
Psychology timeline

  • Wilhem Wundt

    Wilhem Wundt
    Wilhem Wundt was a German Physician, psychologist, philosopher and professor in 1879. He opened the institute for experimental psychology at the Leipzig in Germany, this was a through of the modern phycology so he was called “The father of Phycology”.
  • Research lab

    Research lab
    Stanley Hall established a research lab ay Johns Hopkins University.
  • Gestalt

    The founder of Gestalt was Kurt Koffka. It's a school of thought that believes all objects and scenes can be observed in their simplest forms. Sometimes referred to as the 'Law of Simplicity,' the theory proposes that the whole of an object or scene is more important than its individual parts.
  • APA

    American psychological association (APA) was founded in July of 1892 by a group “The new psychology” there was thirty-one members and G. Stanley Hall was the first president. Emerge of academic disciplines.
  • IQ test

    IQ test
    The first IQ test were development by Alfred Binet a psychologist, in the early 1900s, the French government asked him to help students.
    Inteligence Quotient
  • Functionalism

    This doctrine says that what makes something a mental state of a particukar type does not depend on its internal constitution but rather on the way it functions or the role it plays. William James represents it.
  • Structuralism

    Structuralism seeks to analyze the adult mind (the total sum of experience from birth to the present) in terms of the simplest definable components and then to find how these components fit together to form more complex experiences as well as how they are related to physical events. This school of psychology was founded by Edward Titchener.
  • The behavioral manifesto

    The behavioral manifesto
    John B. Watson (psychologist) published an article called “Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It”, also known as “behaviorist manifesto”. It initiated behaviorism as a discipline and academic field of study.
  • The father of the MODERN family

    The father of the MODERN  family
    The father of the Psycology is Wilhelm Wundt who born in August 16 in 32 and he die in August 31 in 1920. He was named the father of the psycologist because we made the first experimental psychology lab ,
  • Inkblot test

    Inkblot test
    The inkblot test (also called the "Rorschach" test) is a method of psychological examination that involves the evaluation of a subjects response to ambiguous ink blots.
  • Hans Berger

    Hans Berger
    Hans Berger was a German psychiatrist that in 1929 invents the encephalogram (EEG) “It is the study of the relationship between the mental process and the brain” He might think that this help the mental process.
  • B.F Skinner

    B.F Skinner
    The title of the book is “The behavior of organism” by B.F Skinner in 1938 This book is about the term of operant conditioning in other words the changing of behavior by some desired response. And he divided it in 3 phases; neutral operant, reinforces and punishers.
  • US army

    US army
    The US army use some test to select their army and those test were the IQ to know their inteligence
  • Ethical Standards of Psychologists

    Ethical Standards of Psychologists
    The APA (American Psychological Association) published the Ethical Standards of Psychology for the first time.
  • Lithium Carbonate

    Lithium Carbonate
    The FDA approved this drug that is used to treat bipolar disorders.
  • “The magical number seven plus minus two”

    “The magical number seven plus minus two”
    “The magical number seven plus minus two” published by cognitive psychologist George A Mille; 1975, about limited capacity of memory.
  • The Selfish Gene

    The Selfish Gene
    Richard Dawkins first published The Selfish Gene in 1976. It was met with controversy because according to Dawkins’ theory, the base unit of evolution is the individual gene. Those who disagree with the theory note that individual genes do not control an organism’s behavior and that they therefore cannot act selfishly. This was the beginning of evolutionary psicology
  • PET

    The first PET scan tested was in 1988, in the university of Pittsburgh and PET mean the Position emission tomography.
  • Jerome Brunner

    Jerome Brunner
    Jerome Brunner publish in 1990 a book that is called "Acts of Meaning." Rexpanded by Hazel Markus having other researchers, cultural psychology focuses on the influences and relationship among mind, cultural community and behavior
  • Standardised test

    Standardised test
    The use of standardised test in this year was discriminatory because they were prohibited for African-American students
  • Drugs for depression approved by the FDA

    Drugs for depression approved by the FDA
    1.Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)
    2. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI)
    3.Tricyclic Antidepressants
    4. Atypical Antidepressants
    5. Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI)
    They work affecting chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, improving communication between brain cells