Napoleon Bonaparte Timeline

By Bscheck
  • Birthdate

    Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769.
  • Enters Millitary School

    Napoleon entered military school when he was only ten. He graduated when he was 16 years old. Then became an artillery officer in the French army.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The French Bastille was stormed by the common people of France. It was a huge flashpoint of the French Revolution.
  • Becomes Brigadier General

    After the siege of Toulon, Napoleon was promoted to Brigadier General. He was promoted because he proved he was a great leader.
  • Comander in Cheif

    Napoleon is promoted to Commander and Chief. This postion is not really well known but will make him rich and famous.
  • Coup d'etat

    In 1799, a group of directories and Napoleon came up with a plan to take over the French government. This attempt ended up being sucessful.
  • Concoradat signed

    The Concoradat is an agreement signed by Napoleon, Papal, and clerical represenatives from Paris and Rome. This defined the Roman Catholic Church in France.
  • Vote for Consulship for Life

    Consulship for Life was basically the government of France. Napoleon was promoted to head of the consul.
  • Sale of Louisana to United States

    Napoleon tried to establish an empire on another continent but that failed. Therefore, Napoleon ened up selling this land to the United States.
  • Napoleon Proclaimed Emperor

    In 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor of France. He ends up turning the French against every major millitary power in Europe.
  • Continental Blockade

    This was Napoleon's first attempt to stop Great Britian. His plan was to stop Britian's trade with the rest of Europe.
  • Napoleon's son is born

    Napoleon's son was raised in exile in Austria. Meanwhile, the French Empire was collasping. He died on June 22, 1832.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon was exiled to Elba where he was supposed to live the rest of his life. When he heard the French were in trouble, he escaped and returned to France.
  • Escape from Elba

    Napoleon escapes soon after realizing he was going to be sent to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. He returns to France.
  • Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition. Leading the troops that defeated Napoleon was the Duke of Wellington.
  • Arrives at St. Helena

    Napoleon was exiled to St. Helna. He ends up never leaving the island and he dies there.
  • Death Date

    Napoleon died on May 5, 1821 on the island of St. Helena.