Period 5 timeline

  • Toussaint Louverture

    1744 - 1803
    Louveture was the Haitan who led the slave population and Maroons into revolution against slave owners on Haiti. He fought for the end to slavery against the Spainards, British and French.
  • Regin of King Louis XVI

    1774 - 1793
    King Louis XVI just liked hunting and eating. He was terribly with political affairs and economics which was terrible for the evermore troubling problems plauging France.
  • James Watt perfects Steam engine

    The perfected steam engine made transporting raw materials, finished goods, and people much easier across land and sea, connecting long distances and opening seemingly bare, unhelpful lands, like Siberia, to the rest of the world. It was faster and more efficient than imperfect steam engines and helped fuel the tempo of the industrial revoultion.
  • American Revolution

    !775- 1781
    Thirteen British colonies rebelled against Great Britain for independence. The idea to become a seperate country from England was encouraged by enlightenment ideas from Europe. The colonies were receiving higher and higher taxes and no representation for the colonies in Great Britains parliment. The war went from 1776 to 1781.
  • Simoón Bolivar

    1783 - 1830
    A leader and fighter who wanted to make South America one country with states like the United States of America to the north. He travelled, aiding leaders in over-coming European overlords and setting up their own government while also combining together to create a South American country.
  • French Revolution

    Brought on by enlightenment ideas this liberal revolution took place in several different stages. The middle class rose up to gain control after deepening troubles with France’s economy and food issues.
  • Haitian Revolution

    1791 - 1803
    A product of the enlightenment ideas spreading across and down into Latin America area. Exicutions led by Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines helped gain Hatitan independence from France and from slave owners.
  • Cotton Gin developed

    The Cotton Gin, invented by Eli Whitney, gave the Southern United States a huge boost in cotton production and made them a big supplier to the northern states and Great Britain. It inadvertantly made the issue of slavery more contested as more slaves were needed to fuel the cotton industry.
  • Regin of Napoleon

    Napoleon was a brillient French military leader and tactician who took control from the Directory and eventually became emperor of France. He went on to build up French Nationalism and started invading other European countries drastically reorganizing Europe’s boundries.
  • Spinning Mule Developed

    Created by Samuel Crompton, the spinning mule made weaving in factories much faster for mass production of woven goods. It increased textile production and sales and added to the new inventions of the industrial revolution.
  • War of independence in Latin America

    The Revolutionist movement reached Latin America in the form of several revolutions throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. These revoutions created modern independent countries including Mexico in Central America.
  • Congress of Vienna

    1814 - 1815
    The Congress of Vienna was held in Vienna after Napoleon was captured and exiled the first time. The Congress was made up of representatives from all the major powers in Europe, Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Russia.
  • War of Greek Independence

    1821 - 1827
    The Greeks fought for their independence from against the Ottoman Empire. Again European Enlightenment with encouragement from the French Revolution gave Greeks a nationalistic attitudem, solidifying together a people who had long attempted to resist Ottoman rule.
  • Opium War

    1839 - 1842
    Great Britain wanted to have the upperhand in trade with China, but China was a stronger country than the other Asian counries Britain and other European countries had imperialized. So Great Britain imported opium and made the Chinese become addicted so they would trade lots of anything to get more opium. governmental war between
  • Berlin West Africa Conference

    1884 - 1885
    This event was called for by Portugal and set up by Otto von Bismark to try and regulate European colonization of Africa. But the conference really increased European countries attempts to grab, control and/or colonize parts of Africa.
  • Communist Manifesto published

    The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Frederick was a book on how communism would work, the oppressing class structure system and how terrible capitalism was for the world. It is considered a hugely influencial book outlining Marx and Engels idea of communism and the eventual revolution.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    1850 - 1864
    A radical movement against the Qing Dynasty which had become filled with corrupt officials, had the wealthy owning most or all of the land and poor, and was, at the core, Manchus ruling over Chinese and suppressing the “real” Chinese culture.
  • Crimean War

    1853 - 1856
    A conflict between the Russian Empire v.s. the French, English, Ottomans, and Sardinia. This war was being fought mostly for power control of Ottoman lands.
  • Indian National Coference developed

    A group founded to try and keep or push out the British dealing wit Indian politics and economics. They fought for India’s independence from Britian and turnd into a politicl party after succeeding in gaining freedom.
  • Bessemer process developed

    The Bessemer process helped the Industrial Revolution in that it was a cheap way to manufacture steel by using “pig” iron. The process increased steel manufacturing lead to business monopolies and hundreds of thousands of buildings being made with a steel infrastructure along with inproved trains and car parts.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    A rebellion in India between Indian soldiers working with the British and the British. New developments in weaponary made new rifle cartriges have pig fat inside them and the seopy’s soldiers would need to touch the cartiges with their mouths, but it was against their religion to eat or touch pig products.
  • Unification of Italy

    1859 - 1870
    During the 19th century some Italians were unhappy with the results of the Congress of Vienna, one radical calling for the unification of Italy was Giuseppe Garibaldi while a more conservative caller of change was Count Cavour. Together these two men helped Italy unite and become one independent country.
  • Suez Canal

    1859 - 1869
    A canal linking the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea through Egypt. This canal was built to transport goods easily from the East Asias into Eastern Europe and eventually to Western Europe.
  • Origin of Species published

    Written by Charles Darwin, this book was part of the scientific revolution and a continuation of the humanization and enlightenment idea. This book explained the process of evolution, which made humans more normal and at the same time seperate from other animals.
  • Emancipation of Russian Serfs

    The emancipation of Russian serfs was decreed by Aexander II as he like his father Nicholas I believed American slavery was inhumane and by believing that, they could not allows Russians to also own serfs. But conditions for freed serfs were terrible still.
  • Henry Ford and assembly line

    1863 - 1947
    Inventor and businessman who created the model T car for mass production which gave every American the ability to purchase a car for a cheaper price. Ford utilized the assemly line to help quickly mass produce, while at the same time treating his workers a lot better than other businessmen and companies at the time.
  • Unification of Germany

    1864 - 1871
    Germany had been made-up of many different states ruled by princes. Several wars between states and other nations and between other countries.
  • Meiji Restoration

    A Japanese set movement that started after Tokugawa shogunates signed a unfavorable peace treaty with the United States and the Japanese people became upset and kicked the Tokugawa out of power and gave it back to the emperor.
  • Boer War

    1899 - 1902
    The Boer War was a conflict between the British Empire and Dutch settlers in South Africa. The Boers wanted freedom from the imperalistic British Empire, and the Dutch backed their rebellion to gain control in the area for themselves.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    A rebellion in China against foreigners and Chinese Christians. Boxers declared war on foreign soldiers and civilians, diplomats, and Chinese Christians.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    904 - 1905
    “The first greatest war of the 20th century.” A war between Russia and Japan over control of Korea and Manchuria. The Russians sought a “warm-water” port for better trade and that clashed with Japans wanting to control other lands for natural resources and take-over in Asia.
  • Panama Canal

    1904 - 1905
    A canal which connects the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean to make it easier to transport goods by sea from Asia to the American east coast, Africa of Western Europe instead of travelling around Cape Horn.
  • All-India Muslim League founded

    An Indian group of made-up of Muslims who wanted to create a seperate Muslim-majority country. They were the minority in Hindu India and were not heard or suppressed by Hindu beliefs and society.