Sydney Watson Projected family life cycle

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    Beginning Stage

    i want to hopefully be in a successful relationship by the end of 2017. Hopefully we could date for three years before getting married. 2020
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    Child Barring Stage

    I hope to have three kids total. I want to adopt at least 2 children. Then i will have my first born about the same time that me and my husband adopt our 2 children
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    Parenting Stage

    I will be in this stage for quiet some while. my kids will need me from the time they are born and until the time i die, but they will all have moved out of the house in 2028. so i will be in this parenting stage for awhile.
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    Launching Stage

    this is the saddest stage of all, all of my kids are leaving the nest and they are all going off to college and leaving the house. they are all grown up now and they are becoming their own people
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    Mid-Years Stage

    this is the stage that me and my husband are learning to be together without any kids in the house and what its like to have downtime to ourselves. this is the stage when we will relive our days when we were younger and realize what made us want to be together for the rest of our lives, and realize that we are perfect for eachother. this is the stage when we can do amazing things and have the most fun.
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    Aging Stage

    the stage that me and my husband will not want to come upon. The stage where we start to get old and we already have grandchildren. we have retired from our duty to the untied states. We will be veterans and fell old as poop. and then we will die at the ripe old age of 100