo)

    Renesonce art/artist (Michelangelo)
    Michael Angelo was born on March 6th 1475. He was a well known Artist back during the renaissance and is seen to be the person pushed the development of western art to a new level. Some of his most famous peaces consist of, The Creation Of Adam, Peita, along with the Sistine chapel ceiling witch he constructed. He was also an Architect, and sculptor. He died at the age of 88 witch was a very long life span for this period of time. His date of death was on February 18th 1564.
  • Apr 17, 1483

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Raphael)

    Renaissance Art/Artists (Raphael)
    Raphael was born in 1483. He often painted different depictions of the Virgin Mary. Raphael also set a new standard for what beauty was considered at that time. These standards were so high that no one could even reach them.
    Notes "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance"
  • Feb 12, 1490

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Simony)

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Simony)
    Simony was something sold by the Church. They could be bought to get a higher position in the Church's office. These were considered controversial because people didn't think it was right for someone to be able to buy a Church position instead of having to earn it. Also, the money went straight to the Church.
    Notes "Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation"
  • Jan 17, 1506

    Scientific Discoveries (Heliocentric Solar System)

    Scientific Discoveries (Heliocentric Solar System)
    The heliocentric solar system is the idea that the sun is the center of our solar system. Before this, people thought that Earth was the center. It was created by Aristarchus of Samos and was brought back to life by Nicolaus Copernicus. It was made in 1506.
    Jacob Garcia's flyer
  • May 5, 1510

    Inventions (Pocket watch)

    Inventions (Pocket watch)
    The pocket watch was a small clock that was able to be carried around in someone's pocket or hand. It made it easier for them to know what time it was without having to find somewhere that has a clock. This has helped develop wristwatches and other small kinds of watches. It was invented in 1510 by Peter Henlein.
    Ryan Cerveny and Alexa Garvin's flyer
  • May 4, 1512

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Indulgences)

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Indulgences)
    Indulgences were something that was sold to people from the Church. If someone has bought an indulgence, a family member who had passed would be freed from Purgatory and go to Heaven. These were something that Martin Luther noticed a problem with and wrote about them in his 95 theses.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (95 Theses)

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation (95 Theses)
    On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted a list of his 95 theses on the door of a church. These theses talked about what he felt was wrong with the church and tried to inform people about the problems. The theses were quickly copied and spread around and were considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
  • Apr 14, 1520

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Relics)

    Catholic Church Before the Reformation (Relics)
    Relics were pieces of a person or thing that is considered holy. Some would be body parts or things that a holy person has touched. There would often be fake relics, but if a miracle happened to someone after visiting it, it would be considered real. People would often visit these relics hoping that something good would happen to them. They were held in decorated boxes and cases.
  • Apr 23, 1553

    Patrons of the Arts (Medici Family)

    Patrons of the Arts (Medici Family)
    The Medici family became a very rich family during the Renaissance from a very efficient banking system they created. This system is still used today. They spent a lot of their money on pieces of art from Michelangelo, Donatello, Sandro Botticelli, and lots more. They helped fund their work and also bought their pieces.
  • Mar 15, 1563

    Renaissance art/artist (Tower Of Babel)

    Renaissance art/artist (Tower Of Babel)
    The Tower of babel was painted by Pieter Bruegel in the year 1563. The story behind the painting is that is explains diversions of languages and the tower was created to bring together these people of different languages. The painting took several years to create.
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet is the abbreviated version of "The Trategy Of Hamlet". The play is the longest ever with over 30,000 words and the play is made by Shakespeare.
  • Scientific Discoveries (Telescope)

    Scientific Discoveries (Telescope)
    The telescope was an invention that helped people better understand astronomy. It was a long tube with lenses in them that helped see things that were far away. It was invented in 1608 by Hans Lippershey. It has changed a lot since then and we have found many new things in space because of it.
    Brittney Webb's flyer
  • Scientific Discoveries (The Scientific Method)

    Scientific Discoveries (The Scientific Method)
    The scientific method was a list of steps that were used to help figure something out. It was created in 1621 by Francis Bacon. It is still used today by scientists to help find the reasoning behind something. It is used to help structure experiments that anyone performs.
    Anna Marine's flyer