Projectile Project - Lisa Christen

  • Period: to

    Projectile Project Timeline

  • Factoring Document

    Factoring Document
    By factoring a quadratic equation you can easily find the two x-intercepts (points A and C) which tell you where the object started on the groud and where it ended. From that you can then find how high your projectile got (point B) because it's x-value is always in the middle between the two x-intercepts. Therefore by being able to factor a quadratic formula a person can easily find the three main parts of a parabola and be able to summarize what happened to their projectile based on the graph.
  • Setting off Rockets

  • Quadratic Formula Part (2/2)

    this it is (4 +or- square root (64))/4. After doing the math you get x=-1 and x=3. This means that the marble went 4 units away from the starting point.
  • Quadratic Formula Part (1/2)

    ax^2+bx+c, This formula can be preferred over factoring because this formula will always work and it will be easy to find the x-intercepts while factoring isn't always easy to do. Let's say you have a spoon and a marble, you pull the spoon back till it’s even with the table then let it fly. The formula for it’s path is 2x^2-4x-6. You need to find out how much far it traveled. First off you will need to find the x intercepts so take (-(-4) +or- square root ((-4)^2 -4(2)(-6)))/2(2)). To simplify
  • Projectile Formulas Part 1

    To get the rocket to go the highest the rocket has to be launched straight up in the air (so a 90 degree angle) and to get the rocket to go the farthest it needs to be at a 45 degree angle. Anything lower than a 90 would result in less height because having it stright up sends the rocket in the most direct way up and lower angle would send the rocket sideways, causing it to lose height. For distance you want the rocket high enough off the ground so that it will have room to travel without
  • Projectile Formulas Part 2

    crashing to the ground. This is why any angle lower than 45 will not work, but you also don't want to have the rocket going to high becaus just like with height you want to send the rocket on the most direct path sideways and any angle higher than 45 won't do that.
  • 45 degree Angle

    Rocket went 2.2 meters