My voice

My Voice

  • Independent

    *Personality Type Survey:What do you need for a career to be satisfying?
    Should involve helping people in real, and practical ways.
    Be done in a supportive, friendly, and tension-free enviroment.
    Preferably uoi spend time outdoors, and get some physical excercise.
  • Motivation

    *Learning Style Inventory:
    Your preferences for specifics are in green. List some of those items with a strong preference. What do you need in a learning environment to be successful?
    Prefers a cool enviroment. prefers learning with peers. prefers visual learning, and it says I have low motivation, but I feel like that's how I used to feel. I have a lot of motivation to get this all done.
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends
    Who do you talk to about your dreams and needs?
    I talk to my mom and my aunt a lot, especially about the future and what jobs I want to do when I’m older and my dreams.
  • Goals

    Why is it important to talk about things?

    It’s important to talk about things, it helps people understand your goals.
  • "To Kill a Mockingbird"

    "To Kill a Mockingbird"
    *Who can you relate to that you have read about in any course, or heard about through Road Trip Nation? How do you relate?

    I can definitely relate to Jem In To kill a mockingbird. He was very adventurous, and level headed. He knew what was right, and he did what was right.