Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 600 BCE - 600 CE

  • Period: 206 to 220

    Han Dynasty

    206 BCE - 220 CE. Governmental bureaucracy grew stronger. Effective administration, postal service, tax-collecting. .Territory expanded to Central Asia, Korea, Indochina. It expanded furthers under Emperor Wu (140-87 BCE). Silk roads develops and improves lives of many.
  • 300

    Mayan Civilization

    Mayan Civilization
    300-1100 CE. Reached height in 300 CE. Small city states. System of writing was pictographs. Very good with astronomy.
  • 320

    Gupta Empire

    Gupta Empire
    320 CE to 550 CE. Ruled through central government. Advantageous alliances and military conquests. Firm supporters of Hinduism. Control based on local lords. More peaceful eras.
  • 323

    323 BCE Alexander the Great

    323 BCE Alexander the Great
    323 BCE
  • 333

    Roman capitol moved to Consantinople

    Roman capitol moved to Consantinople
    333 CE
  • Period: 350 to 500

    Greek Golden Age

    Philosophers challenged traditional religion. They were focused on learning how the world was created, what it was made of, and why changes occur. Truth came through rational thought and observation.
  • 460

    460 BCE Athens develops democrazy

    460 BCE Athens develops democrazy
    Emergence of democratic system: Each male citizen had an equal voice.
  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire

    Fall of Western Roman Empire
    476 CE
  • 500

    Transition to Monotheism – Zoroastrianism

    Transition to Monotheism – Zoroastrianism
    500 CE. Founded by priest Zoroaster in 500 B.C. Based teaching on Avestas. Worship of one god Ahura Mazda – “wise lord”.
  • 527

    Justinian rule over Byzantine Empire

    Justinian rule over Byzantine Empire
    527 CE
  • May 7, 600

    Interregional networks: trade and the spread of religions

    Interregional networks: trade and the spread of religions
    600 CE
  • Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    20 BCE – 180 CE. "Roman peace". The stablity and prosperity brought to the land during the Roman rule.
  • 32 CE Beginning of Christianity

    32 CE Beginning of Christianity