OGHS Timothy & Fallon

  • Flying Shuttle

    Invented By Jon Kay the flying shuttle was one of the key developments in weaving that helped fuel the industrial revolution.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Invented by James Hargreaves A machine for spinning with more than one spindle at a time.
  • Water Frame

    INvented by Richard Arkwright. the name given to the spinning frame, when water power was used to fuel it.
  • Spinning Mule

    Made by Samuel crompton spins textile firbs into yarn.
  • Power Loom

    Invented by Edmund Cartwright loom apporateed mechanically
  • Cotton Gin

    Invented by Eli Whiteney machin that separtates the cotton from the seeds.
  • Luddite Wrights

    Laborers attacked factories and break up the machines that they fear will replace them.
  • Petrol (Gasoline)

  • sewing machine

    Made by Singer Factory used to tie cloth together
  • National Child Labor committee

    The NCLC began a mission to promot the rights, awareness, dignity, well being and education of children in youth as they relate to work and working
  • Limited Child Labor law

    Grace Abbott headed childrens bureau and led the campaign to limit child labor laws