Greek psi 4

Origins of contemporary Psychology

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    The French philosopher Rene Descartes - Michael Huynh

    Thus being bale to create sensations, thoughts, emotions and other conscious experiences. Descartes also argued that point that the mind could affect the body and the body could affect the mind.
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    The French philosopher Rene Descartes - Michael Huynh

    Descartes proposed his own theory, called dualism. Descartes agreed that the mind and body are two different things. His reason behind this was that, the mind was a non-physical spiritual entity, whereas the body is a physical structure containing flesh. Even though Descartes agreed that the mind and body are two different things, he also thought that the mind and body come into contact through the pineal gland, which enabled the mind and brain interact.
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    German physiology Hermann von Helmholtz - Michael Huynh

    Hermann von Helmholtz devised a method to measure the speed of nerve impulses in a frog leg. Nerve impulses as well as messages from hormones show which informaiton is communicated throuhout our bodies to enable us to do simple tasks such as, think, feel and behave. Successfully, moving on from frogs, Hermann von Helholtz continued to do his studies on humans.
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    Hermann von Helmholtz experiments on humans - Michael Huynh

    Helmholtz trained his research participants to respond after he had applied a low voltage electricity shock (completely harmless) to different parts of the leg. During this experiment, Helmholtz recorded the reaction times of his participants. Through this experiment, Helmholtz had found that people generally took longer to respond when their toe was stimulated. Further more, the experiment allowed to estimate how long it took a nerve impulse to travel to the brain.
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    Wilhelm Wundt - Structuralism - Michael Huynh

    Wilhelm Wundt, a German psyiologist, was specfically interested in the scientific study of human consciousness. Wundt tried to understand the human consciousness through breaking it down into parts such as feelings, thoughts, sights and sounds. Wundt's perspectives, theories and scientific research findings and articles on the structure of consciousness led to the estabilishment of the first psychology research laboratory in 1879. Wundt studied the conscious experience experimentally.
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    Functionalism - William James - Michael Huynh

    William James was influential in making psychology in America known. James defined psychology as the study of consciousness. Unlike Wundt's, James approach to consciousness
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    Functionalism - William James

    William James played a major role in establishing psychology in America. James defined psychology as the study of consciousness. He disagreed with Wundt's approach to separating consciousness into its different elements. James stressed the importance of the adaptability of consciousness and our ability to change our behaviour. This approach is known as functionalism.
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    Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud

    During the 20th century, a new prospective in psychology had focused on unconscious rather than the conscious. This approach was very different from the other perspectives, and was called psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis focused on the roles of unconscious conflicts and motivations in understanding and explaining behaviour and mental processes. An important aspect of psychoanalysis described by Freud, is that our past experiences, our childhood experiences are very important.
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    Behaviourism - John B. Watson

    The theories and work of American psychologist Watson, are still evident in the study and practice of psychology today. He had a major inportant on the development of psychology as a science. Watson proposed that psychology should focus on the scientific study of observable behaviour. Watson's perspective and approach to studying psychology is known as behaviourism. Behaviourism dominated psychology until about the 1960s when other approaches attracted attention.
  • Wundt's study of concsious experience

    Wundt's study of concsious experience
    In 1879, Wundt established a laborartory at the University of Leipzig in Germany. There, Wundt's and his students, conducted multiple experiments on the topic of consciousness. For example, one of Wundt's experiments was to try and measure precisely how long it took for partcipants to consciously detect both the sight and sound of a bell being struck.
  • Wundt's influence

    Wundt had a major influence on the deveelopment on psychology as a science. Over 17,000 students attended Wundt's lectures on various aspects of psychology. It often included demonstrated the devices he had developed to measure mental processes.
  • Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud

    Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
    Our early childhood experiences are very important in the development of our personality and behaviour. Freud's theory describe different types of conflicts or emotional events if we are to have a healthy personality.
  • Humanism - Carl Rogers

    Humanism - Carl Rogers
    Humanism emerged around in the 1950s as an alternative to psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), and behaviourism (John B. Watson). Humanism, also known as humanistic psychology, is an approadch to understanding and explainng behaviour and mental processes. It is mainly focused on the uniqueness of each individual person and the positive qualities.
  • Greek Philosopher - Socrates - Michael Huynh

    Greek Philosopher - Socrates - Michael Huynh
    Over 2000 years ago, the Greek philsopher Socrates, and his companions, Plato and Aristotle wrote about lal kinds of human thoughts, feelings, behaviour and human nature in general.
  • The beginning of Psychology - Michael Huynh

    The beginning of Psychology - Michael Huynh
    The Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotlte theorised about memory, sleep, dreams, the senes, pleasure and pain, imaginiation, desire, whether humans were born good orevil, whether humans were born with or without knowledge and whether humans were born to be rational or irrational beings.