Political Parties throught American History

  • The Federalist Party

    The Federalist Party
    Following the Hamiltonian views of government, the Federalists were more a faction than a party-- they came about with a certain issue and subsided when that issue was resolved. They were very prominent during John Adams's presidency but after Thomas Jefferson was elected for his second term in 1804, they went declined greatly. After this, they faded away completely.
  • Democratic -Republican Party

    Democratic -Republican Party
    Thomas Jefferson was the leader of this party. In 1828, when Andrew Jackson was running for office, it was shortened to the Democratic Party and they developed the donkey as their symbol. Advocating more rights for the middle class, this party favored states' rights as well as labor unions and laws that give more power to the people. They wanted as little power as possible in the hands of the federal government.
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    first political parties

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    The second political party system

  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    The Whig Party was the opposition to the Democratic Party during the Jacksonian Era. Most groups that were against Jackson joined forces within this political party. As a result, it advocated a diverse range of ideals such as states' rights, industrialization, and internal improvemts, such as road building. They finally split over the issue of slavery around 1856. Some assimilated into the Democratic Party while others found their way into other minor parties that were later formed.
  • Liberty Party

    Liberty Party
    A minor party which was only around to impact the election of 1844, the Liberty Party took away a presidential win for Henry Clay, Their main focus was on advocating the anti-slavery cause. They also opposed the annexation of Texas. However, by confirming a win for James Polk, they actually sped up the process of annexing Texas.
  • Free Soil Party

    Free Soil Party
    Made by antislavery members in the North, this party supported the abolition cause. Also, they thought that the government should help the community more with internal improvements and handouts, such as homesteads. They ended in 1854 when they joined the Republican party.
  • The American Party

    The American Party
    Because of their secretive nature, this party was also known as the "Know Nothing" party. Their nomination of Millard Fillmore in the election of 1856 split the Republican party's votes, resulting in a win for the Democrats with James Buchanon. The people in this party were known as "nativists", because of their platform of restricting immigration as much as possible as well as their advocation of temperance. They later dissolved and became apart of the Republican party.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    The Republican Party was the suc other conservative parties successor of the other conservative parties that fell through, such as the Federalists and the Whigs. In the beginning they were against the spread of slavery. They favor higher protective tariffs and minimal government intervention in people's lives.
  • Prohibition Party

    Prohibition Party
    third party who persistently championed the abolition of alcohol but also supported electoral reforms such as woman suffrage, economic reforms such as railroad regulation and income taxes, and social reforms including improved race relations.
  • Liberal republic party

    Liberal republic party
    The Liberal Republican Party of the United States was a political party that was organized in Cincinnati in May 1872, to oppose the reelection of President Ulysses S. Grant and his Radical Republican supporters in the presidential election of 1872.
  • Greenback labor party

    Greenback labor party
    Political party devoted to improving the lives of laborers and raising inflation, reaching its high point in 1878 when it polled over a million votes and elected fourteen members of Congress.
  • Populist Party

    Populist Party
    a former political party in the United States, U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies
  • Socialist Party

    Socialist Party
    a political party in the United States formed in 1900 to advocate socialism
  • The Progressive Party

    The Progressive Party
    A political party created by a split in the Republican Party. Formed by Theodore Roosevelt after he lot the Rebulican Nomination. Also known as the Bull Moose Party.
  • Communist Party

    Communist Party
    This party was, and still is, a strong advocator of labor and womens' rights. Also, they were for integration and played a big role in the struggle against Jim Crow segregation. They shared many of the same views as the Socialist Party, The only difference was that the Socialists opposed the Russian Revolution when the Communist Party did not.
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    Modern government