Napoleon (1)

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon Bonapate Born

    Napoleon Bonapate Born
    On August 15, 1769 Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica in France. His mother was Letizia Romolino. Napoleon's father, Carlo Maria Buonaparte, was a Corsican lawyer and politician who briefly served as a personal assistant of the revolutionary leader Pasquale Paoli and eventually rose to become Corsica's representative to the court of Louis XVI.
    This is signifigant because Napoleon would later gon on to be a French military and political leader.
    Source: (Heuston 18)
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A mod formed a british sentry outside of the old state house and he was subjected to verbal abuse and had objects thrown at him. Eventually he was aided by eight other soldiers, who were also subjected to verbal abuse. The soldiers eventually felt threatened enough that they needed to defend themselves, and fierd into the crowd, killing 5.
    Thi event was a mojor contribution to the start of the Revoultionary war.
    Source: (1700-1799 World History)
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the Revolutionary War. About 700 British soldiers were sent to destroy military supplies in Concord. American militia was able to be rapidly warned of the incoming British soldiers and were able to hold off the British.
    This battle was the start of the revolutionary war, which led to the freedom of America
    Source: (1700-1799 World History)
  • Hawaii discovered

    Hawaii discovered
    Cpt. James Cook becomes the first European to discover the Hawaiian islands when he sails past the island of Oahu.Two days later, he landed at Waimea on the island of Kauai and named the island group the Sandwich Islands.
    The inhabitants of Hawaii brought on new religious ideaas as well as new medical remedies.
    Source: (1700-1799 World History)
  • Wins a Scholarship to a Military School

    Wins a Scholarship to a Military School
    At age 14, Napoleon decided on a military career and won a scholarship to a prestigeous military academy in Brienne. After 15 years of training he became captain of artillery during the seige of Toulon.
    This gave Napoleon the opportuinity to join the military and basically made him the person he was.
    Source: ( Heuston 25)
  • Bill Of rights Ratifeid

    Bill Of rights Ratifeid
    The amendments were introduced by James Madison.The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These limitations serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property.
    The Bill Of Rights are all the basic rights of American citizens, the bill of rights is still in use today.
    Source: (1700-1799 World History)
  • Defeats Royalists at Toulon

    Defeats Royalists at Toulon
    Napoleon got his forst taste of glory when he defeated the Royalists at Toulon. Napoleon was put in command of artillery during the battle and was able to hold off attacking forces.
    Napoleon gained the confidence a military leader needs during battle from his victory.
    Source: (Heuston 34)
  • Defeats Austrians in Italy

    Defeats Austrians in Italy
    As a young a relatively unknown commander, Napoleon was able to defaet a series of much larges Austrian forces, conquer most of Northern Italy and force the Austrians to negogitate a compromise. Apon returning to France Napoleon was seen as a military hero for his almost impossiblr victories.
    This made Napoleon a very widely know commander in the French army.
    Source: (Heuston 35)
  • Returns to France a Hero

    Returns to France a Hero
    After his victories in Italy and Egypt, Napoleon returned to France a well know military commander. The council of Ancients gave Napoleon a standing ovation upon his return and the streets were full of his admirers. Napoleon Bonaparte was the most widely name know in france.
    Napoleon made a name for himself as a great military commander and was know for his brave but smart military tactics
    Source: (Heuston 40)
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    828,000 miles of what France claimed Louisiana was sold to America for 50 million Francs, the equivilant to $11,250,000. That was a relitavely low price fro that much land The purchase greatly increased the size of the U.S and allowed people to move inward from the coast.
    The increased land greatly increased americas agricutural power, which had a great effect on the economy
    Source: (1700-1799 World History)
  • Haiti Declares Independence from France

    Haiti Declares Independence from France
    The Haitian Revolution was a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Dominique. The revolt was one of two rebellions, along with the American Revolution, to achieve permanent independence from a European colonial power for an American state before the 19th century.
    The revolt in Haiti freed all slaves in Haiti and allowed a government to be set up
    Source: (1700-1799 Wrold History)
  • Crowns Himself Emperor of France

    Crowns Himself Emperor of France
    In Notre Dame, Napoleon took a blessed crown from the pope. Napoleon was supposed to claim that all authority came from God, but instead he took the crown from the Pope, stood up and placed it on his own head.
    This made Napoleon emperor of France
    Source: (McGuire 24)
  • Marries Marie-Louise of Austria

    Marries Marie-Louise of Austria
    Marie-Louise was the second wife of Napoleon. She mothered the son of Napoleon, Napoleon II. While Napoleon was exiled to Elba, she gave somewhat of voice of Napoleons opinion in political matters and she took care of their son.
    If Napoleon had never married Marie-Louise the Napoleon II would of never gone onto be Duke of Reichstadt
    Source: (Heuston 46)
  • Exiled to Elba

    Exiled to Elba
    After Napoleons failed a Russian invasion, he was exiled to Elba, 12 miles off the coast of Italy. People feared Napoleon and didnt want him having control of the military after the failed the invasion. Napoleon craved power and wouldnt stop trying to conquer other countries.
    Napoleon faced his largest causalty count in his military career with his failed invasion and was punished for it.
    Source: (Heuston 48)
  • Exiled to ST. Helena

    Exiled to ST. Helena
    After escaping his island exile and returned to Paris, where he regained supporters and reclaimed his emperor title, Napoleon I, in a period known as the Hundred Days. However, in June 1815, he was defeated at the bloody Battle of Waterloo.
    Napoleon was defeated in his last military battle and was now permenantly exiled.
    Source: (Heuston 50)
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    At the age of 51, Napoleon died on the St. Helena after he was exiled by the british. The cause of death was stomache cancer. Napoleon spent 3 days on his deathbeed before he died and reapedely asked for his wife, Marie Louise.
    This is signifigant because this marked the end of the emperor of Frances life.
    Source: (Heuston 51)