Napoleon Bonaparte

  • 1799 BCE

    Who was Napoleon Bonaparte

    Who was Napoleon Bonaparte
    Genio indiscutible del arte militar y estadista capaz de construir un imperio bajo patrones franceses, Bonaparte fue, para sus admiradores, el hombre providencial que fijó las grandes conquistas de la Revolución Francesa (1789-1799), dotando a su país de unas estructuras de poder sólidas y estables con las que se ponía fin al caos político precedente.
  • Life Napoleon Bonaparte

    Life Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, capital of modern Corsica, in the bosom of a large family of eight brothers. Five of them were males: José, Napoleón, Lucien, Luis and Jerónimo. The girls were Elisa, Paulina and Carolina. Thanks to the greatness of the future Emperor Napolione (as they called it in their vernacular language), all of them were going to accumulate honors, wealth and fame, and to allow themselves a thousand follies.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Friends

    Napoleon Bonaparte Friends
    His companions, children of the French aristocracy, saw in him a strange and ill-clothed foreigner, who was the target of all kinds of ridicule; nevertheless, his indomitable and violent character imposed respect to both his comrades and his teachers. What struck him most was his temperament and his tenacity; one of his teachers in Brienne would say of him. This boy is made of granite, and he also has a volcano inside him.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte coup

    Napoleon Bonaparte coup
    In a few weeks he organized the coup d'etat of November 9, 1799 (the 18th of Brumaire according to the nomenclature of the republican calendar), for which he had the collaboration, among others, of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès and his brother Luciano, the which helped him to dissolve the Legislative Assembly of the Council of the Five Hundred, in which he appeared as president.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte (goverment)

    Napoleon Bonaparte (goverment)
    The keys to the rapid rise of Napoleon lie in two fundamental pillars: his undeniable military genius and his ability to sustain a system of government in principles commonly accepted by most French people. Bonaparte was first and foremost a strategist, whose methods revolutionized military art and laid the foundations for the great mass mobilizations characteristic of modern warfare.
  • Dream Napoleon Bonaparte

    Dream Napoleon Bonaparte
    The educational merits of Napoleon in mathematics, to which he was very fond and which came to constitute in him a kind of second nature (very useful for his future military specialty, the artillery), facilitated his entry into the Military School of Brienne. From there he left at the age of seventeen with the appointment of second lieutenant and a garrison destiny in the city of Valence.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte hemperador

    Napoleon Bonaparte hemperador
    The heterogeneous opposition to his government was dismantled by drastic repressions to right and left following failed attempts against his person. The most exemplary and intimidating punishment was the arrest and execution, on March 20, 1804, of a prince related to the deposed Bourbons, the Duke of Enghien, accused of participating in a plot to assassinate Napoleon and restore the monarchy.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte sundown

    Napoleon Bonaparte sundown
    The marriage with Maria Luisa in 1810 seemed to indicate the Napoleonic zenith. The only remaining states were Russia and Great Britain. Admiral Horace Nelson had seated once and for all the English maritime hegemony at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), ruining the emperor's plans. In reply, Napoleon had tried to economically suffocate Great Britain by decreeing the continental blockade (1806).
  • Napoleon Bonaparte CAMPAONINGS

    Napoleon Bonaparte CAMPAONINGS
    At the service of the Directorate, the Corsican general had obtained brilliant victories in his campaigns against the absolute European monarchies, allied against France in an attempt to end the Revolution. When, under cover of his immense prestige, Napoleon gave the blow of Brumaire and established first the Consulate (1799-1804) and then the Empire (1804-1814),
  • Napoleon Bonaparte FAMILIE

    Napoleon Bonaparte FAMILIE
    the family represents the prototype of the political and social ascent linked to the French Revolution. Charles Marie Bonaparte (1746-1785), the father of Napoleon, was a lawyer and belonged to the small nobility of Ajaccio. Supporter of the Corsican nationalist Paoli, from 1770-71 he was linked to the French monarchical cause. From her marriage with Letizia Ramolino (1750-1836) 13 children were born (five of them died during childhood).