NM history

  • Statehood

    After fifty yesrs we finally did it. President Taft signed our request for statehood. We became the 47th state. This is the new state
  • Period: to

    prior to ww2

  • Coal mine accident

    A coal mine explosion in Dawson NM. It kills 250 workers. A rescue effort saves 23 more. This link has more on the accident http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/coal-mine-explodes-in-new-mexico
  • Pancho Villa

    His real name is Fransisco villa. He attacks in NM. Leads attack on Colombus, New Mexico. This is Pancho Villa
  • Elephant Butte Dam

    A dam is built in NM. it is called Elephant Butte Dam. It is the second largest Irrigation dam in the world. This is Elephant Butte Dam.
  • State song

    O Fair New Mexico by Elizabeth Garrett. We adopted this as our state song. Everyone needs a state song. This is a link to a video for the song
  • Superintendent of Public Schools

    The new superintendent of Santa Fe is chosen. Her name is Nina Otero-Warren. she is the youngest superintendent in the state. This is Nina Otero-Warren.
  • WW1

    The U.S. enters world war one. This affects us because we are part of the U.S. Our country is now at war. This is a poster of World War 1
  • Women gain voting rights

    For years women have not been allowed certain rights/privlages. But now they have gotten one more thing. They are now allowed to vote. This is Susan B. Anthony, she fought forwomens rights
  • Oil descoverd on the Navajo reservation

    Oil s startig to become important. The age of cars is coming. So finding oil is a very good thig then. Thi is oil
  • A woman holds a statewide office

    Soledad Chacon becomes Secratery of state. She is the first woman to hold the position. This is a big step for NM. This is Soledad Chacon.
  • Bank President

    Harriet Belle Amsden Sammons becomes th bank president. She is the first woman to do so in NM.It helps women's rights even further. this is a link to her family tree
  • NM magazine

    The first issue of New Mexico Highway Journal is published. It is later called The New Mexico magazine. It's so cool that NM has its own magazine. this is the cover of one of the issues
  • Pueblos Lands Act

    A law is recognized by NM. It's about the pueblo's land. It is acknolaged that the land belongs to them.
  • Route 66

    The "mother road is designated,"to run the length of the country. From Chicago-to-Los Angeles. It's ment to go through Sana Fe.
  • The great depression

    This is the start of the great depression. It hit NM very hard. things like the dust bowl made it worse. This video is about the depression
  • Carlsbad

    Carlsbad caverns are bat caves. It is declared a national park. It is one of our best tourist attractions. This link has more on the caves
  • Rockets

    Robert Goddard comes to Rosewell. He starts doing rocket experiments. This historicaly important not only to New Mexico, but to the whole world because space travel was a huge step for mankind. This is a link to a video about him.
  • White Sands

    Another cool place to go see is white sands. This is when it became a national park. This is a really big tourist attraction for New Mexico. This is a picture of White Sands
  • Nick Name

    We all know what anothr name for New Mexico is. The Land Of Enchantment. This is whe we got that name. This is a welcom sign to the land of Enchantment
  • Paving is Finished

    Route 66 is finished. But now it doesn't run through Sante Fe like planed. New Mexico is connected to the rest of the country i a new way. This link has more information on Route 66
  • WW2 is under way

    The second World War. It is now official. The war is now completly under way. These are the dates of WW2
  • Hatch Act

    Senitor Carl Hatch passes a law. It prohibits federal employeesfrom engaging in partisan political activities. This includes New mexico. This is a picture of Senitor Hatch.
  • Period: to


  • Coronado Monument

    Coronado Monument
    The coronado monument is dedicated. It is our first state monument. It is dedicated on the 400th anniversary of when Coronado came. This is the monument
  • Air field

    Air field
    there is an airfield base in Albuquerque. It is for the army. It is renamed kirtland. this is a pictare of the base
  • The Start

    The Start
    This is a very important date for everyone. The development of the atomic weapon is started. It is approved by President Rosevelt. This is a picture of him.
  • The place is chosen

    FDR gets the atom bomb started. He chooses the Manhattan Engineering District to build it. THis would later be called The Manhattan project. This is a link to a page about the subject http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Project
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This was the first attack on american soil. The Japanese attacked pearl harbor. This pulles the US into the war.
  • NM sodiers

    NM sodiers
    NM soldiers were seving in the war. They were stationed in the Philippines. They were captured by Bataan and most were killed. these are soldiers in the Philippines
  • Hollman Airforce base

    Hollman Airforce base
    A new Air force base is established in New mexico. It is built near Alamagordo. It is also a cannon base. These are planes from the base
  • Code talkers

    Navajos of the 382 platoon creat a code for the army. It is their own language. You could say that it is a code in a code. this a lik to a video on the Code talkers
  • USS Santa Fe

    USS Santa Fe
    We launch a war ship. The war ship is called the USS Santa Fe. It was dcomisioned in 1946. This is a picture of the cruiser
  • Congress chair

    Congress chair
    NM had one represintitive in congress. We now get a second. It is taken by Antonio M. Fernández. This is a picture of him.
  • The Hill

    The Hill
    The US wants an atomic bomb for the war. They decide to build it in NM. The Manhattan Project is esablished in "The Hill." This is a pictuer of some manhattan project scientists
  • Welcome

    The new scientists are coming to NM. They are coming to help with the Atomic Bomb. They are welcomed here. These are some of the scientists
  • Internment camp

    After pearl harbo was bombed, the US was very paranoid. We didn't trust anyone of Japanese decent. So we threw them in internment camps. There was on in Santa Fe. This is a link to an artical on the subject
  • Whit sands

    Whit sands
    White sands is established. It was a proving ground. it later became a missle testing range. This is a picture of the area
  • Z division

    Z division
    Kirtland base has a division called the Z division. It is also part of the manhattan project. It becomes known as Sandia base. This is Sandia Base
  • Engineers

    German Rocket scientists come. They stay at fort Bliss. They start US rocket programs at white sands. This is a picture of Fort Bliss
  • Bill Mauldin

    Bill Mauldin
    During the war people would make cartoons to ease some of the tension. One such man was Bill Mauldin. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his comic. This is a picture of him
  • Testing

    Another big date not only in NM history, but in world history. The very first nuclear weapon is teated at trinity. It is more destructive than anyone hoped. This is a picture of the explosion
  • Orders

    The atomic bomb will be droped. It is by President Trumans orders. The weapons we made will be used. This is a picture of president Truman
  • Nuclear attacks

    The bombs we created ar used in the war.They are droped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a sad time in Japan. This is a link to a cartoon ilistrating this event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSxkZTTWaec&noredirect=1
  • Second bomb

    The second nuclear bomb is droped. It was going to be droped on Kukura. But due to poor weather, it was droped on Nagasaki instead. This is a link to a video on the bombing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l5jI4iO4-g
  • Period: to

    after ww2

  • Gorgia Lusk is admited to congress

    Gorgia Lusk is admited to congress
    NM is getting even further in the equal rights department. Ms. Lusk becomes part of congress. She is the first New Mexican woman to do so. this is a picture of her
  • USS New Mexico

    USS New Mexico
    The USS New Mexico was in action in WW2. Now it's seen its last days. It is decommisioned. this is the ship
  • lovelace

    The lovelace medical center is established. Dr. Clayton S. White helps with it. It is in Albuquerque. This is a photo of the center
  • Dino fossils

    Dino fossils
    Ruth Hall is a paleontologist. She found some dinosaur fossils at ghost ranch. There is now a museum named after her in NM. This is one of the exibits in the museum
  • UFO

    This is one of the most famous supposed UFO sightings. There was a crash outside Roswell. It might have been just a weather balloon. this is a photo of the wreckage.
  • pueblo voting rights

    pueblo voting rights
    The pueblo people finally get voting rights. This is a huge development for them. It happened throught the efforts of miguel Trujillo. this is a picture of him
  • Outer space rocket

    Outer space rocket
    A V-2 WAC-Corporal rocket is fired at white sands. It is the first one to get into space. It goes 400 meters in the air. this is a picture of a V-2 WAC-Corporal
  • Hot Springs

    Hot Springs
    We used to have a town in NM called hot springs. It is renamed Truth or Consequenses. It is named after the popular TV show. This is an image of the town
  • Uranium

    Uranium is a rare nuclear material. We have found some near Grants. It is a little more common in NM. This is a video about uranuim atoms
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    There was a plane crash near Kirtland air force base. It was a B-36. 23 crewmen were killed in the accident. This is an image of a B-36 crash
  • Blake's

    As we now know, most people here like green chile on things. Now Blake's is in on it. They are one of the first to put it on a cheese burger. This is their sign.
  • Los Alamos

    Los Alamos is still owned by the atomic energy commission. It is now opened to the public. It is a cool historical site. This is a link to a site about Los Alamos
  • Segregation

    A new law is passed in NM. Segregation is forbidden. It didn't have much effect, scince there was little segregation to begin with. this is a link to an artical on the subject
  • Records center

    Records center
    The hall of records is established. It is in Santa Fe. It takes the responsibilities previosly held by the archives. This is a photo of the building
  • Gnome

    A new atomic project is tested. It is called project gnome and it is tested underground. It has objective and peaceful applications. This is a link to a site all abou the project.
  • The pit

    The pit
    UNM gets a new development. They get a univesity stadium. It is nicknamed, the pit. This is a picture of the pit.
  • Tramway

    We get something cool at Sandia peak. A tramway! It was the largest in the world at the time. This is a link to a site on the tram
  • Medal of honor

    Medal of honor
    Daniel Fernandez recieves a medal of honor. He was a native New Mexican. It was for action in the Vietnam war. This is an image of him
  • blue lake

    President Nixon signes Congressional legislation. It returnes Blue Lake to the taos people. Along with some of the surrounding land. This is a link to a site all about Bluelake.
  • Bless me Ultima

    Rudolfo Anaya publishes his most famouse book. It is called Bless me Ultima. It's hugely popular. This is a link to a video on Rudolfo Anaya
  • Balloons

    One of NM's most famouse tourist attractions is established. The balloon fiesta is created. It will attract a lot of attenton. this a link to a video of a recent balloon fiesta
  • Seismosaurus

    Bones for the largest dinosaur found yet are discovered. they are found south of San Ysidro. it is a huge thing for paleontology. this is a picture of some fossilised remains of the seismosaurus
  • Period: to

    Recent events

  • Interstate 40

    Interstate 40
    We have a few interstates in NM. At this time, I-40 is copleted. It runs thorough the middle of NM. this is a map of the interstate.
  • Colombia

    White sands has a space harbor. A new shuttle lands there. It is called Colombia. This is a picture of a shuttle landing in the space harbor.
  • Supreme coart Justice

    Supreme coart Justice
    The supreme court of Justice gets a new member.Mary Coon Walters. She is the first new Mexican woman to join. This is a picture of the seal of the Supreme coart Justice
  • Musuem

    There is a Museum in Albuquerque. It is the natural history and science musuem. It was founded at this time. This is a picture of the museum.
  • Gorgia O'Keeffe

    Gorgia O'Keeffe
    Gorgia O'Keeffeliked to paint in NM. Now she dies. She died in Santa Fe. This is a picture of her.
  • WIPP

    The government came up with a plan for nuclear waste. It is called the Waste Isolation Pilot Plan. There is one near Carlsbad. It copleted. this is a picture of the facility
  • Land of enchantment

    Land of enchantment
    NM is also called the Land Of Enchantment. The Phrase was created by Michael Martin Murphey. We have now adopted it as the state title. this is the sign coming into the state
  • USS Santa Fe

    USS Santa Fe
    A new submarine is launched. It s called the USS Santa Fe. It is a Los Angeles cruiser. This is a picture of the boat.
  • UFO museum

    UFO museum
    Roswell has a huge tourist attraction. A museum all about UFOs. It is based off of their famous UFO incident. This is an image of the museum
  • Casinos

    The Native Americans want to earn money. They want to open Casinos.The governer signs gaming contracts with them. this is a picture of one of the casinos
  • Red or Green?

    Red or Green?
    We have a state quetion now. It is, Red or Green? Which kind of chile would you perfer? This is a picture of red and green chile
  • Gorgia O'keeffe museum

    Gorgia O'keeffe museum
    Gorgia was a very famous painter. She lived in New Mexico. now a museum is made for her. this is one of her paintings
  • A wonderfull person is born

    A wonderfull person is born
    This is quite possibly the vocal point of history. They world will never be the same.A historical figure is born. He will be loved by the world. This is my birthday!!!!! this is a picture of me.
  • Carlsbad WIPP

    Carlsbad WIPP
    There was a WIPP coplex built near carlsbad. it is now opened. It recieves it's first shipment of waste. This is a cartoon of toxic waste
  • Fire

    The Cerro Grande fire is destructive. It ruins many lives. Hundereds of homes are destroyed. This is a picture of the fire
  • Drought

    There is a big drought in NM. It is also in Arizona. It kills a lot of pinion trees. this is a picture of a pinion tree
  • International folk art.

    International folk art.
    This is a first time for this event. It is the international folk art festival. It takes place in Santa Fe. This is a picture of the folk art market
  • Pace port

    Pace port
    NM has a lot of scienc facilities. No we get a new one. a space port! this is a picture of the place
  • Railrunner

    NM has a rail road running through it. It is called the rail runner. It was started in 2007. it was continued later. this is a picture of the rail runner.
  • The brother

    The brother
    The wonder of a man gets a sidekick. In other words, I get a baybe brother! He is a big part of my life. this is a picture of him.