
Napoleon Bonaparte

  • World event

    Watt patents the steam engine (dates unknown)
  • Napoleon Born

    Napoleon Born
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born Napoleon Buonaprte ,before they changed the spelling, in the Corsican city of Ajaccio. Napoleon was the fourth of 11 children (
  • Period: to

    Napoleons Life

  • World Event

    World Event
    (date Unknown: winter) the boston massacre
  • World Event

    (date unknown) start of the american revolution
  • Schooling

    (day not known) Napoleon was sent off to military school with his brother Joseph. It is in this key time that Napolon will learn the strategies of his military career.
  • The Siege of Toulon

    The Siege of Toulon
    (day and month unkown: was in spring) Napoloean joined the siege after comming back to France from Corsica. It is here that Napoleon will make a name for himself on the national scale after he was put in charge of the artillery in the siege.He dislodged the British from Toulon and was promoted to Brigadier General
  • Riots

    Napoleon being instructed to defend the Tuileries, he had his men assemble to put down a riot of 13 Vendemiaire by unhesitatingly fire grape shot at the crowed. This small skirmish earned him the rank of Commander of the Army of the Interior
  • World Event

    World Event
    starting from 1762 Catherine II of Russia turns Russia into one of the worlds largest super powers ( Dates unknown)
  • Marriage

    In the winter of 1795 Napoleon met the former Mademoiselle Tascher de la Pagerie or Josephine,Married Napleon in March and 2 days after the ceremony Napoleon left to take up command at the head of the army of Italy
  • A new Reign

    After several Military campaigns, Napoleon returns to France where the political situation causes it to bhe ripe for the taking.After consulting with allies Napoleon overthrew the government and was named First Consul and given dictatorial powers ( Castelot)
  • The begining of an Empire

    The begining of an Empire
    By 1802 Napoleon was France's most popular dictator and was given the title First Consul for life and had the right to name his succesor. The establishment of the empire in in 1805 changed little rules about the government and and the major change was the names of titles (Guerard)
  • The Fall

    After many failed military campaigns against the allied armies (England, Prussia, and Russia) Napoleon was forced to abdicate his throne and was forced into exile at the island of Elba ( Encyclopedia Britanica Online)
  • World event

    World event
    Eruption of Tambora Volcano " year without summer" follows
  • Waterloo

    After escaping Elba, Napoleon traveled back to Fance with 1050 soldiers and was unopposed. There he reinstated himself as emperor. However the allied forces were arming himselves and he was forced back into war. The battle of waterloo was by far his worst defeat due to being defeated bvy the combined forces of the allies. After this he was exiled again to St. Helena ( Schlesinger)
  • World Event

    (dates unknown) Italy conquers Egypt, this is accomplished by Alessandro Napoleoni
  • Death

    After being exiled to St. Helena, Napoleon slowly died of cancer