Phase 3 of the French Revolution

  • First Consul of Consulate

    First Consul of Consulate
    Between 1799 and 1802, as First Consul, Napolean Bonaparte led a government that was more centralized and republic, yet still fairly traditional and rigid with a constituion. Robert B. Holtman refers to this time as "one of the most important periods of all French history" where Napolean revealed immense political skill through this "dictatorship."
  • 18 Brumaire

    18 Brumaire
    On November 9, 1799, Napolean held a coup d'état in which he removed the power of French Directory and gave it to the French Consulate. The French Consulate was the form of government in France after the downfall of the French Directory. This coupe officially gave Bonaparte all of the power.
  • Constitution of 1799

    The Constitution of 1799 was the official constitution of France. The Constitution was drafted by Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès. It concealed the initial purpose of the military dictatorship that Napoleon wanted to put into action. The Constitution gave Napoleon a majaority of the power as dictator. There was no Declaration of Rights in this Constitution.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    The Concordat was a contract made between Napolean & Pope Pius V|| in which the Roman Catholic Church was re-announced as the main church of France. During the French Revolution, the church lost power, property, holidays, and authority; however, due to the Concordat, it was no longer a department of the state.
  • Code Napoleon

    Code Napoleon
    The Napoleonic Code was established by Napoléon I. The code outlawed privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and suggested that government jobs go to the most qualified individual. It also influenced many future governments of different countries.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz was one of Napolean's largest victories. In it, the French Empire beat the Third Coalation. After the defeat of the Third Coalation, Austria and France signed The Treaty of Pressburg, which took Austria out of the war.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    The Contiental System was an embargo acted implemented by Napoleon I in effort to keep Great Britian and Ireland from trading with France.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    The Peninsular War was fought between France and Spain, United Kingdom, and Portugal for the control of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    The Invasion of Russia by the French in 1812 to keep the Russians from invading Poland. This was the war that dramatically changed France’s dominance in Europe. Napoleon I lost his title of an undefeated military leader.
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    Battle of Leipzig

    The Battle of Leipzig was a huge battle between many countires, hence the other name of the Battle of the Nations. The other countries proved to be too much for Napoleon because of their large numbers and the fact that they came in all different directions and so Napoleon withdrew his troops. Many either became prisoners or tried to swim away instead of capture and died in the process.
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    The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days refers to the last period of Napoleon's rule and is the time period between Napoleon's exile and the restoration of Louis XVIII. It includes the Seventh Coalition Wars, the Waterloo Campaign, and the Neapolitan War. It lead to the Waterloo defeat and ulitmately, Napoleon's permanent exile to an island where he eventually dies.
  • Battle of Waterloo

     Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was a battle fought under Napoleon that he was defeated by the Seventh Coalition and the Prussian Army. This ended Napoleon's rule as Emperor of the French and the end The Hundred Days return from exile. It was fought in what is present-day Belgium, about a mile from the town of Waterloo. It was the last conflict in the Napoleonic Wars.