Economy word cloud 15229443

Periods 1-9 Economy Review

  • Sep 11, 1491

    Maize Cultivation

    Maize Cultivation
    Description: Maize was spread from Latin America to North America.
    Significance: It spread which allowed hunter gathering societies to settled down. It helped to create irrigation systems which allowed for permanent settlement. It is also important to the economy because it can be used in a variety of ways. It has a lot to do with agriculture.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    European Exploration

    European Exploration
    Description: The Europeans began to explore the Americas. They were looking for gold, god, and glory.
    SIgnificance: It allowed for later trade and the Europeans mistreated the Natives in order to get the gold. It helped with the European economy because it allowed for trade which led to increase in monye for the Europeans.
  • Nov 16, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Description: Trade over Atlantic of animals, plants, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas, Africa, and the Europeans.
    Signficance: It helped to introduce new crops, animals, and people to different parts of the world. It helped both the Europeans economy and the native economy because money was being made. Trade helps the economy a lot, so the Columbian Exchange played an important role in US history.
  • Jan 4, 1493

    Encomienda System

    Encomienda System
    Description: Spanish system which allowed the government to give land grants or give Indians to certain colonists in return for the promise to try to Christianize
    Signficance: It was significant because it gave the Spanish a source of labor. The Natives were forced to do labor such search in gold and silver mines and cultivate the land.This event helped the Europeans economy because money was not really given to the Natives, so that meant that the Europeans could have more money for themselves.