Ottoman Empire Social

  • Abdulmecit becomes sultan

    The Sultan of the Ottoman empire has significant social impact, so Abdulmecit made some important changes.
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    Schools for Women

    Schools for women opened up during this time, including a girls' secondary school in 1858 and a college for women in 1870.
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  • Crimean War

    decline in Ottoman morale and added helplesness. European countries saw the Ottomans as inferior.
  • Abdulaziz becomes Sultan

  • War of 1875

    There were rebellions for religious freedom leading to this war.
  • Dismissed Parliament and Constitution

    Sultan Abdul-Hamid II dismissed the parliament and the constitution in 1876 and repression began and freedom was removed.
  • Murad V becomes Sultan

    Murad V was only sultan for a few months, not even a year.
  • Abdulhamid II becomes sultan

    Abdulhamid II rules as sultan for a good amount of time, creating new social norms and problems, as well as benefits.
  • Modernized Government

    Current Sultan accepted a constitution and an elected parliment.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Brought peace and stability, but also added more helplessness because it showed Turkey's fragility.
  • Murders of Christians and Muslims

    Murders of Christians and Muslims who lived on the Crete island which led to war.
  • Real Power

    Military coup allowed Young Turks to exercise real power.