Political career of Napoleon

By Fuly04
  • Born of Napoleon

    He born in 1769 in Corsica
  • Egyptian expedition

    Napoleon’s attempt to seize Egypt and undermine Britain’s access to India.
  • Power

    Napoleon came to power
  • Period: to


    Napoleon consulated in these years
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Equality before the law; religious tolerance
    Feudalism ended
  • Battle of the Three Emperors

    Battle of the Three Emperors
    Ulm, Austerlitz (Austria)
  • Battle of Britain

    France tried to invade Great Britain
  • Assemblation of the Grande Armée

    Assemblation of the Grande Armée
    Napoleon assembled the Grande Armée to invade Russia
  • Battle of Nations

    Battle of Nations
    Happened in Leipzig.
    Napoleon was defeated and exiled to Elba
  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    Established a balance of power
    Territorial changes
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon exiled to St. Helena