
Pythagoras (c. 570-c.490 BCE)

By Ona
  • 550 BCE

    Math and Reality

    Pythagoras found that music tones correlated to math. He taught the correlation between whole number ratios to basic concords in music. It is also said that he may have been the first to bring about the believe of spherical heavenly bodies.
  • 530 BCE

    The Ways of a Pythagorean

    Pythagoras was know for leaving behind a lifestyle of discipline. His followers were impressive in that they were known for silence. The "Pythagorean silence" didn't allow the sharing of many, but not all, of his teachings. It seems that many teachings passed down were kept a live through sayings called acusmata. His followers would later form organizations and gain widespread influence.
  • 500 BCE


    Pythagoras believed the human soul was immortal, and that anything that happened in one's life would be repeated. Pythagoras was the first to teach this concept in Greece, and was deemed an expert.
  • 500 BCE

    The Pythagorean Theorem

    One of Pythagoras' biggest contributions is the Pythagorean Theorem. This theorem supported his beliefs in math's application to reality.