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    The Four Humors

    The Four Humors
    Referred to as both ‘humors’ and temperaments’, the four elements of the human mind all shared in common the main components of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, each representing sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic respectively. Though an ancient theory of Greek philosophy, it did have certain ties with biology. This theory by the Greek physician, Hippocrates, along with the theory by Galen was combined to form a basis for modern psychiatric medicines.
  • Sep 13, 1503


    Is a pschychological perspective which rose to promince in the mid-20th century. Pretaining to a philosphy asserting human dignity and mans capacity for fulfilment through reason and scientifc method and often rejecting religion.
  • Dualism

    The definition of Dualism is the presumption proposed by Descartes that the human mind and body are two distinct entities that interact with each other to make a person. Descartes reasoned that the mind and the body communicate with each other through a small structure at the base of the brain called the pineal gland.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    March 31, 1596- February 11, 1650
    French philosopher, mathmatition, writer; "Father of Modern Philosophy"; Je pense, donc je suis- I think, therefore I am Promoted a new conception of matter which allowed for the accounting of a new physical phenomena by way of mechanical explanation
  • Arthur Schopenhauer

    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher. He studied individual motivation. He thought human desire was futile, illogical, and directionless. He thought that human desire "willing," and craving cause suffering and pain. He also thought compassion was the major motivator to moral expression.He was one of the most influential men of psychology.
  • Dream Analysis

    Dream Analysis
    Dream Analysis is when someone gains access to the unconsious mind. After Sigmund Freud revealed the dream world, it became rapid. To this day dream analysis has been considered a source of healing, wonder, and inspiration. Psychologists and therapists use dream analysis as part of their careers, and back in the olden times dreams were used to help victims heal. Dream analysis has been around for more than a century, it's been used since humans first started dreaming. Freud was the first person
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    Phrenology is the science on how the physical appearance of the skull and how the persons character relate. The first philosopher to locate mental faculties in the head was Aristoteles. It was believed that the brain is a organ of the mind. Also, by studying the shape and unevenness of the head that it could be determined what parts of the brain were more developed than others. Whye, J. (n.d.). History of phrenology on the web. Retrieved from http://www.historyofphrenology.org.uk/
  • Gustav Fechner

    Gustav Fechner
    Established the theory of psychophysics, which was a science of the relationship between the physical and mental. In his studies, he formulated the concept “Mind and matter are simply different ways of conceiving of one and the same reality.” His research came to the conclusion of measuring sensation in relation to its stimulus. This concept is used today, as it relates to a person’s perception to things such as images and smells.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Darwin believed that sometimes people would react in a way that our animal ancestors would. He thought that our inner animal would come out and cause us to react in an inhumane way. This showed the scienc of psychology that our emotions may have been passed down and we are similiar to animals. Darwin also believed that, through evolution, we have obtained emotions that are not necessary today, such as the need to "fight" and nervousness. Darwin's Application to Psychology. Niu.edu. Retrieve
  • Biological Psychology

    Biological Psychology
    Deals with the nervous system and hormones as well. Also it is how changes in the brain can affect behavior. There is also a side of biological psychology that has to do with genetics When medication is put into the body to help the brain it changed behavior. This change in the brain does change behavior and might alter someones hormones and nervous system.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Established Marxism: Economic and social practice (socialism) Conflict theorist, class struggle. Believed in classless society
  • Dreaming

    Dream Analysis is when someone gains access to the unconsious mind. After Sigmund Freud revealed the dream world, it became rapid. To this day dream analysis has been considered a source of healing, wonder, and inspiration. Psychologists and therapists use dream analysis as part of their careers, and back in the olden times dreams were used to help victims heal. Dream analysis has been around for more than a century, it's been used since humans first started dreaming.
  • Aelius Galen

    Aelius Galen
    Galen was a Roman Physician, Philosopher, & Surgeon. He discovered the functions of many internal organs.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    Galton believed that you could breed a genuis child by "selective parenthood." Galton said that "nature prevails enormously over nurture when the differences of nurture do not exceed what is commonly found among persons of the same rank of society and in the same country." Gega, S. (2002). Sir Francis Galton. Psychology History. Retrieved September 5 2012 from http://www.muskingum.edu/~psych/psycweb/history/ga lton.htm.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Wilhelm Wundt was known as the "Father of Psychology". He studied Physiology and was able to separate Psychology from Physiology. He established the first experimental Psychology lab in Germany, in 1879. His objective was to record thoughts and sensations, and to analyze them into their elements, in order to figure out the underlying structure; also known as Structuralism.
    august 16 1832
  • Cognitive

    Cognitive psychology, founded by Wilhelm Wundt is the study of how a person thinks. Cognitive relates to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgement, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional processes. Cognitive psychology is important because it focuses on how the brain works to learn and judge.
    Brittany F. (2012) http://www.reference.com/motif/Science/cognitive-psychology
  • William James

    William James
    William James is considered to be the founder of functionalism. Functionalism is the oldest and dominant perspective in many social sciences. Functionalism uses the scientific method to study the social world. Functionalism also investigates social systems. This is important to psychology because it studies how the brain has an impact on socializing. Kent McClelland, (2000, February 24) http://web.grinnell.edu/courses/soc/s00/soc11101/IntroTheories/Functionalism.html
  • G. Stanely Hall

    G. Stanely Hall
    Hall was born in Massachusetts Hall linked together psychology and education. The theory Hall is know for is called the theory of recapitulation. This theory explains that each person goes through changes in both the psychic and somatic senses which follow the evolution scale of the mind and body. Grezilk, A. (1999, May). G. stanley hall. Retrieved from
  • Sociocultural

    The term sociocultural part takes in the concept of psychology because it describes the social and cultural backgrounds of a human being. To understand sociocultural term in psychology is to understand that everyone is made up of different moral, backgrounds, religions, and ethics. These are the characteristics that shape oneself. (http://www.education.com/reference/article/sociocultural-theory/)
  • Arthur Schopenhauer

    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher. He studied individual motivation. He thought human ddesire was futile, illogical, and directionless. He thought that human desire "willing," and craving cause suffering and pain. He also thought compassion was the major motivator to moral expression.He was one of the most influential men of psychology.
  • Alfred Adler

    Alfred Adler
    Alfred was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology. He played a role in therapy and child development, Rogers' theory of the self is considered to be humanistic and phenomenological. He believed that dreams are an important tool to mastering control over your waking lives. The more dreams you have, the more problems you are likely to have. Adler believes that it is control, power and motivation that drives your behavior.
  • Edward Thorndike

    Edward Thorndike
    American psychologist that came up with the "law and effect" theory and performed many animal experiments. Also contributed to the idea of "behaviorism."
  • John B. Watson

    John B. Watson
    American psychologist; established the Psychological School of Behaviorism; researched animal behavior, child rearing, advertising; conducted the "Little Albert" experiment in 1920 with assistant Rosalie Rayner. The Little Albert was a case study showing empirical evidence of classical conditioning.
  • Psychodynamic

    The Psychodynamic School of Thought is related to psychology because it is the main school of thought used in therapy. It focuses on attempting to get inside the mind to find the unconcious motives behind our thoughts, actions, and statements. The Psychodynamic School of Thought believes that everything, even slips of the tongue, have a cause. It also believes that our feelings and behavior are formed and devolped through childhood experiences (McLeod, 2007).
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  • Free Association

    Free Association
    A method of trying to see how the human mind works, in which a person says the first word that they think of after hearing a word that is spoken to them.Free association means that the patient talks about whatever comes into mind without censoring or editing the flow of ideas or memories. Free association allows the patient to return to earlier or more childlike emotional states ("regress").
  • Anna Freud

    Anna Freud
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    Jean Piaget was a famous theorist and experimenter that was born in Switzerland on August 6, 1896. Throughout his life, he analyzed the development of children and observed their reactions and reasonings. With this, he came up with the four stages of development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations. Piaget went on to teach psychology, philosophy, and sociology at the University of Neuchatel.
  • Gordon Allport

    Gordon Allport
    One of the first psychologists to focus on the study of the personality.
  • Unconscious

    Unconscious or more easily described as the unconscious mind are things that the mind that happen automatically without the person telling their brain to do it. If someone has a random thought, it is their unconscious mind giving them a thought automatically. The unconscious mind is where information gets processed. The unconscious mind shows itself through dreams. In the diagram it shows that core self is really in unconscious mind and your ego or is what you are when you are conscious.
  • Carl Rogers

    Carl Rogers
    One of the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. Beleived that for a person to grow they need an environment that provides them genuineness, acceptance, empathy. Self-actualize is to fulfill one's potential and achieve the highest level of 'human-beingness' we can. He also believe to self-actualize you had to be in a state of congruence; which means that self-actualization occurs when a person’s “ideal self” is congruent with their actual behavior.
  • Roger Sperry

    Roger Sperry
    Sperry noticed the brain has two minds of its own, or that one half can't work without the other. He noticed that after testing it, that some parts of the body where connected to the right side of the brain like the left eye, and the same goes for the left side of the brain. Each side functions different parts and without each side of the brain together it just doesn't work well as a full brain
  • Stanely Milgram

    Stanely Milgram
    Milgram was born in New York. Milgram studied a series of behaviorsm and obedience to authority. According to Milgram, every human has the dual capacity to function as an individual exercising his or her own moral judgment and the capacity to make their own moral decisions based on their personal character. Miller, H. (1997, May). Stanely milgram. Retrieved from
  • Self Actualization

    A term that has been used in various psychology theories meaning that i shows ones full potential.
  • Genetics Counslering

    Genetics Counslering
    They are people who are professionals in health and good or strong in medical and counseling. They hold information and help familys who have a member with gentic disorders and a few other things. They try hard to support families and help them with any problems needed help with (date unknown)