Nueva selanda

  • Pre-colonial era (1000-1839)

    Pre-colonial era (1000-1839)
    1400 ~ 1500: Development of classical Māori material culture, including expansion of Māori settlement from coastal areas inland, increase in horticulture, and development of pā (fortresses)
    ~1400~1450: Probable extinction of the moa.
    1576: There is speculation that around this time the Spanish explorer Juan Fernández visited New Zealand, although this is not generally accepted by most renowned authorities.
    1300-1600: Rangitoto Island, near Auckland, is formed by a series of eruptions.
  • Things That Happen

    Things That Happen
    -The first Pākehā (European) women arrive in New Zealand.
    -George Gray becomes Governor
    -The Second Act of the New Zealand Constitution was passed creating the General Assembly and six provinces with a representative government
    -The National Council of Women is founded
  • Colony and self-government (1840 to 1946)

    Colony and self-government (1840 to 1946)
    New Zealand became a separate British Crown Colony in 1841 and was given responsible government with the Constitution Act in 1852. New Zealand opted out of the Australian Federation and became the Dominion of New Zealand on 26 April. September 1907.
  • Full independence (1947 to 1983)

    Full independence (1947 to 1983)
    it came about as a result of the evolution of New Zealand's constitutional status. There were several events:
    -Declaration of Maori Independence
    -Colonization: Treaty of Waitangi
    -Domain status
    -Imperial Conference of 1926
    -League of Nations
    -Statute of Westminster and Kingdom