
Progression of U.S. Involvement in ww2

  • Axis power form

    Axis power form
    Gremany, Italy, and Japan signed a mutual defense treaty,It was called the Tripartite Pact. United Staes wwii enmiens are formed
  • Roosevelt goes for a third term

    Roosevelt  goes for a third term
    Roosevelt went for a third term as president . The people like him because he was nice. after a fourth term the sent the limite to two terms in office. He won with 55% of the votes
  • Roosevelt land lease plan

    Roosevelt land lease plan
    Britain is running short on war supplies.As a way around the Neutrally
    act .
  • Aid to to Stalin

    Aid to to Stalin
    Hitler broke the the agreement with Stalin and the soviet union . Then the United Staes started to send aid to the Soviet Union. The United states is taking sides of the oppsite power
  • Signing of the Atlantic Charter

    Signing of the Atlantic Charter
    FDR and Wiston Churchill meet on a ship called the U.S.S. Augusta.
    They came up with a joint collective security, disarment, self-determination,economic cooperation and freedom of the sea.
  • Shoot on Sight

    Shoot on Sight
    Gremany submarnine sank the U.S. Greer on the ameraican destroyer . if you see a gremay u boat shoot it on the sight when you see it
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    Japan has a desire to exapand and control east asia.As a result of the expanden the u.s.oil trades to Japan. On December 7 1941 will live in infamy. 2,000died and 1,000 injured.