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Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    - With the Italian Campaign, Napoleon won several victories against the Austrians, forcing the Hapsburg emperor to make peace and capturing most of Northern Italy.
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    - Napoleon led an Expedition to Egypt in the hopes of disrupting the British Trade with India. The Campaign proved to be a disaster from him losing multiple battles.
  • Consulate

    - Napoleon helped overthrow the directory and created the Three-man Consulate. He created the Consulate to help him govern his military campaigns.
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    - Napoleon created the bank of France to re-establish the French peoples confidence in the French banking system after the financial difficulties due to the Revolution a few years earlier.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    - The Concordat of 1801 is a agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII was to make amends with the church. Napoleon did this to aid his authority and for this Catholicism was decleared the mass religion.
  • Consul For Life

    Consul For Life
    - Napoleon proclaimed himself “Consul of Life.” Which allowed the French a better understanding of the sense of nationalism, but it didn’t have that much of an effect.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    - The Napoleonic Code embodied Enlightenment Principles like Equality of all Children before the Law, Religious Toleration, and the Abolishment of Feudalism.
    - However, it did undo some reforms from the Revolution. Women lost most of their newly gained rights and made Male heads regained complete authority over their family’s.
  • Declared Himself Emperor

    Declared Himself Emperor
    - Two years after Napoleon Decleared himself Consul of life he had enough power to acquire the title of Emperor. He had held a coronation and invited the Pope. As the pope was about to crown Napoleon, he took the crown and placed in on his own head to show he had enough power to do so.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    - Napoleon ordered a fleet of ships to southern Spain. He was facing the British navy led by Admiral Lord Nelson. Near the Cape of Trafalgar the British Admiral caught sight of the enemy fleet and destroyed 19 of Napoleon’s Ship’s.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire
    - Napoleon abolished the tottering Holy Roman Empire and split it up into multiple different states. After the H.R.E was abolished, Napoleon set up a 38 member Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    - Napoleon created the Continental System, which closed the European ports to British goods. Britain in response to this blockaded the entire continent of Europe. British attacks on American ships angered the Americans and in turn triggered the war of 1812.
  • Resistance in Spain

    Resistance in Spain
    - The resistance to foreign rule bled France’s forces low in Spain. Napoleon introduced reforms in Spain that the people resisted. Most of the Spaniards remained loyal to they’re former king and the church.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    - Napoleon and the Tsar of Russia were once allies until Napoleon came out with the Continental system that many countries opposed. Napoleon also assembled an army with soldiers from 20 nations known as the grand army. Then Napoleon invaded Russia. He then had to retreat because of the Russian winter and was unable to feed and supply his army.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    - After the invasion of Russia, the nations of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia formed a new alliance against a week in France. This new force of allies attacked him at Leipzig where he was forced to fight.
  • Abdication

    - After Napoleon stepped down from power he was exiled to Elba. Louis XVIII was then recognized as king. The restoration of Louis XVIII didn’t go well. Napoleon then escaped his island of exile and return to France. After Louis XVIII fled Napoleon entered Paris in triumphs.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    - The Hundred Days were the days between Napoleon’s return and the Battle of Waterloo. During these 100 days Napoleon raise the new army and plan to strike preemptively, defeating the forces one by one.
  • Battle at Waterloo

    Battle at Waterloo
    - Napoleon’s army at the Battle of Waterloo was no match for the other Allie forces. The British and the Prussian army’s crushed the French in a day long battle. After, Napoleon was abdicated to St. Helena and did not return to France.