1691724 ede4


  • 6 BCE

    Plato and Aristotle

    They discussed the following educational psychology topics. : the types of education appropriate for different types of people; the training of the body and the cultivation of psychomotor skills; the formation of good character; the possibilities and limits of moral education; the effects of music, poetry, and other arts on the development of the individual; the role of the teacher; the relationships between teacher and student; the means and methods of teaching...
  • 5 BCE


    He wrote about the advantages conferred by schooling and
    influence of home on learning.
  • 19

    Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)

    Herbartians: They promoted teaching through a logical progression from learning, a revolutionary idea in the late 19th century. They promoted the five formal steps to teaching virtually any subject: (a) preparation (from the student's mind), (b) presentation (of the material to be learned), (c) comparison, (d) generalization, and (e) application. They made pedagogical technique the focus of scientific study, eventually pointing the way to the field of research on teaching...
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    Argued in favor of public education rather than private
    to preserve democratic ideals, a battle that is still being fought today. He condemned physical force as a method of discipline, and commented that good teaching and an attractive curriculum take care of most behavior problems, He urged teachers to take individual differences into account, established criteria for teacher selection.
  • Period: 1492 to 1540

    Juan Luis Vives

    He affirmed to teachers and others with educational responsibilities, such as government and business, that there must be an orderly presentation of the facts to be learned, He noted that what must be learned must be practiced, He wrote about practical knowledge and necessity to attract student interest, he wrote about individual differences and the need to adjust instruction for all students...
  • Period: to


    He inaugurated the use of visual aids in instruction. He recommended that instruction begin with the general and then move on to the particular and that nothing be accepted in books unless verified by a demonstration of the senses. He taught that understanding, not memory, is the goal of instruction; that we better learn what we have the opportunity to teach; and that parents have a role to play in their children's schooling.
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    William James

    He saw education as a crucial element of society, with school as a place for habits to be acquired by design, not by will. own. He acknowledged that psychologists couldn't tell educators precisely what to do. He criticized the attempt to turn teachers into psychologists or scientists at the service of the child. The teacher's approach to the child was necessarily ethical and concrete, while that of the psychologist was necessarily abstract and analytical.
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    G. Stanley Hall

    He inquired about the conceptions that children had of nature; he questioned what the children knew about numbers, religion, death, fear, sex, and their own bodies. He put forward the view that science could guide educational thinking, the movement promoted the belief that anyone could be a scientist, the data from the natural environment is at least the same as the laboratory.
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    Joseph Mayer Rice

    Father of research on teaching. He comments that the effectiveness of the school, the methods and the teachers should be measured in terms of the results obtained.
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    John Dewey

    Three intertwined fields of study: philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. He argued that what held the stimuli and their responses together were the interpretations given to both, thus putting awareness, attribution. he was against imparting mere knowledge, believing that such information was incorrect or would soon become out of date. He advocated allowing students to participate in the educational process because it was their personal needs that were the starting point of that process.
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    Edward Lee Thorndike

    Fearless, astonishingly productive, and as he proceeded to organize the countryside, he revealed an unshakable faith that psychological science could solve many of society's ills. TTrust the mind and science, not emotion. He advised his graduate students, the future leaders of our discipline, to read everything they could about education to learn what was happening in the schools, but not to bother to spend their precious hours visiting the classroom.
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    William T. Harris

    Three intertwined fields of study: philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. He enunciated the four fundamental rules for effective instruction: "The child must be regular [in attendance] and punctual [in tasks], quiet and hard-working. This is what 'builds character'" Obedience to authority it was considered necessary to develop the child's personal sense of responsibility and duty.
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    Thorndike's Influence

    Educational psychologists (Gates, Brownell, Pressey, McConnell, to name just a few) completed lasting work of practical importance, but much of the work that impacted our. The field was being done by psychologists who were not primarily interested in education. Grinder wrote that we should return to the middle ground, once foreseen for our discipline, a position between psychology with its disciplinary rigor on the one hand and education with its complicated problems on the other.
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    John B. Carroll

    He published his model of school learning. wrote on the discipline of educational psychology. She noted that the potential of educational psychology remained untapped because it seemed not to care about genuine educational problems.
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    Lee J. Cronbach

    He made it clear that inconsistent findings hampered certain kinds of progress in our field.
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    Philip Jackson

    He cited four ways in which the introduction to the first edition of the Journal of Educational Psychology set the stage for the difficulties that would follow.
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    Lauren Resnick

    He noted that real-world instructional problems were beginning to guide the development of instructional psychology.
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    Richard Snow

    Our job is to psychologize about educational problems and issues and not simply to bring psychology to education. The psychologizing role certainly requires that we bring our considerable talents, our rich disciplinary perspective, our concepts, methods, and habits of mind to address the genuine problems of administrators, teachers, students, curriculum and instruction, teacher training, etc. it is the problems of the field that give rise to our interest as psychologists.