Psychology Timeline

  • Charles Darwin

    British naturalist Darwin was born
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Birth of Wundt
  • William James

    founder of functionalism
  • Phineas Gage

    A certain part of his brain was pierced with an iron pole from a work related incident and he changed into a whole different person.
  • On the Origin of Species

    Darwin published his ideas in this book
  • John B. Watson

    Birth of Watson who was an important behaviorist.
  • G. Stanley Hall

    First American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology
  • Birth of Psychology

    Wilhelm Wundt found the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany
  • Wundt

    Forms the professional journal "Philosophische Studien"
  • First experimental psychology lab

    G. Stanley Hall opens the first experimental psychology lab in the United States at John Hopkins University
  • First American Psychology laboratory

    G. Stanley Hall established this at John Hopkins University.
  • Herman Ebbinghaus

    Published his famous Über das Gedächtnis or on Memory
  • Beginning of treatments

    Sigmund Freud begins treatments of patients in Vienna, Austria
  • Therapy

    Freud started to provide this service to patients in Vienna, Austria
  • First Doctorate in Psychology

    Given to Joseph Jastrow
  • First professor of psychology

    Given to James Mckeen Cattell
  • Mental Tests and Measurements

    James McKeen Cattell published this
  • Principles of Psychology

    William James published this book
  • Psychodiagnosis

    Albert Binet forms the first psychology lab for this
  • Law of Effect

    Edward Thorndike develops the Law of Effect
  • Interpretation of Dreams

    Sigmund Freud published this book about the unconscious mind and the kinds of thoughts we have during dreams.
  • British Psychology Society

    The BPS was born
  • Ivan Pavlov experiments

    Pavlov trains a dog to salivate on hearing the sound of a bell.
  • B.F. Skinner

    The birth of B.F. Skinner
  • The First Intelligence Test

    Alfred Binet publishes the first intelligence test, the Binet-Simon scale.
  • Mary Whiton Calkins

    First woman president of the American Psychological Association
  • Classical Conditioning

    Ivan Pavlov published his findings on classical conditioning.
  • Animal Intelligence

    Edward Thorndike publishes Animal Intelligence.
  • Carl Jung

    Comes up with analytical psychology
  • Unconscious thought

    Freud defined the term unconscious thought
  • psychoanalysis

    Introduced by Freud
  • Little Albert

    Publication of classical conditioning of little Albert by Watson and Rosalie Wayner.
  • the moral judgement of children

    Jean Piaget publishes this book
  • TAT

    Henry Murray publishes the Thematic Appreception Test
  • Operant Conditioning

    B.F. Skinner develops the theory of operant conditioning.
  • Electroshock Therapy

    This therapy was first used to treat human patients.
  • Client-centered Therapy

    Carl Rogers came up with this concept
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Abraham Maslow publishes Motivation and Personality that explains the hierarchy of needs.
  • Abraham Maslow

    Helps found humanistic psychology.
  • The Nature of Love

    Harry Harlow publishes this book about the importance of attachment and love.
  • Bobo Doll experiment

    Albert Bandura conducts this experiment
  • Observational Learning

    Albert Bandura describes this concept to explain personality development.
  • Bystander Effect

    The murder of Kitty Genovese prompted the discovery of this effect.
  • Erik Erikson

    Did a study on Mahatma Gandhi's life to see how positive spiritual identity developed.
  • Maslow

    Discovered that people have to ability to control their lives and environment
  • Obedience to Authority

    Stanley Milgram publishes this, which presented the findings of his famous experiment
  • Kohlberg

    Introduced the theory that conscious reasoning influenced moral judgement
  • Satisfaction with Life Scale

    Ed Diener and others made this self-report questionnaire to measure how satisfied a person is with his or her life.
  • The Language Instinct

    Steven Pinker publishes this book to further explain the theory of how children acquire language
  • The Dark side of the American Dream

    Studies that were about psychological and physical functioning questionnaires.
  • Ed and Carol Diener

    Published conclusions of their findings from the research of the Satisfaction with Life Scale.
  • Studying of variables for crime occurrences

    Anderson and others discovered the third variable for increasing of crime occurrences and that is heat
  • Happiness as a predictor of life outcomes

    Lee Anne Harker and Dacher Keltner conducted an experiment on this.
  • Relationship between happiness and longevity

    A study was done for this and required nuns to write a spiritual autobiography (Deborah Danner and her colleagues. Those who expressed positive emotion were more likely to live longer lives.
  • Hobson

    Discovered that people who were awakened during REM sleep have more vivid dreams and are more awake and well rested.
  • Biswas-Diener, Vitterso, and Diener

    Conducted studies on levels of happiness in groups of people who have not generally been included in psychological studies
  • Experiments with the Satisfaction with Life Scale

    Experiments were conducted on African nomadic groups and they averaged above 5.0
  • 7-point happiness scale

    Studies conducted by Biswas-Deiner, Vitterso, and Diener about the Amish's happiness and they scored a 4.4
  • Killgore and Others

    An experiment was conducted where participants had to stay awake for 53 hours straight and they showed difficulty in many things, such as making moral decisions.
  • self-determination theory

    This theory was introduced by Ryan, Huta, and Deci
  • The importance of sleep

    Diekelmann, Wilhelm, and Born had findings from a research review that stressed the importance of sleep
  • Leary and Guadagno

    Introduced the theory that the most important human need is the need to belong to a social group.
  • Daydreaming

    Domhoff went more in depth with the idea of daydreaming
  • Research done by the National Sleep Foundation

    In a national survey of more than 1500 people 43 percent of them reported that they rarely get a good night's sleep on weeknights
  • Peterson and Others

    Discovered problems with surveys and interviews
  • Scientific Method

    Ray introduced this method for psychology which made it a science.
  • Salkind

    Salkind introduces the theory that descriptive research can reveal important information about people's behaviors and attitudes.
  • David Buss

    Argued that evolution influences many things, such as decision making and our mating patterns
  • Rasch and Born

    discovered the important role in sleep for consolidation of memory
  • Outside of Awareness

    Evans, Gao, and Zhang discovered that mental processes can occur outside of awareness
  • Circadian rhythms

    Robinson and Reddy discovered these cycles
  • suprachiasmatic nucleus

    researchers found out this structure and it's functions.
  • Sleep Spindles

    Cox and others discovered these increase in wave frequency
  • Howell

    Discovered the importance of statistics for psychology
  • Jackson

    Introduced a certain type of scientific observation.
  • Heiman and Howell

    Came up with the realization that "Correlation does not equal causation"
  • Steven Pinker

    Introduces the theory of how children acquire language