Historia de la psicologia


  • 620 BCE

    TALES DE MILETO (620-546 a.C)

    TALES DE MILETO (620-546 a.C)
    -attain the truth through reason.
    - "I think, therefore I am".
    -Considered the first western philosopher.
  • 530 BCE

    PARMENIDES (530-515 a.C)

    PARMENIDES (530-515 a.C)
    -Founder of the Random School.
    - search for the truth through being.
    -Affirmation of being on the illusion of a possible reality.
  • 530 BCE

    HERACRLITO (530-515 a.C)

    HERACRLITO (530-515 a.C)
    -It focuses on movement as a constant change of all elements and phenomena.
    -Duality and confrontation of opposites for Universal balance.
    -Fire: Element that gives rise to everything present.
  • 495 BCE

    EMPEDOCLES (495-435 a.C)

    EMPEDOCLES (495-435 a.C)
    -Research on the embryo and the ear.
    -soul: immortal demons forced to transmigrate.
    -heart: seat of sensations + mental life.
  • 494 BCE


    -turns medicine into a discipline:
    * delimits the mysticism of science.
    * rational approach.
    -Theory of the hypocrites of humors:
    * 4 moods / 4 organs / 4 temperaments.
    -corpus linked to the cosmos.
  • 476 BCE

    MIDDLE AGES (476 a.C-1453)

    MIDDLE AGES (476 a.C-1453)
    -Science paralysis in Europe.
    -Important scientific advances developed by the Arabs.
    -Predominance of magical thinking.
    -Religious dogmatism imposed in every aspect of human life.
  • 470 BCE

    SOCRATES (470-399 a.C)

    SOCRATES (470-399 a.C)
    -Father of philosophy.
    -I considered that the truth could only be reached through questioning and dialogue.
    -Awakens the analytical and contemplative character of philosophy.
    - "The power of the word guides towards the truth".
  • 354

    SAN AUGUSTIN DE HIPONA (354 d.C-430 d.c)

    SAN AUGUSTIN DE HIPONA (354 d.C-430 d.c)
    -Studies directed to the Soul and its access to God.
    -Differentiate degrees and functions of the soul.
    -Memory + Intelligence + Will = Soul
    -His psychology starts from "original sin".
    -His work "Confessions" is a collection of 13 autobiographical books.
  • 1225

    SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINO (1225-1274)

    SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINO (1225-1274)
    -High point of scholasticism.
    -Primordial structure of beings: Mineral, vegetable, animal and thought (unique to man).
    -Power of the soul: estimative, intellectual, vegetative, sensitive and memory.
    -The knowledge comes from inner and outer senses.
  • 1400


    -Breaking with tradition: Mysticism and Christianity.
    -The object of interest becomes from the Soul (Christian) to the body and reason.
    -Reform movement:
    * Man ceases to be a subject of God (immortal soul) and begins to be considered as an individual (I).
    -Freedom: essential for the human being.
    -Use of experimentation to create science.
    -The man becomes an object of investigation.
  • 1452

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519)

    LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519)
    -Recover the ideal and real man (total man).
    -Interest in Anatomy and Physiology.
    -Relate visual and mental activity.
    - "Treatise on painting": True science is reached through experience and mathematical proof.
    -Man can be freed from autoriad (Second nature granted by the spirit).
  • 1472


    • Nicknamed "The Divine" and considered "the Renaissance itself". -Man becomes the center of the Universe. -It considers that the truth can only be reached through personal reflection and research complemented by reason. -Man destined to reach divine perfection.
  • 1548

    GIORDANO BRUNO (1548-1600)

    GIORDANO BRUNO (1548-1600)
    -The functions attributed to God become of the Universe.
    -Imagination + Spirit = Coincidence of opposites.
    -Universal Soul (infinity) and Human Soul (intelligent cause).
    -Morality returns to concern for the common good, not just individual well-being.
  • 1561

    FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626)

    FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626)
    -It indicates the contradictory movements of the soul.
    -Criticist of the pharmacopoeia of his time:
    * Emphasizes the importance of individual treatment.
    -Distinguishes the spiritual soul (divine origin) from the sensitive soul (material, typical of all living beings).
  • RENE DESCARTES (1596-1650)

    RENE DESCARTES (1596-1650)
    -Father of modern philosophy.
    -Fight prejudices through the rejection of received truths.
    -It concentrates on the study of human knowledge.
    -Links philosophical thinking to mathematical thinking.
  • BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662)

    BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662)
    -It is proposed to change the way the world was managed.
    -Delivers knowledge to science.
    * Pasacaliano thought (individual and social elements)
    * Pascal's theorem
    * Probability theory
    * The existence of emptiness
    * Pascal's triangle
    -The essential element of man is the will and faith, not natural reason.
    -Heart = houses both the will and the capacity for faith.
    -Free will separates man from animal.
  • BARUCH SPINOZA (1632-1667)

    BARUCH SPINOZA (1632-1667)
    -The reality of man is twofold:
    * Reality = substance
    * God is identified with nature, which manifests itself in an active or passive way.
    * Man = body + soul
    * Extension + thought
    -Looks for an authentic understanding of reality.
  • JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)

    JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)
    -Understand the scope and limits of knowledge.
    -It is proposed to discover a method to pass understanding to knowledge.
    -The sensations are the source of ideas:
    * Simple ideas: They relate to the qualities of objects (primary and secondary qualities).
    * Complex ideas: They derive from experience but are formed by the combination of simple ideas.

    -The human unconscious is the root of judgments and reasoning.
    * The individual has no current knowledge of this mental process.
    * The other side of consciousness.
    * Habits
    * Later used as a basis for psychoanalysis.
  • GEORGE BERKELEY (1685-1753)

    GEORGE BERKELEY (1685-1753)
    -Interest in the spirituality and immortality of the soul.
    -The matter is reduced to a subjective fact (It does not derive from perception).
    -Consider the outside world as a psychological and spiritual reality.
    -The perceptions that build our world are manifestations of God with men, through nature.
  • DENIS DIDEROT (1713-1784)

    DENIS DIDEROT (1713-1784)
    -Publish the Encyclopedia:
    * Collect the principles of illustration.
    -Consider that a well-informed man is a new man and evil is a consequence of ignorance.

    -The senses are the source of knowledge.
    -Object of study:
    * Union of the body with the soul.
    * Experience in the role of the union of body and soul.
    -The man is the object of his own knowledge.
    -Your work "Language linked to thought" talks about:
    * The origin of language (coming from the imagination).
    * The sensations as a primary element in the origin of the mental faculties.
    * Differentiation between the order of the spirit and the material order.
  • IMMANUEL KANT (1724-808)

    IMMANUEL KANT (1724-808)
    -First representative of German idealism.
    -The elements in the Universe are complementary to each other.
    -Time is the pure form of previous contributions
    -The faculty of understanding is attributed to human reasoning:
    * Fundamental union between sensible intuition and concept.
    *"Intuition is blind without concept and concept is empty without intuition."
    -The soul can only be perceived by appealing to the inner sense.
    -The soul perceives the body only through the senses.

    -Psychophysiology and Neuropsychology.
    -Study the relationship between human organs with the development of feelings.
    -Its objective:
    * Distinguish organic functions from intelligence functions.
    -Study the brain system:
    * System that unites the physical with the moral.
    * Divide the nervous system into subsystems.
    * It speaks of the partiality of the "I" that makes up a whole "I".

    -The man is aware of himself and the world in which he lives.
    -Human individuality:
    *Different degrees of sensitivity.
    *Capable of expressing himself.
    *Maintains in consciousness certain conceptions established through the understanding, at the same time that it separates them.
    -Its purpose is to identify absolute understanding.
    -The union between spirit and consciousness make up a total entity.
    -Assesses the role of the unconscious in the consolidation of language.

    -The epistemological and methodological model of the natural sciences begins to be applied in the study of human nature and its subjectivity.
    -Scientific Psychology is highly questioned and rejected (for being considered inappropriate).
    -A laboratory of experimental Psychology is inaugurated (by Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt).
    -The distinction is made between physical knowledge and philosophical knowledge.
  • ERNEST HEINRICH WEBER (1795-18789)

    ERNEST HEINRICH WEBER (1795-18789)
    -Makes an investigation and separation of the sensations:
    * Tactile sensations
    * Visual sensations
    -Perform Weber's Law:
    * It is the quantitative relationship between a physical stimulus (in terms of magnitude) and the sensation produced by it.
    * Later this is modified and becomes known as "Weber-Fechner Law".
    -I considered that every human act could be explained by means of physicochemical principles.
  • GUSTAV FECHNER (1801-1887)

    GUSTAV FECHNER (1801-1887)
    -Collaborate with Weber for the consolidation of the "Weber-Fechner Law":
    * "The smallest discernible change in the magnitude of a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus."
    * Opens the doors to different methods to determine thresholds.
    -Perform the first Psychophysical experiment in the United States:
    * The perception of color tones under different lights.
  • JEAN MARTIN CHARCOT (1825-1893)

    JEAN MARTIN CHARCOT (1825-1893)
    -French neurologist.
    -He studied at the Salpetrére de Paris:
    * Pioneering institution in the scientific treatment of mental illnesses.
    -He was dedicated to the study and analysis of hysteria.
    * Traces its psychological and neurological origin, denying the belief that the condition was derived from the malformation of the female uterus.
    * Makes the distinction between "Hysteria" and what is known today as "paranoid schizophrenia."

    -Founder of Contemporary Experimental Psychology.
    -Study the contents of the mind:
    * Content psychology.
    * Psychology of the mental structure.
    -Publish your books:
    * "Physiological psychology" where he raises experimental techniques.
    * "Peoples Psychology" where it deals with anthropological issues and the influence of society on the individual.
    -Wundt defines Psychology as "The science of immediate experience".
  • WILLIAM JAMES (1842-1910)

    WILLIAM JAMES (1842-1910)
    -Purely scientific psychology (empirical data).
    -Focuses his studies on brain processes:
    * Links mental processes with nervous ones
    * Links the participation of motor phenomena with cognitive processes.
    -Discover the influence of nervous discharges in the regulation of actions:
    * There is a transformation of accepted ideas to perceptual mass.
  • JOSEF BREUER (1842-1925)

    JOSEF BREUER (1842-1925)
    -Discover the function of the ear in balance.
    -Discover the mechanism of the body's thermal regulation through breathing.
    -Create the cathartic method (precursor of psychoanalysis).
    -Recognized as one of the best psychologists and physiologists in Vienna.
  • SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

    SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)
    -Go from Neurology to Psychology.
    -Rethink human nature.
    -Founds the Theory of the Unconscious.
    -Father of Psychoanalysis:
    * Created in 1896.
    * Descriptive and explanatory theory of mechanisms and phenomena within human soul life.
    -Study free association and the interpretation of dreams.
  • ALFRED BINET (1857-1911)

    ALFRED BINET (1857-1911)
    -Take an interest in the influence of suggestion on human behavior:
    * Reasoning and imagination.
    * Mental processes without images.
    * Cognitive aspects of personality.
    -Develop together with Théodore Simon, a test to objectively measure people's intelligence:
    * Mainly used to guide children with learning difficulties.
    * Used in the workplace (Known as the Stanford-Binet test).
  • ALFRED ADLER (1870-1937)

    ALFRED ADLER (1870-1937)
    -One of the founders of Deep Psychology (along with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung).
    -Beginning to Individual Psychology.
    -Formulates the concept of "compensations":
    * Phenomenon in which the individual reinforces those deficient capacities (physical capacities).
  • CARL GUTAV JUNG (1875-1961)

    CARL GUTAV JUNG (1875-1961)
    -Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychologist.
    -First President of the International Psychoanalytic Association.
    -Founds Analytical Psychology and Complex Psychology.
    -Make several works about the theory of personality.
    -Replaces Freudian sexuality by the concept of "energy".
    -Makes the distinction between introverted and extroverted personalities.
    -Create the concept of individual unconscious and collective unconscious.
  • MAX WERTHEIMER (1880-1843)

    MAX WERTHEIMER (1880-1843)
    -Founder of Gestalt Psychology.
    - Help students to understand what they learn.
    It makes a distinction between:
    * Productive thinking: Insight, the subject internalizes and understands a revealed truth or concept.
    * Reproductive thinking: mechanical and automatic repetition.
    Create the Law of Pregnancies.
    - Proposes that human beings perceive in a way that we integrate sensations in the best possible way.